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Everything posted by buzzfrog

  1. Trust me exos are over hyped garbage. The pros push them but on fishing footage I don't even see them used unless for product placement. The Exo has been discussed here many times trash. My side plate on mine was whack. Took it back for smoke
  2. Oh thought you wa getting ticked cause we was trying new rod. No gates here but on rod riot xpress Rods are 40 and the best rod for that price hands down. I'd take it to the bank
  3. Wait what ??? I am confused
  4. Exo is crap if getting a quantum get a smoke our an old tour
  5. I messages and now waiting for a response
  6. Thank you, I didn't even think of that
  7. I've had 2 graphite reel bust on me, not crap but for the price of an orange, I can think of a dozen reels less than that way better
  8. NO buti use the crankbait, the 6'10 and an inshore by them. Great stuff
  9. oh, ok thanks that makes since
  10. upgrading, but looking on ebay and I get all these letters. Like FE, FD FA. what do the mean the FE looks the newest and has the biggest tag. Is model number the only thing, or is there better features on one than the other
  11. thanks guys, so with graphite frames, pretty much blinged crap
  12. I have a 7.1 tour burner. I want a deeper spool. We're can u find deeper spools and will any spool work or does it have to be made for the brand. I have to giant spools of 20 lb line and just don't want to waste but I don't to put 80 yards on a reel whereas the deep spool will allow me adequate yds
  13. Dies tha mean they float, wonder if that is why some trick worms are awesome at floating
  14. yes, love that orange, I am a sucker for it, if I get the info on the frame from the seller or yall, I think I may splurge
  15. for that Id use big spook type baits and yea small swim baits, spinnerbaits/buzzbaits
  16. anyone ever use this reel, Is just a standard max reel with the bling or is a good reel. I am drooling over it, but don't want to over pay just for a fancy pieces but a graphite case
  17. I use that old excuse well if I picking up 40 bucks worth, might aswell spend 10 more to get free shipping and a new decal lol
  18. Frankin but I match a little bit. Like orange line and white rid. Lexa is gold and black and matches carbonlite then the line 832 just sets it off then my smoke is black and will match with hawg tech with orange accents to make it halloween colors
  19. Oh I can skIp a frog a baitcaster no problem.. I have my frog rod set to a T. Though I can't get the hang of skipping plastics on BC. I am pretty descent with a spinning reel. Only skipped senkos ATM though.
  20. Sorry, the specs were scratched off, I had to look it up rage has a 6'6 MXF. I put a fat Albert with a small jig head. 1/4 or a 8th ounce not sure. It gave it a nice tip bend, of ya know what I mean
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