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Everything posted by 4pwr

  1. Has anyone thought,if the guvment has all this money to give back to us...... we were taxed too much to start with ! i
  2. Would like 2 travel rods. One for spinning and one for casting. Anyone have something or know of some rods that would be of interest ro me?
  3. I do not recall the name of the movie. Robert Duvall is explaining how a driver can help tune a stock car by telling the mech what it is doing. Cruise replies I can't do that. Duvall asks why not. Cruise says because I have no idea what you are talking about. I am like that with fishing rods. I have no idea what you are talking about when you refer to a specific type rod . I rig my rods for line weight from 4$ to 20# for a total of 6 outfits and use what outfit covers the situation I am in that time. I fish out of a 14 ft aluminum rigged the way I like it. This does two things for me. It gives me a easy towing and handling boat and prevents me from buying and carrying too much stuff. It seems to work out well for me.
  4. Goodness guys. If you take along a rod reel combo to meet every situation you encounter or every method of fishing you use, are not you complicating things a bit? The number of rods and baits required must make it hard to fish without tripping over something in the boat. This bring me to a question .How many rods and reels does a guy need to carry to figure he is pretty much covered. I carry 6 and am trying to find out what I use the most and perhaps cull one or two to make it simpler. What do you guys think? \"
  5. I am looking for a spinning reel that will handle 8# line. Wonderful reels out there in my price range. They vary in weight from 8 to 11 ounces. If a reel catches my attention and weighs 2 or 3 ounces more than another reel I like; how much should I let the weight difference affect my purchase decision?
  6. I am a ABU round reel fan. I have no idea if they are the best or not. All I know is they cast just fine and are all around good reels. I would keep the reel and upgrade the rod.
  7. Thank you micro.Very helpful post .
  8. Will get a new BC fishing reel soon. Am looking hard at the ABU 5600 D6. I have used ABU rounds for 35 yrs. Will think of changing if good reasons are given. Are there any compelling reasons I should abandon an old friend, the ABU 5600 series reel?
  9. Sam.....nice try,wasted post.
  10. Thank you. I think I might get the reg Supreme or a Catalyst.
  11. I am thinking of getting another spinning reel. I guess I like the Supreme but noticed they have a GT model for $30 more. In the specs I don't see where the 30 bucks is at. Anyone know?
  12. Browsing the web looking at Abu round reels. I do not know the difference in the C and D series 5600 reels. Also what is the difference between a 4600 and a 5600 reel. Prices are all over the place. If you find a deal are you getting a real 5600?
  13. When I travel without a boat , freshwater fishing except salmon. Walley and bassputting long 1 piece rods in a car is a pain. Would like one top of the line 2 piece spinning rod and one trigger rod. They would be used for all types of fishing except salmon and muskie. Bass and walleye mainly. Six and a half or seven foot. Ten to twenty lb test and about 3/8 to 5/8 lures. Some times a little lighter or heavier. Would love a Loomis,Croix or other high end rod. Can anyone steer me in the right direction. Perhaps there are companies out there that I am not aware of. Can not possibly justify 5 or 6 hundred dollars. 2 to 3 hundred or so will have to do.
  14. My wife enjoys fishing and we fish together often. She uses a Zebco platinum 33. I noticed when landing a decent fish or reeling in a grass pike the effort in reeling becomes harder than I like. I was wondering if an Omega would improve this. After 34 yrs she still will not learn spinning or baitcasting which is ok she's happy with spincast.
  15. I keep forgetting to state spinning or casting. I am referring to spinning. Any size energy.
  16. I think I might get one. Do any of you have one? What do you think of it?
  17. I am not familiar with Delos. Where is their website please.
  18. See these for $30. Opinions any one?
  19. BPS has them for $30. Was wondering how is the reel.
  20. Oops! I meant shimano crucial not the clarus.
  21. Pretty much made up my mind I am buying shimano clarus or st croix premier rod. I am leaning towards shimano because I figure shimanos hi end is better than st croix's low end rod. What do you think /
  22. if you are a multiple species fisherman. Why not go to the 40? Still good for bass and good for pike and such. I did and am quite happy. Only costs you 2 tnths of an ounce or so.
  23. Thank"s Raul,you made it simple.
  24. Last year I bought a quality spinning reel and casting reel. This year I want to get quality rods for them. The problem is when I look in the catalogs I see rods desiegned for specific application. I am not going to buy a rod for every type of bait I use. I really do not want a dozen rods in the boat. For spinning I usually top out at 5/8 ounce. For casting I might go to 1 ounce jigging or spoon.What action should I be looking for.
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