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Everything posted by GeneinTX

  1. I would highly recommend checking the lake level for that body of water. I went in the fall and it was nearly drained. All of the hydrilla ws sevrely matted and it was extremely hard to fish. I had been waiting for a chance to get there but it did not work out well. I just checked the level and it has continued to drop since Oct. when I went (more than 3 feet). You will need to plan which ramp to use since I had trouble boating across the lake. Good luck and let me know how it goes!
  2. Leaving on Tuesday morning.....anything???
  3. I am planning a 2 day trip to OH Ivie in October. Any advice for a first timer?
  4. Freshwater Drum.
  5. I sored a fiberglass rod with a big bend in it and it caused a permanent curve in the rod. Graphite, never.
  6. Matt said it..... Colorado Bend for me this year! Can't wait.
  7. 21yrs Army...... retired in 2005.
  8. I go out 1 hour before sunset and am off the lake by 10 AM if I fish the mornings. Acclimation is really the key, but hot is hot! This year has been murder but the fish are still good.
  9. Cliff, I have been wanting to fish this lake for some time. Maybe when I get back from Florida we can make a road trip? Gas is cheap these days!!! Let me know. I get back in January. Gene
  10. Thanks for the advice guys. I will start there!
  11. Thanks for the advice. His website has many options for locations. I am after a trophy, any ideas for the best place for a biggun?
  12. I will be in Daytona Beach over the weekend of 3-4 Jan. I will have a car and can come up with some gear. I would like a guide near Orlando. Any recommendations? If noit what about St. Johns River near there? Thanks!
  13. Another little known fact is that you need not actually stock anything. By putting bird seed on the edge of the pond, fish eggs will be carried from other bodies of water on the legs and will fall into the newly filled pond. This will give the perfect mix of fish for your area and also provide you with more viable genes because they will be the ones that stick better. I believe that this was the approach used when stocking Alan Henry.
  14. I said 5000, now I can't disappoint myself.
  15. Dave Ramsey has free podcasts on itunes. He gives very good advice. One thing that he always recommends is a few months of operating cost to keep you afloat if things go wrong. I have added to my buffer with the economy the way it is. I don't know what field you are planning on after graduation but stop and think about the prospects are in the near term for your field. This should give you an idea of what you need as far as savings goes. Your tax basis should decide whether you need a tax right off. This is usually not beneficial to anyone and usually cost you in the long run. everyone wants to pay less tax but if you are paying more money than you are saving from the tax incentive then you are gettting no where. if you listen to Dave Ramsey he will explain this once a week to someone. I would recommend getting enough money into a money market that has a decnt rate for your emergency funds and then get rid of that loan and get debt free ASAP!
  16. The more I learn about proper management of a lake, the more I know that we must harvest some bass from a body of water. Selective harvest is the key. I my home lakes I keep whites, hybrids and a few LM bass. Your state DNR is banking on people keeping bass from the lake. That is how management works. As you fish your lake you will see the size that needs to be removed from your lake. This will improve the overall catch even in a small body of water that is stocked. My home lake is inundated with 12" bass this year. Next year we will have to take some 15"s out to grow a healthy population of larger fish in future years. Let the big ones go, based on the norm for your body of water. Mortality of hooked fish is another factor; keep them.
  17. Sounds like you got the gout. It almost always manifests itself in the right toe joint. They can give you some drugs to get it to go away but you will always be suseptable. I had it many times and thought it was a stone bruise, but it kept coming back. I ended up having to haev surgery on my toe joint. I couldn't fish for a month! Beer is also a major culprit. Not whiskey or any other liquor, just beer. It can be controlled with drugs. Good luck!
  18. Hello, I am in Germany from now until 20 Dec. If there are any oppurtunies for some European fishing let me know. thanks, Gene
  19. My wife keeps mine and uses them in scrapbooks. They look cool and keep a tab on the years. I f you catch more fish than me than you may have a whole book for your exploits!! :
  20. What I wonder about is whether it is a privately stocked tank that someone has put something into or if it is accessible. If it is stocked I think the land owner has rights which need to be protected. I supect that this may be the case.
  21. Good thread this could get good. That bottom pic shows some good fresh grass.... should pull something in. Keep them coming.
  22. I have always wanted to catch one myself. Now we ahve a native species that is a problem? Strange.
  23. I will be working in Daytona for 2 weeks in October. Any suggestions? I ahve no idea about the area and any info would be great! Thanks in advance!
  24. Making a little profit form a sale is the American way.... the bad service is not.
  25. MSG AL, Maybe you should send them a link to this post.... it may inspire them to do the right thing!
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