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Everything posted by Tucson

  1. I'm trying to upgrade my bow electronics to Mega 360 but very confused regarding what will work with my old Maxxum trolling motor. Humminbird mentions fortrex or ultrex. I don't want to purchase a new trolling motor to accommodate the electronics though. If anyone has some insight they'd like to share or get me pointed in the right direction I'd appreciate it.
  2. Good article. I have a couple of these lures but wasn't sure how or when to use them, until now.
  3. Thanks for the explanation PJ, I have a better image of what's going on now. Your solution sounds logical.
  4. Thanks to everyone who responded. Although it's an effective fishing method I won't be pursuing it any longer.
  5. So this is fairly typical for these lures?
  6. Thanks and you're right about unhooking them.
  7. My Cabelas credit card gives me 1% back on all my purchases so I can often shop for "free" including the shipping.
  8. I'm new to hard body jerk baits and I seem to be snagging them on the sides or belly. I've only caught one with a hook in its mouth. Is this typical for jerk baits? I'm not too keen on snagging fish but I'm not sure what's going on down there.
  9. Anyone have problems with line twist on these? Is a swivel helpful?
  10. Good Man! Found these on Roosevelt Lake in Arizona last week:
  11. Yamaha brand bulb is supposed to be the best available, I've had no issues with them since I switched. Some of the gray or silver fuel lines have a propensity to delaminate on the inside. You're going to want a Yamaha bulb anyway, suggesting you swap out the lines also. Good luck, frustrating situation that you're in.
  12. I don't have a dog but I bet they would be great companions on the boat. Tried to take my cat fishing once but it didn't work out too well. Really struggled to get him in his life jacket and then he just wanted to jump out. I had just left the lift so I took him back. No sense making him go if he's not comfortable. Maybe if he started going as a kitten it would be different.
  13. Great insight here, glad snowplow asked.
  14. Good tips, perfect timing for this video. Thanks Glenn
  15. This describes my criteria exactly.
  16. Tucson


    Has anyone tried replacing the treble with a single? That would let you use a trailer of some kind also. Although maybe a trailer would cause too much spin.
  17. Having hundreds of lure options makes it worse.
  18. Some great stories, scary though. Here's mine: I was fishing Lake Havasu once when I suddenly discovered that I left my lime squeezer back at the campground. I refused to let this tragedy spoil my day however. I wound up squeezing my limes BY HAND like some kind of barbarian. Also, I was running kinda low on cocktail ice. Scary day but I survived to tell the tale.
  19. I'm considering modifying some of my shallow cranks by converting them to coffin style flat bills. Would this approach work or would it throw off the action too much?
  20. Gary Yamamoto, the developer of these recommends fishing them on a football jighead along the bottom. He uses a 5/8 oz football which seems kind of heavy so I drop the weight a little. I mostly use them on a 1/4 oz ball jig alternating between a pop 'n drop technique or a swimming retrieve.
  21. Very nice.
  22. Sure thing, thanks for asking. I used a 4-12/" x 1/4" bolt, secured to the MDF frame so it doesn't spin and a wing nut w/ a jam nut on the tensioning end. Otherwise it will slowly tighten up as you use it.
  23. Wow, a blast from the past. The Mitchell 300 was THE go-to reel in the sixties, along with a fiberglass rod. My brother still likes to pick them up at yard sales. If you A/B them with a modern reel though, they fall a little short.
  24. Made this tensioner for loading my reels. Adjustable spring pressure to dial in the resistance, works for spinning and casting reels depending on which way you position it. Also a reel unwinder to use on a drill press or electric drill.
  25. You could start an urban legend about the experimental floating/sinking jerk bait that somehow got out of the factory unintentionally. And of course it has magical properties.
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