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    Encinitas CA

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  1. Thanks! I got them at Target they are the 6qt Sterlite brand about 13 or so inches in length. They wedge fit real nice. No more digging through tackle bags looking for stuff. I am beginning to really like having my own boat.
  2. I now own an '05 Evinrude E-Tec 50hp. It runs clean (3-Star rated) and quiet with 2-stroke pop. Don't know if it is the "best" or not. I do know that there is an awful lot of good reviews out there on the Internet.
  3. I insulated the lids on most compartments including the cooler and most of the Live well (didn't want to cover up the built in tape ruler that is on the inside of the big lid). 3/4 inch insulation foam and 3M 77 adhesive spray did the trick. Being that the deck is 100% aluminum I really wanted the compartments to stay a little cooler hopefully. My main beef is lack of rod storage on this boat but it is only 16 feet and when I am by myself it isn't an issue. Those side lockers I have my tackle in are not capable to of storing a 6.5' rod without 'bending" it to get it in. No way. The newer Lowe's ('06 and '07) solved this issue with a rod locker in the middle to the tip of the bow. They also redesigned the hull and I prefer the chine angles and step transom on mine instead. Plus mine came equipped with the Evinrude E-Tec 50 which Lowe doesn't offer anymore since Mercury bought the company I am told. Found that these nifty little Sterlite containers fit just right and offered me the opportunity to organize my tackle and leave "on-board". Also got some fenders and man they sure do bring a piece of mind while docked. They came in handy yesterday in the wind. That's all for now. ---- [img width=500 height=375]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/Ted_SHRED/Lowe%20160W/boat_improvements03.jpg [img width=500 height=375]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/Ted_SHRED/Lowe%20160W/boat_improvements04.jpg [img width=500 height=375]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/Ted_SHRED/Lowe%20160W/boat_improvements05.jpg [img width=500 height=375]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/Ted_SHRED/Lowe%20160W/boat_improvements07.jpg [img width=500 height=375]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v463/Ted_SHRED/Lowe%20160W/boat_improvements06.jpg
  4. I filled a 3 gallon bucket with hot water and glugged in a few glugs of Simple Green. Then I took a hard bristled brush and went after the spots. Came out looking good and I Sun dried it.
  5. Lowe is a great company to deal with. I have called twice with questions and they are very knowledgeable and helpful. I just got a hold-over '05 160W. The storage and rod storage leave a lot to be desired compared to the '06 and '07 models but the hull chine angles and the step-down transom really make it shine over the newer ones as far as ride and handling go. Plus I got the last year they put the Evinrude E-Tec on it. If I were you I would not hesitate to purchase a Lowe product. Tight lines.
  6. I also have heard good things about this one from Dual Sport: http://www.dualpro.com/new/lp2.html ---
  7. I am seriously considering this charger and it is on sale. I have two Interstate batteries (SRM 27 and a 24M XHD). Any thoughts? ProSport 12 http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/product/standard-item.jsp?_DARGS=/cabelas/en/common/catalog/item-link.jsp_A&_DAV=MainCatcat602006-cat130009_TGP&id=0019015015766a&navCount=17&podId=0019015&parentId=cat130009&masterpathid=&navAction=push&catalo&cmCat=cat601333_feat&_requestid=5657
  8. My BatteryMINDER charger says that I can charge more than one battery in parallel. http://www.vdcelectronics.com/batteryminder_12117.htm I was thinking of wiring a connector between my 2 batteries (cranking and TM) so I could have them wired parallel during charging and maintenance modes. Of course I would disconnect them before use. Would this wiring idea also work in a pinch should my cranking battery ever go dead and I still had TM battery charge to start? I am pretty much electronically "challenged"...
  9. How far in the water should my trolling prop be? I have a 12V 46lb MotorGuide on my 16ft Lowe 160W. Yesterday I raised to just below the surface while running in submerged tree infested water. Where should it be in open water?
  10. I opened up the access panels to the gas tank and fuel lines. They were just like new and tightly connected. There was no residue around any of the connections and I ran my hand around them and smelled no gas. I'll keep an eye on it, but it looks good.
  11. I spoke with the manufacturer (Lowe) and they are so polite and helpful!! Found out that it does have plastic fuel tank and the smell is more so with plastic. He told me about the access ports so I am going to open them and take a look at the connections to double make sure nothing is leaking. Anyway, I am going to check it out but it appears as if this is not as big of an issue as this nervous, first time boat owner made it out to be.
  12. I paid $11,995 for boat and trailer. Out the door it came to $13,051 and change. This was a hold-over 2005 new boat, at a dealership, I found. As I find out about this boat I am more and more thrilled with the pre-2006 Lowe hull and the Evinrude E-Tec 2-stroke . It handles very well in the rough and turns. It absorbs bumps much like fiberglass hulls and rides like an 18 footer. Granted it is not as wide as the later hulls but the way this boat planes and flys over chop, I would not trade it. Here is some shots of the V in the hull.
  13. I uncovered it today and opened the back hatch (battery access, etc..) and it smelled like fuel a bit. Is this normal? (my first boat) It seems to smell under the deck in other hatches also. It's not overpowering, or all that strong, but I thought I would ask. Also, does anyone know where the fuel tank is on this boat? It is a 2005 and the filler spout is just in front of the cockpit (right side) on the rail. Thanks
  14. I just got my Lowe bass boat and it appears to have a "pre-made" place for my pedal to be flushmouted! The opening is 8.5" x 10.5". The pedal will fit. I will need to remove the lid and deep plastic tray. They are riveted on to the aluminum deck. Is there any easy way to remove rivets? Is the center a good place for the pedal control?...I am a noobie. Who sells the trays that set into an opening like this? Thanks
  15. Thanks for all the kind words guys!!!
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