Went fishing in my canoe, this is like the 10th time trying consecutively. finally found a launch to just kick off way down an arm from the main lake, it was a small little channel where bigger boats couldn't, or more likely didn't want to attempt to go down. around 6pm fish started hitting the top of the water and little fish were jumping out of the water from what i thought were bigger fish trying to eat them. i thought for sure i was going to hook into something, ANYTHING. i threw little crankbaits, bigger crankbaits, a jig for a short period, a drop shot. everything except a spinner and a topwater because i didn't have one. idk if other fish besides bass hit topwater?? maybe thats why i didnt catch anything but seriously any tips would be seriously appreciated. we were in about 14-25 feet of water. water temp was 51 degrees and there was grass on the bottom, not really thick stuff but still.