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Everything posted by AvidAngler

  1. thanks for the tips, i wish i had a spook lol, never had an opportunity to throw one until then really. but i just went to bass pro and got a bunch of new tricks. goin back out today hopefully ill get something.
  2. Went fishing in my canoe, this is like the 10th time trying consecutively. finally found a launch to just kick off way down an arm from the main lake, it was a small little channel where bigger boats couldn't, or more likely didn't want to attempt to go down. around 6pm fish started hitting the top of the water and little fish were jumping out of the water from what i thought were bigger fish trying to eat them. i thought for sure i was going to hook into something, ANYTHING. i threw little crankbaits, bigger crankbaits, a jig for a short period, a drop shot. everything except a spinner and a topwater because i didn't have one. idk if other fish besides bass hit topwater?? maybe thats why i didnt catch anything but seriously any tips would be seriously appreciated. we were in about 14-25 feet of water. water temp was 51 degrees and there was grass on the bottom, not really thick stuff but still.
  3. Anyone fishing in Folsom lake california? could definitely use some tips, starting out very unproductive so far.
  4. I recently bought an A rig at a local fish store and i was wondering when to use it? or if it even works? i just put on 5 pre made white swim baits i bought from walmart, its heavy to cast but it looks like it would be appealing. has anyone caught fish with it yet?
  5. i have a very cheap fishfinder. its a 170 by piranna or something like that. dual beam. but its very simple. that helped a lot though thank you. i guess a good chunk of it is just learning the lake too. im sure ill catch some fish in good time. and ill try to figure out where they spawn but i have no idea where to start. all i know is the lake has two forks that connect to biggish streams.
  6. So recently ive purchased a canoe and have been fishing in a lake thats right across from my house. Ive been out multiple times without any luck finding fish. ive been searching for underwater structure and cover but there almost isnt any. also when i go deep into 45-60ft of water, there are fish everywhere. but on every guide/tip/help thread i read, it says to fish in 10-15 ft of water. why would i fish in 10-15 ft of water where fish aren't being found. and if i do try to fish the bass in 45-65ft of water, what bait and tackle should i be using? how heavy should my jigs and drop shots or should i even be using jigs and drop shots since its practically april. any help would be much appreciated.
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