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5 Dollar Fishing Game

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Everything posted by 5 Dollar Fishing Game

  1. Cool beans. Any pics of the 69?
  2. Ironically Sam's boat name is The Goose which is right on top on this thread of the screen name Goose. LOL
  3. Man I like those names Goose!
  4. So I take your boat's name is Tracker? ;-)
  5. Oh I get it "admiring" my garage. I sealed the floors last month. My name is Joe, I was like, "cool boat name" lol
  6. What does mirin garage mean? What's your boat name? :-)
  7. Randy Howell. I like the way he talked about how he can do it again. He is humble and a good guy. ;-)
  8. If it has been posted already, sorry. Couldn't find it. But anyway who is your choice winner and why for the 2015 Classic?
  9. So will they both be able to fish in the 2015 Classic? I get confused with all of the divisions like Elite, FLW and that stuff. ;-)
  10. Now this is my first bass boat so I am just starting out. :-) It's isn't a big and new 21 footer but it is my first project. I had canoes, kayaks, and John Boats to fish from since I started bass fishing in 2011. I was looking for another John Boat last week and actually came across this deal. $500 for boat and trailer. Motor ran but it needed the steering system replaced, carpet, fuel lines, and some other TLC items. In the last 3 days I put in new electronics, steering system, tune up, fuel tank, fuel system, electrical wiring, and new carpet. Detailed the trailer and boat too as well as tuned the motor and new 3 spark plugs. 3 straight days of doing the work myself while waiting for the parts to come each day. 1990 Cajun 16ft. Johnson 2 stroke 70 on the back. I like it. Just have to give it a name. ;-)
  11. Do you all name your bass boats? I heard the old tale of "it's bad luck to have a boat with no name". If you do, what is the name and how did it come about?
  12. It was the helm and rack and cable kit from Teleflex. 11 foot. :-)
  13. 11 ft teleflex with helm. Whole job took under an hour. :-) Thanks all!!!!!
  14. Can someone please post a pic here of what the helm is on the boat? :-)
  15. Ok I'll check again. If not, would I just go by the length of the cable I have now and the existing motor?
  16. So according to the registration the boat came with a Johnson 50. The engine on it now is a Johnson 70. So when I am looking for the rack/pinion/cable kit, do I get the part for a "Johnson 70" or a "1989 Cajun"? Kinda like a car. Do I need the steering part for the male/model of the boat or the engine specifics?
  17. That eBay link you showed me is the EXACT look alike to what I took off. At least I am on the right track.
  18. I just took it off. Took me about 10 minutes to remove the thing. :-) How do I find the part if the cable did not have a number on it?
  19. I was able to remove the cable without taking the steering wheel off. Apparently the internal cable was frozen with rust and the guy forced the steering wheel and broke the aluminum rail inside of the cable in half. I could not find a part number. I was only able to find T083 on the aluminum long rectangle piece under the steering wheel which is part of the cable.
  20. Do I have to remove the steering wheel and column?
  21. I will take a look at it Sunday also. Doesn't look too bad to do.
  22. Going to get into it Sunday after church. Thanks guys!!!!!!!!
  23. The guy at BPS said that it looked like the cable for sure but possible the gear box. They are a Merciry only place so I had the specialist give me a price that works on Johnson engines. He was the one that said worst case gear box and cable with labor is like $425. If it is just the cable it is about $300. If I can find the parts I may feel better after seeing what they look like. I wrenched on cars for years. This has been my first boat project. Just didn't know the on depth of this job. The guy I bought it from said it sounded like a "pop" then just free spinned.
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