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Everything posted by buzzfrog

  1. and that's messed up, they wont price match, though our academy has there brand frogs for 1.99 or 2.99 a lot and there yellow spro frogs are always on clearance, only the yellow color for some reason.
  2. is that how much you paid, or how much it cost to make, I don't see anything that price on amazon
  3. some academy are diff, the academy in concord, has there inshore rods for 50, at my local one they are 60, I asked why and they guy said depends on demand. I think that is BS. I may go and whine to manager tomorrow
  4. I wish they didn't move this to location, just because I named dropped a lake, doubt I will get any responses here
  5. stock up, mine is 6 bucks a pack, buy one get one half off, I saw this and thought it was buy one get one, but NOPE buy one get one half off, sucks
  6. getting a chance to go with a bud in the boat to a new lake, It is a Kerr Scott in NC if anyone knows, spots, LM and a few chances to tangle with small mouth, not targeting anything. mainly spots though. I talked to a local and he said throw toward shore cause the have drop offs out of no were(ledges) I am the co, so 6 rods max. it is a green stained water with 4-5 ft visibility on a good day (NC rains ? though) Will my usual suspects work. 7 ft spinning shaky head rod, 6'8 spinning for wacky, 7MM crankbaits, 7'2 frog rod, 7'2 for jigs, and 7'3 for T rigs. Would spinnerbaits work this time of year.
  7. Jeez I ment 7'2 I was looking The 7'1 for something else and had that on my mind. Thanks for your help
  8. i was reading the daiwa's specs, it said it is graphite wrapped in glass, anybody have experience in these. see I mainly use dt6 and bandit 2000s "beating the bank" popping and deflecting wood, but sometimes we fish around points were it drops off to 8-10, so something that still can do the 2.5s-dt 10s all around crankbait rod. without having to buy and use 2.
  9. my 7 MM rod aint cutting it. even if I find a 7-8 divng crank around 1/2 oz it still feel like I am pulling to much and the rod tip bends like crazy. thinking of getting the above title rod to throw 10-14 diving cranks. will it pull the duty of 1.5s to say Dt14s( I think they have dt14). the reel is a PQ 5 gear if ya need to know
  10. like I need a new frog or small pitching rod, but may get one and pair with 7'4 rod
  11. I am just trying to find a curado 50e. Used
  12. well, the guy sold it out from me, BUT was at bps today, put the 50 on the rod at the counter, DANG it is so nice. with some 40 lb braid. I think I can live with the 6.4.1 but how much would a tackle service charge me to get mod to 7 gear. also I read a comment above about it being noisy with heavy lures, IS that true, just in case I wanna use the 50 with something else.
  13. haha, then you didn't even show them the rod, gonna get the warranty; then go out and say it broke and fell in the water Lol nope, next go around, all my rods would get flipped in water.
  14. ergh.. daiwa jdm of odd reel. Id go custom on rod, I believe it was discussed on the forum before, that after a certain price point, a custom would be the best way to go, that was a great thread btw
  15. hell, just buy both lol.. Daiwa has a 5 year warrenty, were omens is a year. Daiwa is 65.00 on sale at TW. if your looking dropping money for ***, get the daiwa and with left over cash stock up on frogs, etc...
  16. what is BBB, any thanks yall, I will baby this thing. Will be my casting jig rod, gonna throw some footballs with it Thursday
  17. don't get a mojo slop in frog, jeez cheaper to tie line to a broom
  18. Sleight thanks, will stick with the shimano one
  19. Thanks man, ok I understand it then
  20. the daiwa 7'4 ballistic was my first frog rod, I loved it, once I became obsessed with frogging I got me a custom rod for it, if I was you, hard choice but the 7'3 H *** black is beastly for a frog rod, but again it is a close race plus the sale at tackle warehouse
  21. well took the plunge except dicks warranty, they let me use all my 10 buck gift cards. and the 20 off a 100 wouldn't work at beginning but manager did it manually and it was about 70. said I had 30 days to decide on the warranty, this manager is the bomb on the back of receipt there is that do the survey and get 10 off of 50, she actually told me to go home do and bring the rod back tomorrow return it and buy it back at 70 plus the 10 off. Which is odd, but I have been hitting up the clearances there and it was my only store id go to till academy opened a block away so maybe she is sweet on me lmfao
  22. Ok was looking for a crucial and my Dicks finally started carrying them. I have been fussing on phone past 2 weeks with Dicks about the score point crap, I haven't got any the past 2 years. So today they sent me a ton of 10 buck certificates and a 20.00 off 100.00. So I can get one for about 70.00 Ok a bit confused on shimanos warranty. so the over counter says that for 5 year or life time I can take it back to Dicks and get a new one, right? but that is only for there error in rod breakage Also the Dicks instore warranty, the way the manger explained is, that it cover idiot error(me) as well as any other thing that happens to it. As a shore fisherman I try but sometimes my stuff gets a tad banged up. IF you was me would you get he Dicks warranty aswell. She also explained that; say you break the rod 6 months in, you get a new one, you still have 6 months left for that one.
  23. ok, was reading some stuff but like yalls view and opinions better. looking at the IM and tons, which dictates sensitivity of rod and the weight of rod? I've seen IM 6-10 is there any higher or does it convert to the HM(whatever the cumulus and cumara is) also this may just be personal preference. I was talking to a bps employee about IMs, he said he doesn't really look at IM rating on buzzbaits, spinnerbaits and topwaters. The big reaction baits were bass usually don't tap it. Said he looks for the IM 8 and up on all plastics and jigs. that kinda makes since anyway what are your opinions on this. real opinions, not back in my day stuff... lol
  24. Love mine for spinnerbaits and some swim jigs
  25. H or if using a Abu V series a MH fast is good XF is better if your skipping. I've seen frog rods from 6'9 to 7'11 I love 7'2-7'4
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