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About xxjoker122

  • Birthday 03/03/1991

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    new jersey
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    pompton river, , monksvile,passic river, greenwood lake, pompton lake, Atlantic ocean,lake Okeechobee, falcon lake, lake hopackong, bud lake, pines lake, Erskine lake, lake Erie

xxjoker122's Achievements


Minnow (2/9)



  1. thank you
  2. locate the bed, then throw a 6 inch senko wacky rigged ,and just leave it there in the water like ur catfishing, he or she will hit it over time to clear the bed. Right now is the best time in jersey to catch the big ones, fish shallow water
  3. im fishing in northern nj,these fish were caught in monksvile reservoir
  4. Thanks everyone words cant describe how happy i am, fish of a lifetime here in nj
  5. Thank you Darren, what a fight they were!
  6. Caught both these fish in one night about an hour apart from each other.The big one was caught around 7 30pm off a silver and black husky jerk, he was in about 5 feet of water and i was fishing on the shore.Fish #2 was caught off a yellow and black top water original spook about 60 feet out in deep water with heavy veg. All these fish were caught in northern nj.
  7. I caught about 40 bass this season so far but nothing over 3 pounds.Had a 20+pound pike Monday but lost it a foot away, never using mono again.
  8. I just received my Sustain fg 3000 in the mail today,and i just want to know if i should direct connect the braid without backing or go ahead and use mono backing/tape?
  9. It was just a random river that feed into multiple lakes,it was stocked with thousands of them, so much you could grab them out of the water.I don't really think you can catch them unless you know a spot where they are stocked.Also i wouldn't put multiple shiners on one hook even though i caught my pb like that because i think luck had more to do with it then the setup i was using.When ever i use live bait i usually go to my local tackle shop and get 2 dozen large shiners and that usually gets me some big fish.Using live bait is alot about luck and placement of the bait you are throwing, you really have no control what it does.
  10. haha my pb bass 9lb 2ozs was caught when i was 8 years old, on a lake 400 feet away from my house.There was a river on the side of the lake which that year they stocked with thousands of shiners, i took about 4 shiners and put them all on the biggest hook i had. shortly after i threw them out , i caught my PB. Never got a picture which haunts me a lot, back then cameras were not available to us like they are today.
  11. wacky rigging is my main weapon, i use a octopus hook and yamamoto senkos.I prefer to keep my line tight then loose. 90% of your hits are going to be on the fall.The way i fish it is easy, i cast it out then give it a couple of jigs before it hits the bottom,once it hits the bottom i let it sit for a couple of seconds then repeat the process. I use a 6'6 gloomis jig rod, medium power, fast action.you will get snagged alot, and you will spend a lot of money on senkos.Some people will put o rings in the middle of the worm to help save the worm from ripping, i prefer not to do this. Bigger the worm bigger the fish, i prefer to use a 6inch senko.
  12. I am just asking because a friend of mine says swim baits and i said jigs, so far jigs are winning
  13. In your opinion what is the best lure to target the monsters "bass over 6 pounds"?
  14. just ordered a sustain fg3000 from bps, hopefully its packaged better then the rod i got
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