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Everything posted by MCS

  1. Here is my rig. Scorpion XT 1000 on a 6-9 mh veracity Good stout and sensative plastic setup.
  2. Cool thanks for the info and offer. I actually have the scorpion for my general plastics rod. The brenious would actually go on my jerkbait rod or I may switch it around...but I am looking into a second reel. And for 180 TMD the brenious is a cost friendly shallow spool solution versus a scorpion at 150 plus a 100 spool. Plus the scorpion and the brenious are both salt rated which is nice here.....I have read the aluminum 50s are preferred by some.....so before I got the scorpion I was set on an alphas SV but price and availability were its down fall. How'd you like the pixy or alphas for cast lighter weights? Like 1/4 jerks or light t-rigs. Again thanks for the info
  3. Sweet reels man......What type of line you running on those reels you throw the jerkbaits on? ?.......Just picked up a scorpion xt after yrs of hate lol. don't dig the new style reels but the BFS xg and limited are sweet so are the mg/mg7s.....You have any insight on the brenious? I love the 50 frame
  4. I had the trifecta of dortmund, firing line and frosted and I will keep those. I would have loved to see frosted here but even more so at belmont, too bad went too wide at derby as the motor was just getting going. Pharoh start is everything, if the derby played out at pimlico we might have a different winner because pharoh was behind til the final furlong. I say if paroh isn't in front out the gate or runs another slow to start race, it ain't gonna take it. if I was betting money is on dortmund to win, firing line to place....
  5. Bay meadows and hampton landing drive
  6. What? C'mon Lou you don't know PSRP. Surely I talked about it when we fished, it was a parsons project I had the pleasure of working on. I just bustin your chops buddy....I can tell you more if you want....
  7. If your not worried about the color or look of the reel being the arachnid. Then I would look for a tatula or tatula type r as they can be for from 100-150 right now new in box by some retailers. check out reds gear.
  8. ^^This for me as well. I use braid though. Length wise I like 7'-3 to 7'-9
  9. You can just head to your local pet shop pretty popular with the cichlid folks
  10. Got family in Starr....was planning on it....but life has other plans.....baby due Feb 14.
  11. Check your in box bud.
  12. Check out solar bat they have some reasonable stuff around 70-100 bucks....Also picking glasses eventhough they may not fit the budget, costa and solar bat have so good info on selecting a lense color. For fresh water I recommend a copper/amber with a green mirror. I used the strike king, they were decent. But I do have a pair of costa now and you can tell the difference.
  13. Prayers going out to her and the family. Hope all is well.
  14. I have the older model exceler, similar to the trillionare, aggrest...etc. I wouldn't hesitiate to buy a prodigy if I needed another reel. Now I am curious does daiwa only engineer Cabela's reels, do they(daiwa) have a hand in the rods too?
  15. If you are looking at dobyns here is my take. For those weights I used a champion 734 down here in fl. I throw trigs, 1/2 spinnerbaits and pitch 3/8 to 1/2 oz plastics mainly with a flipping weight sometimes with a jig. The 734 has a nice fast tip with some flex. I also have a CW 735, use it for frogs. I don't quite like the xfast tip for much else. I don't fish hard bottom or jigs which this rod probably excels at. Pitching and such is as not good for me with this rod. I much prefer the 734 especially for the 3/8 to 1/2. I say this to point out the styles of the two tapers are different. If your really just flipping/pitching the champ series has a 765 mh flipping stick with a fast tip. I will be seeking this out next to replace my 735.
  16. Tampa and St. Pete. ain't the greatest bass fishing area. Now if you want some winter trout then thats a good spot as any. But plan on traveling to lakeland or orlando area to get into good bass. You looking to haul the lund or hire a guide? And like snook said, weather is variable. end of Dec. ain't too cold but you could be highs of 50s or 70s you don't know. I don't know about texas except its full of steers and..............some big bass lakes these days so I hear
  17. Congrats, Lou texted me the pics last night. lol I was waiting for you to post That is a great fish!!! And remember JUST ONE MORE CAST!
  18. Daaaang hawg tech Mike how big is that fish Robert is holding? And Luke has the game face on lol. I enjoy your reports, you should post at *** also. I recently slowed my gambler binge (fueled by you guys) and started throwing some missile baits and hung a 6 or 7 outta one of my more pressured ponds up here. Keep up the great fishing best of luck to y'all in the tourneys
  19. There been threads with info on pinellas as far as pond hopping. Not reposting. Will say u try the ponds at sawgrass off 62nd between 34 and 9 st.
  20. Guy on another forum got one, he likes his alot. I dunno if he is on this forum or not. Daiwa has made pretty decent rods through all price ranges over the years. Another friend of mine has some of the old Team Daiwa from the 90's and got a T series as they were on clearence to make way for the S.
  21. The old version of the daiwa exceler with mag force z paid 49 and 53 they are great reels
  22. X3 734 is the rod you want. It is a is great all around rod, perfect for mederate cover. IMHO A 733 would be a very light 1/16-1/8 oz to no weight trigs, top waters like pop-r....734 all the way man, spinnerbaits (3/8 to 1/2 are perfection)bigger topwater to trigs and jigs from 1/4 to 3/4 oz weights.
  23. Cool I will check them out next time I am in the store. Thank you
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