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Everything posted by MCS

  1. Berkley leeches on a slip float rigg with w bright colored jig head or circle hook.
  2. Rapala just came out with a new smaller version of the floater for 5.99 supposed to be for ultra light applications for perch and bluegills. Tinking about picking up some for my son. But u can also use Manns makes a little crank like hard bait. Rebel makes the wee series, they also have a good line of small craws and grasshopper baits that work too. Is there any red ears down here in Fl? I used to get the big ones on night crawlers and a split shot.
  3. The ramp in front Royal to the low water bridge is pretty deep (great for the catfish by the dam in front royal), the part from the low water down to route 50 ramp is also fairly deep. This is the area that they stocked the muskies in. Last year I heard a guy got a 42 inch muskie above the low water bridge. If you could I would enter at the low water bridge and float down from there it has some good pockets for smallies and cats.. Have you ever been to watermelon park? It has the reputation of being a hang out to the local fruit pickers and sometimes it can be full of trash(as can the rte 50 ramp). We did a camping trip on the Potomac last June, Left out of Brunswick and went up to some islands accross from knoxville. The whole bank from Harpers Ferry to Dickerson is C&O Canal Park. you can camp on the islands or the bank on the MD side. Caught a ton of Smallies on jigs, live shiners, and rapalas(blue/silver). Picked the C/O and some creeks for helgramites, the catfish loved them, We even got one walleye on a rapala(rainbow trout).
  4. Talapia are in Fl too, they are a cichlid as well. All the larger cichlids you can catch in Fl are decent to eat, it is also erged by Florida fish and wildlife to not release the invasive species, so grill away LOL
  5. **** I have order there twice, very fast shipping, email tracking but most of all great selection. The frist time I got some bomber and diawa jerk baits, the diawa bait for 6.99 run true out of the box. for the price it is hard to beat the quality! and the second order was Grande Bass rattle snakes and mega tail n some owner hooks. I have yet to use them just got them Monday. *** is overrated in my opinion, they lack selection.
  6. I fished one of the Disney fishing excursions out of the Yacht Club resort. It was a little pricey but my wife got it for me and my oldest son. Think it was like $250 plus you get a bass master membership and all the sodas you can drink. lol... The place is loaded, they stocked the lakes and canals back in the 70's and did not fish it for something like 15 yrs. It is catch and release only, my son and I did a 2 hour excursion, used live shiners and circle hooks, we took in about 15 total with a 6 pounder being the largest and most were a decent 2 or 3 pounds. you can pay to fish at Port Orleans and Wilderness lodge, cane pole and worms like 5 bucks an hour. but you are allowed to fish the canals, I hear there is a decent spot at a canal near the wilderness camp grounds. The guide told me the retention ponds everywhere hold fish. His biggest was a 9 pounder out of a stormwater pond. They love platic worms or creatures, black, blue, june bug, red from what I have seen and heard. Just moved to Jacksonville and the neighbors buddy in west palm got a 12 pounder on a 8 inch worm, think it was June bug or a dark blue/purple. I haven't been out around Jax yet, this weekend will be my first trip out, but I hear the same around here..... anywhere has some bass in it. There are a lot of guides/excursions if you get the time and money to Toho or other famous are lakes from what I saw they run around 300-400 for the half day.
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