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  • Gender
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    Parkersburg, WV
  • My PB
    Between 7-8 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Erie
  • Other Interests
    hunting golfing and drinking beer

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  1. any swimbait that looks like a pinfish will work
  2. Too many sharks for me to wade. Had a buddy have a bull shark take his stringer of trout from him. I can get my boat in 6 inches of water so no need to wade.
  3. I used to tie flies that look like fish pellets for stockers. They looked liked little brown rat droppings. I would slay them when no else was catching a thing. You have to think that is all they have eaten since they were hatched. When I would guide for wounded warriors if we were having a tough day I would go upstream and chuck trout food in the water and then put on that fly so they could catch some fish. It is cheating a little bit but to see those vets eyes when they landed their fish made all the difference. If you don't have a fly rod you can still do this by using a small bobber and drop the fly about three feet under the float.
  4. 3 to 4 inch paddle tail swimbaits are the ticket in sw florida i usually use mirror lure or doa baits in white silver
  5. A guy just got bit by a black tip down here the other day. I have been seeing a bunch of different sharks while I am out snook fishing lately. The Bull sharks and Hammer heads follow the tarpon. So from march starting where I am at up until about now there are plenty of sharks to be had. I am down around the Boca Grand pass. I do not fish for them but have buddies that do.
  6. The rod is not bad. I don't spend a bunch on rods down here as they get beat up pretty bad in the mangroves getting baits and fish out. That Rod would be all you would need for flounder and for 100 bucks you can usually find them for sell online.
  7. I use a medium heavy rod, various ones in a 7 foot model. For reels the penn battle reels in 3500 to 4000 size with 15 pound braid and 30 lb flouro leader is what I use 90 percent of the time. I have landed everything up to 100 lb tarpon with this set up.
  8. Here in Florida most of my setups are the same Penn reels. I don't use the mono backing, I just go from braid to leader. I use 15lb braid and 30lb flouro leader. Tie them together with a double uni knot. I fish mainly for red fish and snook. My top three lures are simple a 1/8 oz jig with either a doa or mirror lure paddle tail in white or silver as the trailer, a topwater such as a spook, and gulf shrimp. With that setup I have landed 40 inch snook, tarpon, reds and cudas. Good luck.
  9. Do you ever make it down to my neck of the woods. I live about a five minute ride from boca pass, bull bay and turtle bay. Once I started fishing the flats my life changed.
  10. Since I moved to Florida I never fish for bass anymore. When you start catching snook, redfish, tarpon and others it is hard to get back into fresh water fishing.
  11. week. When I first moved down here to Florida he was one of the first people that I talked to because he had fishing hat on. For the life of me I can't tell you what it is but it is etched in my memory. I had been here only a few months but had some success targeting snook, redfish and trout. He told me that he was from south texas and that is what he loved to fish for. I offered to show him what limited knowledge I had at the time and show him the water. My friend that had taken me was the true captain but he hardly took people on his boat. My friend told me of his boat he brought from Texas. It was a beautiful Nautica Star with a 300 on the back. I am not a materialistic person so I had no idea how nice this boat was.When I arrived at his house and saw his boat I was in awe. We launched out and I am showing him where to go. This is when I really got to know my friend. I would point to a mangrove and his eyes would get as big as softballs. There was no way that he was taking his boat that shallow. Till this day his boat is beautiful and we caught many of Tarpon trout and a few reds out of it. The snook always alluded my buddy because I have never seen anyone throw and 1/8 oz jig one hundred yards, thats as close as his boat got to those pesky mangroves. Today I went with my other buddy and landed a 40 inch snook 10 feet from the mangoves. So Ben I love you and that fish was for you my good friend. Rest in peace buddy.
  12. snook redfish tarpon trout barracuda grouper jacks snappers ladyfish lizzard fish bluefish catfish brook, rainbow, brown trout hard to believe that all I used to fish for was largemouth and smallmouth and now I never even go after them Might go over to okeechobee this winter for a few days
  13. Don't get me wrong the red tide did hurt the snook fishing big time. It really hurt the trout because for a long time it was the only thing that people were targeting because they could keep them. The fish are still out there but we have to work for them much harder. I am looking forward to getting back out there this morning and seeing how we do.
  14. I snook fish at least two times a week. It is sad to say if I never catch another bass as long as I can catch snook I would still be happy. I never was a big largemouth guy to begin with. I always liked smallies. Snook fight alot like a smallmouth just much more powerful. My go to baits for snook are so simple. Jigs in 1/8 oz and a 4 inch paddle tail. 90 percent of the fish I catch are on that combo. Goes for trout and reds as well. I would say that my buddy and I average about 30 snook a day unless it is the dead of winter. Other go to baits include spooks, spoons and jigs. For big snook on live bait I have found that live mullet and pinfish are the key. If you want a 40 inch snook those are the baits to use.
  15. save your money and buy some quarter ounce jigs and some soft paddle tail swim baits. I like DOA and mirror lures any color in white
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