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Everything posted by supermanct

  1. Planning a trip in early April 2020 to Merrimac NH. I want to fish for smallies on the Merrimac River. Any tips or sections to float? I fished Horseshoe pond when i was little but want to get in the river.
  2. Im guessing the sandy bottom to the river i was fishing is to blame. This was taken a few years ago. I was going threw some pics and stopped and said i think this is a smallmouth .
  3. Checking if anyone fishes these lures in Va or NC ? If so what colors on which rivers?
  4. What is the optimal water level I have been watching noaa james river at Richmond?
  5. i have never fished the James. Would i be able to launch my boat (Gheenoe) with 9.9 at the Watkins ramp ? Is the smallmouth fishing good in that stretch? Thanks!
  6. nice fish im gunna say 3.12
  7. raccoon perch is a yellow perch the bowfin put up a awsome fight they are strong fish, alot of folks dont like to catchem
  8. Went out this morning with may dad we had a good day 9 bass, 1 bowfin, 1 racoon perch, 15+ bream.We fished a section of the river that we havent fished in years. REBEL pop r's were hot .
  9. these bass were caught in the same gut 20 yards apart. 1 goldish, 1 spotted up
  10. Fished today with my dad, we fished some fast shallow water 6 bass all small was hoping for smallmouth, 1 red eye, 20+ bream .Caught the bass on strike king bitsy jig/rage tail chunks and rebel crawfish cranks. We had a blast.
  11. awsome, i love big girls !!!! i use the rage craw chunks on all my football jigs.
  12. Went out to the river fished a few hours . After heavy rains the night before the river was in good shape.Caught 7 bass lots of bream.The boys had a blast it was my 2 year olds first real fishing trip.
  13. we put in at 9am fished till 2pm we landed 10 bass , lost a few . good day
  14. ok guys I fish with mono on every reel. What type of leader should i use when jiggin. I lost 4 jigs today due to big bowfin. thanks
  15. Took the new set up out . Did very good, no issues at all . I pulled in 5 bass & 1 Bowfin jiggin a Rage Craw. This is a $100 combo well worth the money.
  16. nice color looks like a shallow diver/floater , dig up some rebel fastrac shads or shad jr's for me $$$$
  17. bass only , it has alot of the same features of the more $$$ shimono line . Anyone on here have a review on it ??? good bad
  18. I picked one up from DICK'S $29.99 . Whats the deal ????
  19. My son and I went fishing this AM. We managed a few bass ,3 crappie,1 raccon perch, 20 bream and a 24" bowfin. My son did a great job with the net.
  20. what rod do you use for crankin med depth crainkbaits??
  21. Hello, my name is Chris im 32 and from Courtland Va . I fish with my 7 year old son (in the pic) in the Nottoway river and the Blackwater most of the time.I enjoy fishing the shallow water in my Gheenoe Classic .Bass and Bream are 95% of the catch .My 7 year old uses a zebco 33 and has been fishing out of the back seat since he was 4 ( i can do it dad) is his favorite phrase. Thanks,Chris
  22. Awsome I have a favorite PM sent
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