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MCS last won the day on November 1 2013

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About MCS

  • Birthday 04/15/1981

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewheres in Clay County
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Have lots of favorite spots
  • Other Interests
    knives, running

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Community Answers

  1. Tampa bypass canals, there are access via parks or parking lot under overpasses, use google earth. Search youtube for content, good fish in there, feb should be right in pre spawn/spawn. And congrats on grandson getting a look. As an O's fan hate to see him go to the yanks.
  2. Well, being from MD I know crofton and the patuxent well along with all what is stated. Living in Flordia for a number of years I can fill you in, the snakeheads in Fl are the bullseye, but I am sure they spawn the same, they have a big ball of a good number of fry they guard, they are small and can go through storm drains, small streams etc.......As far as florida is concerned, they don't really do any different or kill everything like they are said to.....Bass, gars and bowfin eat baby snakeheads as do birds and turtles. Gators eat bigger ones....But these are northerns here in ga same as MD, I think yeah they aren't good and hope they don't get prevelant here in GA. I am not sure there would be enough other animals to eat them. I also think they are more in the Potomac because it is a dirtier and slower water body. As far as they go in FL they are more in the canals and ponds in dirty slack water. I never really hear anyone landing them in the glades or O. You will though see folks catch more bowfin, oscars, myans and jaguars in the glades....
  3. https://georgiawildlife.com/invasive-snakehead-fish-caught-gwinnett-county?utm_campaign=&utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= The Georgia Department of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Resources Division recently confirmed the presence of the non-native northern snakehead fish (Channa argus) in Gwinnett County. This is the first documented occurrence of snakeheads in the wild in Georgia.
  4. I'll be moving to Savannah area in about a month....good info guys. Thanks.
  5. Scorpion XT 1000 is great. Buy a set of Hedge hog bearings from the Trap and it will do anything you want. You could also get a set of core 7 ratio gears, they are aluminium tho, if you want to speed things up, instead of the 7.7 brenious gears as another option. Perfect reel IMO.
  6. That's awesome man, I will admit my 10 yr will hold his Az. Mtn King but he would not pick up a wild snake like that. My oldest daughter loves to catch the frogs, toads and lizards.
  7. Ah you have to see the snake man. Besides mildly venomous in the herp world usually means it paralyses its prey, this case, tiny toads, crickets, worms... you know toads secretion would probably have a worse effect on a larger person. It's all relative and yes I agree, leave them alone. This instance I was checking the yard for the venomous species since I have little ones. I knew it wasn't a viper.... I actually thought it was a hatching yellow rat when I caught it.
  8. That area has ton's of ponds. You are fishing post spawn and in the beginning of the slowest time of year. Think of where and when fish would want to hide or feed in the hot ass summer. google earth is your friend and obey all "no fishing" signage....Now Go Do Work.
  9. Thanks man, how u been?
  10. Right! And these are grown men ......I know it's been a while Darren but since we are on the subject of snakes I caught a pretty cool one in the back yard a month or so back......A pine woods snake. Very beautiful little snake.Google it if you get the chance. Interesting enough they are finding out more and more colubrids with slight venom.
  11. Black and blue and candy bug, and junebug. Chatterbait, spinnerbait, jigs, worms, flip/pitch.
  12. Sorry for your loss. I have 5 little ones, I am praying for you and your family. I cannot imagine what your going through. God Bless
  13. I ve been busy myself and saw this lastnight. anyway I was just licking a spoon clean from the jar of page county 4h apple butter straight from the heritage festival. my oldest flew up for the cedar creek reinactment and that came home
  14. sorry to hear, praying for his family.
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