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Everything posted by BuoyFrenchy

  2. I made a thread with a music video with a girl in it and it's gone. Its my 3rd deleted thread.. Why is this forum so strict, I go on so many other forums and this is BY FAR the most strict. y u mad
  3. >wants to wear leggings >finds pair in the house >puts them on >my moms leggings >I don't understand what you are you doing in those, are they mine??? >oh hai mom :3
  4. WAT IN THE... It ain't lettin' me post spidey pics thread backfire
  6. ^Hahaha yea man, I was just like
  7. MONTREAL CANADIENS.. oh wait go Preds, all the former habs
  8. The only thing wrong with this forum is you A. Need more members B. Need a forum called "Random" or Non-Fishing-Discussion.. Something along those lines.
  9. >implying we actually care you're leaving >implying you're never gonna come back >they always come back
  10. Me and my friends have a tradition and just yell "Fish On!!"
  11. Thanks man, could you message me the site? It was starred out.
  12. Yeah for sure man! Just cast my lure a bit beyond the schools of them, and bass are all over it. It's a massive feeding frenzy of basically every fish in my lake haha!
  13. Pics from yesterday.. From a golden Phoebe
  14. Wow. Just had this problem yesterday, huge schools of fish in the lake I live on, didn't know what they were.. Me and my friend caught 2 and they were shiners the size of your hand! So crazy, bass and pickeral must love those. Didn't know shiners were in schools either.
  15. Hahaha, good stuff!
  16. So I live on a lake in CT, small, private, not stocked. (I'm 16 live w/ parents) But i haven't fished in like 5 years except the last 3 days, the lake isn't that big, average size CT lake. I've been using a phoebe and been getting small (like 1-2 pound LMB) and a few pickeral.... What should I use for my lake? To catch the big bass? There are like 6-7 pounders in there... Where should I fish? Near the shore or in the middle? Pics of lake: thanks!
  17. Nice fish man, theres a few 6 pounders lurking in my lake in CT..
  18. d**n man! that's a huge fish. 1st post on this forum :]
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