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About robe0531

  • Birthday 05/31/1975

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    new bedford ma

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Fry (1/9)



  1. great thanks for your help guys
  2. i went looking for batteries for my trolling motor the other day and came across batteries and then deep cell batteries i was told to use deep cycle batteries for trolling what is the difference in a trolling battery or a deep cycle battery are the the same
  3. i had a few rivites leaking on my boat and i used an item from cabelas that is made to fix the leaks around rivits and small holes it worked great cost about 6 bucks i have not had a problem with it at all the stuff flexes with the boat and can be painted here is the link for it at cabelas http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jsp?id=0001390010655a&type=product&cmCat=search&returnPage=search-results1.jsp&QueryText=boat+patch&N=4887&Ntk=Products&Ntx=mode+matchall&Nty=1&Ntt=boat+patch&noImage=0 give it a shot worked great for me and can save big money on a welder
  4. Walmart sells some stuff that is like jb-weld but it is for aluminum i used this product last year on a small hole in my joh-boat and it has been fine ever since
  5. sorry if this is wrong place to post this has anyone ever used the to-ho rig live well from cabelas if so how did you like it and would you suggest me to buy one thanks here is a link to it at cabelas http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat21276&id=0002747011637a&navCount=1&podId=0002747&parentId=cat21306&navAction=push&catalogCode=IG&rid=&parentType=index&indexId=cat21306&hasJS=true
  6. you can use regualr plywood what i did was use regular plywood then i put topson water seal on it then i coated it wirh fiber glass resign and it is holding up real good had same wood on there for 2 years now and no problem cut and drill all your holes first though
  7. i just did my jon boat like the one on the site i took it out once for a test run before every thing iced up but it went very well i was very happy with it cant wait to get out there when all the ice is gone
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