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Mountain Angler

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Everything posted by Mountain Angler

  1. Nope but they are awesome
  2. In my opinion ugly sticks are one of the best for catfish and you let them run with your bait man you have a fine setup
  3. Welcome to the forum
  4. Congrads man good for you
  5. Its for sun protection and also its cooler
  6. welcome to the forum
  7. Bait size helps alot the bigger the bait bigger the bait and that is uaually how it works but also it is whatever they are in the mood for too also panty hose works really well too for holding bait
  8. welcome to the forum
  9. I go with the lizards and work them nice and slow
  10. welcome to the forum
  11. Well chelsea is a boss team in england and they are legit man haha
  12. Its a brotherhood haha
  13. I live a hour or so from there. I use chicken liver, bluegill or sunfish, creek chubs, and horny head creek chubs, or anything thats rotten and stinks works good.
  14. welcome to the forum
  15. congrads on the good day man
  16. I agree mine was for a fun build now Im building it to a mean killing machine hahahaha
  17. you cant go wrong with the quantum
  18. They have this reward system in my state and if you catch a fish that is big enough in length or in weight you get a reward for it. Its basically rewarding you for catching big fish haha and thanks guys. His length was 34 inches and we didnt get a accurate weight around 15-20 pounds our scales were terrible off every time so that is up in the air aout weight, but he was a big catfish. Thank the LORD.
  19. Yes sir i do i Built this for about 400 dollars
  20. Awesome man good job and ive been breaking pb fish myself Thank the LORD.
  21. Well i caught another big fish Thank the LORD. I was catfishing and caught this bad boy and he broke the citation record for both weight and length. Thank the LORD.
  22. Good luck man and get out soon man
  23. welcome to the forum
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