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5 Dollar Fishing Game

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Everything posted by 5 Dollar Fishing Game

  1. Good stories guys!!! I am glad I am not the only one who experienced this kind of rude stupidity and disregard for others. The point was that she blatantly did that because she didn't want to get stuck waiting. News flash!!!!! We ALL waited! Still, my wife's comment was freaking priceless lol.
  2. Had a dock. Wife was un loading rest of gear. My truck was almost backed in. What was "rude" was that woman cutting me and two others out of line.
  3. I hear ya Jiggin. My wife is usually pretty quiet but she was upset about that lady being a tool. Lol
  4. Took the wife and daughter on the lake today. Lake was super busy, especially the ramp. We waited to leave while about 4 people were ahead. It appeared that one would launch, the next would leave, and so on. It was our turn. I pulled the boat into the area to tie up. My wife and daughter were standing on the dock. I went to get the truck. As I did this tahoe comes flying in ahead of two other trucks, and starts to back in front of me. They came about 10 feet from my boat. Lady gets out and gets mad because I'm in the way. I explained to her that I was next. She said she didnt care because her boat would take 3 minutes to unload. (she has two guys in the truck who didn't bother to get out) My wife came up at this point and said it is common courtesy to wait your turn and be patient. She got huffy, walked back to her truck and unloaded her boat right next to mine, almost hitting mine. Didn't even care!!! People at the ramp were even telling her to wait. Then she drives the truck back up and I load up to leave. As she was leaving she started running her mouth and my wife was very nice and told her "spandex isn't for everyone" lol Anyway is there some kind of regulation about people that just jump ahead? Or do some people just not care?
  5. Take pics with my fish then lol
  6. Angier, NC here!!!
  7. 5lbs?????? Uh....... Maybe double that......PIG
  8. Thanks so much guys!!!! I've learned so much by reading your posts and now I want to get out and do it!!!!! :-)
  9. I just got the new issue of Bassmaster for March. I don't see the lunker club column????
  10. Jeremy Wade could catch a tuna on a $10 Barbie pole. LOL Sounds like that fight stuff on the tuna shows were Hollywood additions. :-/
  11. I like Wicked Tuna and other shows of big fish. Question is why is the fight so long? Sometimes over two hours. If the point is to tire it out, then why not just reel from hook set all the way to the boat and just avoid the long fight? I see the line strip off. Why not set the drag to 100%? If the issue is the line breaking then why not use (or invent) line that sustains over 1,000lbs. Then I see the guys pulling the line by hand while reeling. Does that mean the reel isn't strong enough? If that's the case then can they use a stronger reel?
  12. good plan! Im going to look into that!
  13. Thanks man! I'll let the bass weight do the talking.
  14. That's it? So basically I can convert a big rectangular plastic bin into a home made live well with an aerator?
  15. Let's say for instance the live well on your bass boat is broken and you just boarded the door shut and put carpet over it because it would've been serious time, money, and trouble to fix it. Is there such thing as an external live well like you would put elsewhere on the boat? Like a cooler size one with hoses and connect to the battery?
  16. Where do you get the lettering kits for your names that you put on your boats? Not talking about the registration letters, but when people put their first and last names on the boats.
  17. You guys are awesome! Thanks for the kind words about my boat too. ;-) Worked hard on it. Looks/runs great! It's ready!!!
  18. THANKS SAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I'm sure they would love to weigh them!! Can you image a 20lbs cat out of nowhere? Lol
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