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    <p>Southern Mississippi</p>

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  1. I've had a BPS rod replaced at one of the stores with no questions asked. But It was only like 8 months after the purchase. Most all of my current BPS purchases are online. The closet store to me right now is 3 hours away. The good news is that there is one under construction about 40 minutes from me. Can't wait until they get it open..
  2. Sorry! I just realized that it was Fish Tank that made the comparison to be between and Avid and Primier. Anyway, I'm probably going to order me one.
  3. I've lived a sheltered life this far when it comes to bass fishing. I've fished saltwater and offshore for 25+ years, but just started bas fishing about 3 years ago. The only rods that I have fished are BPS rods, with the exception of a Berkley Lightning rod that I have a spinning reel on. I bought my first rod as a combo from Bass Pro ( a bionic blade with a Abu garcia D5) mainly due to the savings offered y purchasing the combo. I had good experience with it, and eventually pruchased a couple of BPS Pro Qualifier rods and later purchased a couple of the BPS Pro Finesse rods. I've been pleased with all of them, my favorite being the Pro Finesse. I would expect that the Johnny Morris Elite rod will be better than any of my currrent rods, but I've never fished with one, nor have I ever fished with a GLoomis, etc... I'm looking to get the best bang for my buck, and it seems like acquiring one for $130 may be best. Dodeguy compared the Sig Series to be between the St. Croix Avid and the Premier. This being the Elite series, it might be more sensative than the Sig Series, I don't know... I haven't prices the St Croixs yet. Guess I'll check them out as well before I make a purchase. Any other suggestions for comparible quality and value? I'm on a limited budget. Have a wife, 2kids, and THIRD on the way! And YES, I have figured out what causes that! : Thanks everone for responding.
  4. Bass Pro currently has thier Johnny Morris Elite Series on sale for $129.99, and thier Johnny Morris Signature Series on sale for $119.88. And free shipping for the next few days on orders over $99 (excluding the $6 extra shipping fee). Has anyone had any experiences with either of these rods? I own 2 of the BPS proqualifiers and 2 of the BPS Pro Finesse rods, and love them. I would imagine that I'll like these as well, but just want to get some quick opinions.. I personally love the "powerhump" handles, so that's a plus. And the elite series has the Recoil nickel-titanium alloy guides. Anyone have experience with this kind of guide? It doesn't look as good to me as the regular eyes, but it's supposed to be better. All responses appreciated. I need to but 3 more rods, if my budget allows it. I'm seriously considering one of these...
  5. I've nothing but good service from the BPS i've visited. But I did experience something over the weekend that will definitely keep my guard up. They were advertising this BPS Pro Qualifier Limited edition series combo on sale from $169 for only $69!! I have owned a Pro Qualifer combo for a bout a year now, and have been very pleased with it. When I got in the store, I decided that I would get me another one at that price. That's when I noticed the difference. The 6'6'' rod only had 7 eyes on it. It didn't look near the quality of my old pro qualifier. I even when and got one of the the regular pro qualifer rods to compare. DEFINITELY A BIG DIFFERENCE IN QUALITY!! Now if I had purchased the combo, then later noticed the difference, I would had felt like I had been cheated. Guess it pays to check things out reel good before purchase. Funny thing is, I seen several people purchasing them, some getting two or three of them.
  6. MY FAVORITE ROD IS THE BPS PRO FINESSE! I have two. I prefer the 6.5' ML action one. Awesome rod for the price. Just noticed that you were talking about the reel : I have owned one for over a year now. Great reel. I've had no problems with it. It was my favorite until I got me one of the new Abu Garcia REVO's SX and STX's. Much better reel. has 11 ball bears. All 3 reels are great for casting light lures.. And all 3 have a small profile, making it easy and comfortable to palm. The REVO's have like 24 lbs of drag. I can't recall what the pro finesse is.
  7. I've had decent luck with them when the bite was hard to come by. I have been able to find them at my local Walmart, but only in the JUNEBUG color. I've fished them Texas-rigged, and produced the only two fish of the day for my fishing party. Not to bad either, one was just under 22 inches, other was nearly 23 inches. Was only able to keep the second one due to a 18"-22" slot. :'(
  8. Thanks for all responses and such great advice. Hopefully I'll get plenty of practice soon, although bass fishing has been pretty slow down here, for just about everyone I've talked to..
  9. Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations on landing nets for bass fishing. I'm looking for something thats stowable. The stowmaster net looks pretty impressive. Any one using these? Open for any suggestions.
  10. I'm hoping to be the new owner of a 1998 Trition 186 TR. Just wondering if anyone has any recommendations on financing via online brokers.. About the best rate I can get for a 1998 boat locally is 10% for 42 months. Any suggestions??
  11. Abu Garcia D6 5600.. I've never fished with a low-profile baitcaster.. How do they compare to round baitcasters??
  12. 7lb, 7oz, on a StrikeKing Midnight Special spinnerbait. I'm new to bass fishing, so this was actually my first spinnerbait to produce fish. First afternoon of use, I caught 3 bass in 30minutes, averaging around 3lbs
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