Looks like a good evening of fishing fellas.
I was on table rock all last week. Fishing was pretty darn tough, especially considering I don't know how to drop shot and had no desire to learn.
The topwater bite was decent early and late, with fish coming on both a sexy dawg junior and popper. Best areas for topwater were round points with mixed ledge rock/smaller rock. A few bites came near docks, but those fish were more reluctant to take the bait all the way and merely swiped at it most of the time.
When the topwater bite was gone, fishing a football jig on points seemed to be the ticket. 20-35 fow, with 22-25 being the sweet spot was where fish were taken. Points with trees and stumps in this water depth were most productive.
Perhaps the most fun day of fishing was the first day. On the back end, there is an island, with a large ridge type structure that sits at 12-14 fow next to the island, with the island itself acting as a point of sorts, with a slow tapering drop to 20 fow. The channel swings right across this area, where 20 fow immediately meets 80+. I caught fish on this structure all week long, but the first day a large school of spots were using it to ambush shad. For about 2 hours it was non stop action. When fish would surface, they could be caught on a spook. When they went back down, I was catching them on a rootbeer colored deep diving bomber that ran around 16-18 feet down. Once the school moved off the structure, I could still catch the occasional spot or smallie by dragging a jig at the 20 foot mark, adjacent to the channel swing drop.
Two times, I thought I had absolute monsters but they were discovered to be different species. My first day, I was catching smallies on a point with the football jig when my line made a huge pop and the rod loaded up. For a good two minutes, I fought what I thought was a giant smallie which turned out to be a 10+ pound channel cat.
Towards the end of the trip, I was fishing an area with the ned rig after the sun had come up. I had been catching smallies on topwater there, and once again the rod loaded up and immediately started taking drag. For 5 minutes, I fought what ended up being a 20+ pound carp.
Largemouth were few and far between on the trip, with only 3 ending up in the boat.
Here are some pics of some of the nicer fish I caught.
(All of the spots that were schooling looked like this one, or bigger. Like I said, it was fun)
This was the last fish of the trip, a nice smallie which absolutely demolished the sexy dawg.