I lived in a city that was big in crime and no one messed with my truck but you can always get one of them Hi-Tech alarms for you truck they are about $300 and do all kinds of stuff.
I had one the only thing I can complain on is it being a 2 Piece rod. They can come apart from a to hard of a cast but other than that it was perfect for me.
Like everyone says set sooner and keep line tight. But if it still gets stuck use needle nose pliers, if you don't have pliers stick your finger in the round of the hook without stabbing yourself and push down it has always worked for me.
I have fished and won most of my tournaments from the back of the boat. Just because you are on the back does not mean you are in a bad spot. Just look for the structures that hold bass there could still be fish there even if the person on the front has caught some or not just because they fished the spot does not mean there is no fish.
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