Hey guys,
SInce y'all gave such great advice on a great new spinning rod a few months ago, I could use some advice now on a baitcaster rod.
This baitcaster rod is replacing my very first baitcaster setup, an All Star Select rod DSLASCO701MH which had a RevoS on it (gen2 i believe). This setup was great and has lasted me many years, but now its hurting and needed to be replaced. After this years cleaning/lubing it just didn't improve like it has in all the years past. Plus I still used this setup a lot, for multiple purposes, and I wanted to replace it with some nice new equipment.
After learning to baitcast with this setup I started buying technique specific rods; a crankbait baitcast rod, H baitcast rod for jigs/heavy cover/etc, M drop shot/general spinning setup, and lastly a very flexible M baitcast rod for very small lures and finesse applications. Even with these technique specific setups, I still used my 1st baitcaster setup a lot, for techniques I dont have covered such as: lighter jigs, lots of different style plastics, spinnerbaits, lipless crankkbaits, jerkbaits, flukes, small swimbaits (i.e. swim'n caffeine shad), etc.
I already have a new reel for the setup, a Lew's BB1 HZL, which is 6.4:1 ratio. I tried it out today on my old All-Star and I am very pleased with its performance. So smooth and casts very far, even lighter lures.
I do have 4 rods in mind, in the $60 to $100 range, but I am open to other suggestions.
-Denali Jadewood 7' MHF jig/worm rod.
-Denali J2 7' MHF jig/worm rod
-Abu Veritas 7' MHF VRC70-6
-Abu Veritas 7' MHF VRCM70-6 (with micro guides)
The Denali's would run me around $100 and the Veritas around $60.
I am looking at these 4 rods because I own a Jadewood drop shot rod and love it, and I also own a Heavy Veritas rod, love that too.
Also, setup is using FlouroCarbon line exclusively, 15lb most of the time. Don't think I'll be using any leaders, which is why I am considering micro guides.
Thanks for any and all help!