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5 Dollar Fishing Game

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Everything posted by 5 Dollar Fishing Game

  1. We are taking the Pelican (two man little boat with a 35 thrust trolling motor) on one of the big ponds. It's about 20 acres. :-)
  2. Friend and I are taking the boat on the water as the sun rises. Here in NC water temps are in the mid 80's. Once the morning creeps on it gets hot. Deep water baits then. That afternoon meeting the family for a big family reunion / cookout on my wife's side. ;-)
  3. I gotta check that book out. No pun intended. Lol
  4. Got the new July / August issue of Bassmaster. In the "10 minute angler" section it says bass are deep because the water temps are above 80. Then, in the "inside the box" section Jacob Powroznik said the fish are shallow under the shade near the banks due to low deep water oxygen. What's the consensus?
  5. They are good! Call them and tell them they are too expensive and you're considering canceling. That usually gets them to lower the price to $10.
  6. Beauties!!! Nice colors.
  7. The only thing predictable about bass is their unpredictability.
  8. I got one of those fancy shmancy new Livingston lures for my bday last month. You know, the Randy Howell one that makes the vibrating noise when both sets of trouble hooks are wet. I went to three bodies of water and that he was getting tore up. "Subtle" minnows. Nothing. There. Now let me write and article.......
  9. Mumbo jumbo....... I've caught catch overs (identified by scars and markings) with the lures that were mentioned in the article. All the times I've used vibrating and "loud" lures, I've caught plenty of LMB. Article is just opinion based. Can't draw a sure fire conclusion from it.
  10. Sounds like some type of spine/lower cranial trauma. That size hook and that gap can do that. How deep was it? Ruling out a busted swim bladder from a fast reel in from deep water. If she tried to swim down as you set the hook, the angle would've been perfect to hit the tail of the spinal cord. Either way 1 / 1,000,000 shot.
  11. Just had the schedule open up. Will be headed out at sun up!!!!! :-)
  12. I will be hitting the water tomorrow for the first time in about a week. Temperatures here in central North Carolina have been 90° to 95° consistently for the last week and a half. The last time we had rain was about a week ago. Water temperature is about 85°, clear, with a sunny day and 5-10 mph winds. What should I aim for with the lures? Big pond about 15 acres. I'm thinking early am about 8 am to about 2 pm. Top water and swim baits? Floating worms???
  13. 10 pounds easy. IMO Fat belly and tall midsection. Big eyes and mouth. I'd say 10.3 Not trying to make this thread a guess the weight game. But I see it over ten. Nice one either way!!!
  14. Ever see Crocodile Dundee?????
  15. I use it!!!!!!!!!!
  16. I didn't expect that ending LOL
  17. And more money for fishing. :-) Good point though. Now when I do go, I appreciate it much more.
  18. Finesse is the hardest thing right now. When I get there I'm like rampant lol
  19. Taught myself how to be a fisherman. Now I teach my 7 year old daughter. She started when she was 4. Being a dad rocks! We are fishing tomorrow. :-)
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