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Everything posted by jeffo21

  1. it may also be stamped or engraved so also feel for it
  2. look on the right pontoon in back should be a id tag there
  3. pack the bearings good then put some in the hub you dont have to fill it full of grease
  4. theres something wrong somewhere cause you shouldnt be replacing bearings that often
  5. have you ever replaced the bearing races or the hub seal? bearings should not have to be replaced that quickly.
  6. I have to of the Arid X rods and love them. I paired them with Lew's Tournament MB reels.
  7. you might also look at some of the Lew's combo's or a Daiwa Arid X rod and a Lew's LFS reel. the Daiwa Arid x rods are some great rods at their price.
  8. I had one of the bantam 3x boats in the mid late 90's the handles were a clear resin type handles and I think 1 1/2 around. They don't make these boats anymore. you might use a wooden closet rod as a handle. you would need to get one side started in and then keep pushing it in and then pop it into the other side and try to equal them up. hope this helps some.
  9. Glad you were able to find it.
  10. the id number should be on the right pontoon in the rear. as far as seats measure the floor and get a piece of plywood and water treat it and bolt a pedestal mount to it and go from there.
  11. give them a call. their customer service is the best. I bought an american hero reel for my daughter at a pawn shop and it had an issue I called and they said send it to them. They fixed the reel plus sent me some stuff free of charge.
  12. why you want to know? you gonna come rob me? Bahaha I have 2 Lews Tournament Pro's 2 Lews Tournament MB's 3 Lews LFS's
  13. LM have you looked at lews website? if its not there call lews service they would probably email you one. Those guys are very helpful
  14. I have 2 of the Lew's tournament Pro reels and love both of them smooth and quiet. I send mine to lews to be serviced and oiled once a year. They are great reels. I use mine for a little bit of everything from plastics to chatterbaits to cranks. Go somewhere that carries all 3 reels and get all of them in your hands and see which one feels the best to you.
  15. I have 2 LFS's 2 tournament MB's and 2 tournament Pro's love all of them never had any issues with any of them. I send them to lews and get them cleaned and serviced. mine are quiet and smooth
  16. no I dont stand very often so it should work out ok for me
  17. be putting a MK powerdrive on my 10 E soon be foot controlled then instead of always having to stop fishing and using my hand to steer.
  18. I carry everyday. I carry either a Glock 43 or my old 19. I carry cause I am a retired police officer. I dont want to be the one that could have been carrying to stop something. Even retired I feel I should do what I can.
  19. as others have said youtube videos and here on bass resource is a wealth of information. get you a good newer used aluminum bass boat. north texas would be a good spot then you can fish all over texas plus Oklahoma and arkansas and more
  20. I hae both Tournament MB's and Tournament Pro's. I like both a lot. I don't know anything about the new tournament MP's. Either would be a great real I like both. good luck
  21. I agree I have read the posting rules and saw no reason to lock the thread. as Schplurg said it would be nice to give a short explanation as to why.
  22. I use mine on smaller wildlife controlled lakes and municipal water supply lakes where no wakes are allowed.
  23. Who locks the threads? both threads that had anything to do with someone fishing in the wrong were locked? you can flag me if you want cause I don't have to be here. Do I like coming here yes but if your going to lock threads that give information on what to do not to sure I want to be here. As a 28 year veteran of Law Enforcement many people do not know to call a game ranger or a deputy when things that were they were describing happens. No one on either thread were overly aggressive about the posts on the threads.
  24. I got a 55lb thrust on mine now and love both trolling motor and boat. I love getting into little coves where the big boats cant go.
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