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  1. Nope no way . big bass always on the North side.
  2. In Florida I have always noticed that the first major amount of a warm rain in Dec. Jan. and Feb., followed by a warm front and a extended warm stable weather pattern for more than a week triggers the big bass to spawn. Bass do not all spawn at once in the south and in fact most fish will spawn several times a year in Florida , if conditions permit it. A good rule of thumb is to average the low air temps, in the area that you live in and keep notes as to when the spawn starts or fish in your area become more active. Then look for a forecasted approaching warm spell that is forecasted in your area. Noaa has past weather data and it is easy to graph low air temps. A 30 day chart works well. The middle of the lake water temps. can be very misleading as to spawn temps. and times of the spawn. It is a must to pay attention to the shallows because that is where the spawn takes place. The shallows both warm and cool quickly prespawn . Warmer than average temps, with overcast nights hold the heat best in the shallows and are a good clue to look for the spawn to take place. Sitting and watching an area on a calm day instead of fishing it can put you on to a prime spot. Just because there are tons of fish in an area does not mean they will bite well at times, but in time in your area you will learn what to use and how to use it.
  3. 15.92 13.38 12.98
  4. I just let the customer decide if he wants me to fish or not. I get a bigger kick out of seeing folks I guide for catching fish than if I catch them. Besides then I can focus on boat controll and I can rig up another rod with a different bait so it is ready when they need it.
  5. Avid, The No fish No pay means for the client to catch a legal size bass on artificial bait. Although I have never held anyone to that deal if they catch 3 or 4 small bass and I felt it was just one of those days the fish were not hitting I do not charge them, and I offer for them to fish the next day I have open. I would rather have them as a repeat customer than just take their money. If the weather cuts the day short I let the customer decide what to do. Either pay a part day or come back to fish again. Not all guides are just in the business for the money, some of us just love to fish and to teach others to learn to fish better and show folks some of the awesome fishing and lakes and rivers we have here in Florida. If there is anything more I can do to make guiding trips better and more enjoyable for folks feel free to let me know.
  6. I've been guiding in Florida for 20 years and a good guide needs to do only 3 things. 1) Find the fish. 2) Get the folks with you catching the fish. 3) Always come back to the dock with the same number of people you left with. And all my trips are , No fish No pay.
  7. I fished a point the other day that was full of bass and they were all in a coma !
  8. Best way to save a gut hooked fish is to bend the barb down on the hook or grind it off, then you can slip the hook out with a dehooker stick or go through the gill opening and the hook will slip out with very little damage to the fish. The main thing is to get the fish back into the water as fast as possible. A wound in a fish plus lack of oxygen just decreases the chance of the fish living. Leaving the hook in a fish is pretty much old school of thought now a days because of infections in the wound of the fish that can be spread to other fish as it slowly dies. If you ever had a splinter in your hand and did not remove it as it became infected , you have a pretty good idea what can happen to a fish with the hook left in. The warmer the water , the more likely infections are to happen. If there is a question with a legal fish living just put it in the live well for an hour and watch to see if it is ok then release it. You will be suprised how many fish look ok at first only to die an hour later.
  9. Just eat it raw
  10. http://local.live.com/default.aspx?v=2&cp=34.285831~-83.996092&style=h&lvl=11&scene=1894953
  11. And the colors red green blue indigo and violent only refer to the human visible light spectrum , there are many other colors that other animals can see on each side of the spectrum that humans can not see.
  12. You only see the colors that are reflected from an object, all other colors are absorbed, black absorbs all colors white reflects all colors , so all colors are there. Bass do not see the same as humans. And why is white and black colors on all paint color charts if it is not a color?
  13. Black and White are colors also.
  14. We'll never really know for sure till we talk to a fish.
  15. There are many different types of color blindness in all animals , some can only see black/white/gray some just red/green . But all can see shades of any color even if not the color itself. Many humans are red/green yellow color blind and do not know it, if you do not believe this to be true just watch the number of traffic lites people run ! Case closed !
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