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5 Dollar Fishing Game

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Everything posted by 5 Dollar Fishing Game

  1. So the last 3 weeks I have gone from fishing about 4 times a week for about 5 hours at a time to about 1 day a week for about an hour. Work has been slammed! Problem is when I go I try a lure for about 3 minutes and if no fish, switch it! This goes on for about 15 minutes then I cruise down to the next spot and same thing. The fishing deprevation has cost me my fishing patience lol. Anyone else have this issue before? Seems when I had all day I enjoyed it more. Now when I try and "squeeze in" some time it seems like I rush it. Maybe I should just slow it down???
  2. That picture!! I literally LOL standing in line for lunch.
  3. If I'm feeling impatient I would take some dinks for a good day. Otherwise one big lunker would do it. ;-)
  4. If you went fishing for several hours in an outing, would you rather catch a bunch of small fish and no big ones? Or just a few in about 6 hours but they are all over 8#?
  5. So theoretically you can catch a bass at 3am that is wide awake after a nap and has the munchies. ;-)
  6. 100 posts!!!! Hip hip hooray for the debate topic of 2014!!! :-)
  7. Best photoshop ever!!!!
  8. Cool. I didn't know they hit bass lures.
  9. So when do bass sleep? I want to go night fishing but didn't know if they would be sleeping. Sounds crazy I know. But wondered if my lure swam by a bass (or any fish) about 11pm and it was like, nope I'm tired.
  10. Senko Senko Senko Senko. And if that doesn't work, try a Senko. Slow and finesse.
  11. Our new house we had built is right near Cape Fear River NC. About 5 mins. The usual is in there LMB, warmouth, crappie. But also has huge gar. Do I need to have a leader on every time I cast now to save my line from getting bitten in two? Also, what will the gar eat? Will it hit all the usual LMB lures I throw? Is the river current a huge concern? I will be on my kayak.
  12. I don't really look for the photoshopped fish. If someone really wants to take that much money, time and effort to add a few pounds , then whatever. That's ridiculous to me. The only thing that is annoying is a posted weight that is clearly not true. Yeah yeah yeah. I know cameras can be difficult to capture an accurate view, the angle is different, etc. But don't post a fish and claim it to be 13lbs when you have it by your thumb and barely your index finger. The blatant stuff bugs me. I know there is grey scale. My avatar pic is my PB at 6 pounds 6 ounces. One guy said it looks 3 pounds. Whatever. I know it's true and people said it looks 5 or 6. Okay okay okay. It's a pound or two lost visually by the way I held it, picture angle, lighting, satellite pattern, moon phase, earth axis tilt, and all the other crap. But you don't see me claiming it to be a DD. ;-)
  13. The current "pros" took the risks, accomplished the goals, and have the dream. I'm sure if they disliked their current lifestyle they would quit. I'm not advocating that everyone that dreams big to go pro will get there, but the big name guys today started with a dream. They wanted it, they sacrificed, they worked, and they made it. If you want to work at fast food and flip burgers there are steps to take. If you want to practice neurological surgery there are steps to take. Pro fishing is no different. Even the stay at home mom is a sacrifice. So keep in mind the steps. Is it easy? No. Is it possible? Yes. Lastly, always remember that a completed journey starts with one step.
  14. Live your dreams, otherwise you will be working to make someone else live theirs.
  15. +1 The closest bait to "guaranteed". All year, soooooo versatile to match all conditions, temps, clarity, season. Etc.
  16. He should've posted on BR with the other infamous titled threads "how much does this weigh?"
  17. Thanks buzzed bait and Maximus!
  18. We just had a house built and moved in May 1. As with any new home, there were a few things that needed to be repaired, touched up, etc. The granite in the kitchen needed to be replaced due to a crack. The plumber came in to remove the sink for the granite countertop and he walked through my garage and saw all my fishing pictures, gear, boat, etc. We talked for over an hour lol.
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