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5 Dollar Fishing Game

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Everything posted by 5 Dollar Fishing Game

  1. Some have seen my thread last year that I am the local pro for the newest BPS here in Cary NC. (Discounts, speak at seminars, tv commercials for the store, entry fees covered, free gear, foot in the door to be a true BPS pro one day :-), etc) Anyway, NC is having our big fishing expo in Raleigh next weekend. I am working the event both days. I will be doing the usual talks on lures, patterns, local waters, etc. One of the seminars I am doing will encompass "the culture of bass fishing". I need some help from you all on this one. This is to include the benefits of child fishing, family fun fishing days, and other "cultural" benefits of the bass fishing world. What are some points I should hit on? I was thinking about the history, some cool facts, iconic names, etc. I will spend about 30 minutes on this part. Thanks! Joe
  2. My stroke would be the "OCD" guy. Place for everything and everything in its place
  3. Anyone else know that guy? Instead of having a place for each and every lure, spool, worm bag, etc. they just toss it all in the same place. Or their rods are all just thrown into the back of their pickup for next week's outing. I don't mean people that leave fishing stuff in their truck beds neatly and/or covered, but the ones that have so much crap on top of them and around then it's unreal. I fish with a guy that when we go fishing he asked me to get him a scissor from his bag and I pulled out a bean burrito wrapper. He said it must have flew into his bag from his truck bed one day lol
  4. Here in North Carolina I am 20 minutes from each one and both of them are about a-year-old. I do you have a little bit of bias for bass pro being that I am the local pro. However the staff and the atmosphere however the staff and the atmosphere at Cabela's is not the best. As for the big buy, I'm kinda torn. It can be good if it helps BPS profit and boosts revenue. However potentially bad if it becomes a huge monopoly issue.
  5. To put it bluntly !!!! TRUTH!!!!
  6. At the new BPS here in NC the biggest LMB in the tank is 11.50. The guy caught it last year in Jordan Lake. He donated it. Got $100 cash. $100 gift card to BPS and a free replica of it worth $400. No marine biologists at this store. Healthy fish though. Been open almost 2 years.
  7. In any other case just my humble opinion: "It is better to be tried by 12 than to be carried by 6."
  8. Most ramps here in NC allow it. Especially if you still hold NC law enforcement certification. :-)
  9. I'm always armed at the ramp and other places also. Wife as well. Too many crazies.
  10. http://www.bassmaster.com/news/brown-gets-25-years-jimmy-johnsons-murder
  11. Bank fishing is another story that can be viewed as similar to golfing partners. No real cost involved or effort. Drive to the pond (greenway) and use your own rods (clubs) and then fish (golf) When you want to use my boat you are talking my Jeep gas, boat gas, unload and load the boat, food, drinks, etc. I take people to show them the ropes at the ponds often. But when I feel "used" when these people mention hitting a lake it is a whole different story.
  12. Your first sentence just about sums my situation up lol
  13. I am thinking of three people in my head right now. I'm certain they can afford fuel. However they seem to actually get kinda "pushy" when it comes to asking "when are we going". In any event info have other friends who seem appreciative. :-)
  14. You mean ignore the texts lol Or start telling people I need fuel for the boat money.
  15. How do you all deal with that guy or gal that only calls to get a ride on your boat to fish? I have a tighter group of friends and we all do for sure that we chill with a lot. However some people that I still consider friends (just not as close) seem to only call or text me when they want a convenient time to fish off the back of my boat. One guy in particular I won't talk to for weeks at a time then all of a sudden "hey man when are we going fishing?"
  16. Glenn I was very close to buying a little RC boat from BPS to put in our pond until the spring.
  17. I'll pass on eating the worms and insects lol
  18. FAKE! That grasshopper is no more than 20lbs.........
  19. Still have the kayak. Just got used to being spoiled not paddling lol
  20. Thanks blue. Like you said it isn't the "prime" season now so I will be saving money up and enjoying the bank fishing for a bit. :-)
  21. I bet man! I'm just in the mindset that during the cold months through March 2016 I will bundle up on the banks and fine tune my skills. :-)
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