Some have seen my thread last year that I am the local pro for the newest BPS here in Cary NC. (Discounts, speak at seminars, tv commercials for the store, entry fees covered, free gear, foot in the door to be a true BPS pro one day :-), etc)
Anyway, NC is having our big fishing expo in Raleigh next weekend. I am working the event both days. I will be doing the usual talks on lures, patterns, local waters, etc.
One of the seminars I am doing will encompass "the culture of bass fishing". I need some help from you all on this one. This is to include the benefits of child fishing, family fun fishing days, and other "cultural" benefits of the bass fishing world.
What are some points I should hit on?
I was thinking about the history, some cool facts, iconic names, etc.
I will spend about 30 minutes on this part.