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Everything posted by pbrussell

  1. That one on the right gets bowling ball status.
  2. Just letting you guys know, after the week i've had, I need some on the water therapy... and probably a 12 of bud.
  3. Ohh. Can't make next weekend either. I don't like being busy. Should we get some boats on lacygne on saturday if the forecast holds out? we're showing a 50% chance of rain... hopping that lowers.
  4. Isn't grand this weekend? Sizzle, I have time to get after it around home this weekend. Problem is, I can't leave home this weekend :-/. Have a few things I have to take care of/honey dos/ etc.
  5. So for those who can't make it to the grand get together, I'm planning on putting in again at la cygne, perhaps multiple times this weekend. Would love to put in with some BR guys if the weather holds up. See ya on the water?
  6. I was looking for your triton at lacygne on saturday, Hoping i'd run into you. We need to put in at the same time sometime just for kicks and giggles.
  7. Fishing mustve been good this weekend down there. I caught a similar looking fish that wasn't as thick down there on saturday while you guys were suffering at perry.
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  9. Can I be one of your buddies for a weekend? nice fish
  10. So... are you in the lawrence club? Or backlashers? Because backlashers is gonna be out there too. Glad to know I wans't the only one sucking it up out at perry last saturday
  11. My club has a tournament out at perry this weekend, but I'm not going. I'm not that upset about it either. Our club (20ish boats), and another club (25ish boats) will be having tourneys out there. And it was incredibly tough last weekend when I went up. I talked to three different guys prefishing, and between all of us, we only boated 10 bass. yay?
  12. I really hate that I missed melvern, and I don't like it much that I won't be going to Grand either. Hopefully I can convince you boogers to do some sort of summer time get together. I don't want to go through withdrawals. Hey Austin, good to see ya here. (this is Blake by the way).
  13. I sure don't. I barely hooked a big one the other day that made a run and a jump. I bet you can guess what happened next.
  14. Finished in the middle of the pack after our two day tournament at melvern. My non-boater kicked me in the teeth today by weighing three fish, and I only weighed one. I think I need to start guiding Anyhow, lotta fish weighed but no real giants. Seems folks were catching them on a bit of everything with the exception of moving baits all too much. Jigs, tubes, ned, shakeyhead, biffle hard head - those seemed to be the key players this week. Biggest fish brought to the scales was a 4.24 largemouth. No smallies over four were weighed to my knowledge but a couple came close. Coulda used some of those three pounders you guys got into the other weekend, thats for sure. The flat water probably didn't help make the big fishies want to play though.
  15. I think you need to hold the camera closer to the fish, because i mean, it's pretty far away from the camera. Joking aside, whatd that one go and where were you fishin'
  16. Grand's probably a no-go for me. Funds have been a bit tight unfortunately.
  17. I'm confused... doesn't someone else post with this same exact profile picture?
  18. Well I was gonna get out to melvern tomorrow Buttttt The forecast has jumped up to 20-30 mph winds with 35 mph gust, and 40 percent chance of storms. No thanks. May just end up catching up on sleep :-/
  19. Clinton is a tough fishery from the two times I fished it this year. I wouldn't have gone at all if my club didn't hold a tournament out there. What a buddy of mine and me did find prefishing out there were a couple of these though... I will note it took 15 pounds to win at my club, however, only one guy caught a limit. Everyone else that brought fish in only brought in one or two. Half the club didn't bring in any. That and the pictures should tell you there are bigger fish in there. That should also tell you that... populations aren't great and fishing is tough. -Blake.
  20. Anyone of you dudes remember what the water temps were at melvern last weekend? I'm probably headed out there this weekend, and have a tournament out there next weekend. I need to break this dry spell of fishing poorly- hopefully vern will be kind to me.
  21. Have fun fellas. That's what they forecasted for clinton last week... and it was a nightmare. 2-3 foot rollers.
  22. Yes. Just picked up a new gig for the bass pro shops swimsuit section in their catalog.
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