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Tony Monticelli

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Everything posted by Tony Monticelli

  1. does part of it mean you can't use there rods as tomato stakes? i think it would be great contribution to a sponsor, bring in a new group of buyers, gardeners will flock to buy them rods.. there awesome you can tie em off to the guides, with a nice wind they all move in a nice action that is very soothing to watch... the plants love it ,seems they grow better. there easy to stick into the ground and they look allot better than anything you can find at a hardware store.
  2. that golf club grip looks cool...
  3. there more glass out there than that, not easy to find but they are there, are they as good as the old school stuff, i don't think so.. i snatched up 2 old ugly sticks because there better than the new ones.. the new ones are junk, the old ugly sticks i like those are ugly sticks, there a little heavier but the extra weight is worth it.. flee markets and yard sales.. gotta find the old stuff, people were trading in old rods at bass pro a couple weeks ago for the what ever sale deal, there were so many nice old glass in there that i was close to grabbing the barrel and running out with it.
  4. 5 gallon bucket.. go to home cheapo, i think you can always put together a better tackle box/bag for less there than any sports store . between all the trays and etc they have boxes tool boxes tool bags etc...
  5. depends on the fishing really, i mean your on a nice bass boat with rod locker storage etc only have to grab the fish by the lip,, fishing nice lures etc etc etc hands are pritty clean and girly like then you might go with fancy cork handles and stuff like that.. but if your digging crawlers out of worm boxes, minnows out of buckets. gutting fish as you catch them, not being gentle and trying to save them tossing them on stringers and in coolers working with bait chunks and eels in the ocean.. eva / cork tape...
  6. honestly don't know if its denser or not as for scientific scales..... but it will dampen the vibration more over cork... but eva is a better grip in general though feels better doesn't get slippery no matter how gutty your hands are and is more durable so for what you loose in sensitivity you gain allot on the other end. the eva is a good work horse handle.. cork looks better though i think, so either way you cant win...
  7. as for skeleton handles reel seat stuff and etc, i personally would rather have a grip and a reel seat nice solid one piece reel seat, if i was to put the skeliton stuff on my own rod im sorry but id just tape the reel to blank put a little piece of felt or rubber etc under the the reels foot to protect the blank a little and call it a handle all day LOL
  8. the new foam handles are more durable and less absorbent than cork and will be allot more durable of a materiel.. its denser than cork thats for sure, you will loose more sensitivity threw the foam grip compared to a good fitted cork. i like both equally depending on the rod, all my trolling rods and etc have foam except for one of my lead core rods that i use with flys and that was more for look than anything, its still a trolling rod so if you cant feel the fish bite then well the grips not the problem LOL, its a trolling rod. for surf i like cork tape and for bass, fly rods, etc where i want to feel nibbles better threw the handle itself i use cork plus i like the look better...
  9. sounds like you looking for a travel rod? or just a short 2 piece rod that 5' or 5'6"?? only way to get a travel rod that's any good is to have it built. just my opinion anyway. amtac traveler rod blanks, hands down awesome. http://www.americantackle.us/blankstraveler.html i don't know whats out there really for travel rods but all the ones Ive ever held and played with at stores have felt like travel rods. just blaaa would rather have a real rod.. not the case with those blanks and built properly, Ive done a few, for trout, bass, spinning and casting and there heavier rated model makes a nice light tackle saltwater travel rod.. really nice rods to have under the seat of your truck for the get out of work early days.
  10. this--> http://www.basspro.c...40501217/357635 water bobbers.. if you fill them all the way up also they will sink nice and slow, kinda of another good way to try fishing them also they usually always hit it on the way down... so after it stops sinking give it a few min and then repeat.
  11. ok you might be right just looked at it and i don't think it was the same blank on the rod that i though it was etc... and the rod that i though it was is way to much looks awefull and doesnt offer much to choose from at all. there rod line is kinda skimpy there...
  12. balance the rod on your hand if it tilts to much forward get a bigger reel if it tilts to far tords the back get a heavier lure.
  13. i can see a differance from one place or state and area to another, where some of you find this is the thing to do because you get to see good come from it others from somewhere else seem to maybe see nothing good from it... but someone here saying they should be shot, well even though they probally wont and if they did well WOW LOL there might be a reason or understanding in saying that... anyway you see where im going with things, where you have a reason to feel comfitorble in saying call the cop, some else from somewhere else is going to laufe at the remark..
  14. ive also mounted trouphy fish, so as far as to each his own really was it getting bigger or living longer probally not at that point considering i mounted it.. fake mounts are a nice alternative to feeling shame in not eating it but i prefer if im going to mount something the look feel and detail of the real thing there is a differance in a quality skin mount even though some choose to not see that at all... i have bucks on my wall, big trout, turkeys, skulls.... im proud of everyone, to each his own.
  15. i just just read this, first off with any fish if it taist good and your in the moderation of the daily limit there nothing wrong with keeping.. but to say call the cops, ive done that ive called the wardens and etc,, called them for weeks because not to name names so we will call them hose A and hose B are dead lineing and filling coolers full of everything... the wardens show up 3 weeks later hose A and hose B just threw everything in there van and took off and your left with a ticket for putting and whole cigg on the ground that you were going to pick back up and finish after you were done catching a fish, you have a pocket full of scummy cigg butts but that doesnt matter now you have a ticket to because the second it touches the ground even if its for a second you littered. so you figure yea ill call the cops for now on then, well they run right over when called but not there jurusdiction please dont call us and they yell at you that they can just ask them to leave we cant make them leave blaa blaaa blaaaaaaa... they ask em to leave, hose A and Hose B each say they dont understand and keep fishing...
  16. over oil a 1911 and your wearing it.. LOL ive done that granted i still give it a "little extra" but not so much as to creat an oil slick on the range...
  17. lil oil goes a long way....
  18. with they way the prices of things are right now and etc... i think i might have to start eating more of what i catch... stripper trout flounder fuke etc etc etc... spend all this money to go fishing and then go buy food ..
  19. i could see that to cause your problem though, barrel a lil loose that little bit of give causeing the extractor claw to loose its hold on the shells rim... but if you tightn it all the way hard it should stay tight enofe to eject the first anyway, id think?... it took my auto around 3-4 shots for the tube cap to start to get loose and the cap retainer was stuck down and had no hold on the cap at all.. but thats a differant shotgun anyway so?
  20. yea sometime that little cap retainer can not lock in on em right and doesnt keep it from staying tight... i have an 1100 that did that well the button got stuck down... but it still cycled fine,, loss some accuracy with slugs every time it started to go a little loose and i just give it turn tight again... for now i seem to have fixed it by working a little break free cp oil into it but i dont think it will not stay fixed for some reason it seems it will be temporary, ill need to replace it or just get a new forend for it when it starts happening again.
  21. looks good
  22. i did that with fireline.. also cut my hand open that day for the first time with fishing line trying to break it from being stuck.. it was a bad day. i was stuck the line was spinning around on the spool so i was like I don't understand i grabbed the line and gave it
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