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WookieeJedi last won the day on May 22 2012

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    Between 9-10 lbs
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  1. The Cane River stripers are doing next to nothing. They will hit very small blades and rat-l-traps trolled slowly on the bottom. Not worth the drive. I'm hoping this rain lately will pick things up everywhere. It has been tough.
  2. When you see cruisers like you described, they can be a really tough bite. I have used senkos and tiny craw lures with some success, but the best way I found to catch them is on live worms. I hook one or two on a light hook and put a rubber core sinker about two feet up from the bait. Sometimes I need to inject a little air into the worms to get them up off the bottom a little. I just cast into the area and wait. It isn't exciting and sunfish can be a problem, but I haven't tried anything that works better.
  3. The first time I took my oldest girl out (she was 5), we had one cut loose right behind the blind. It was dark, and I thought that was going to be it for her. But she was just like, "What was that?" "Screech Owl." "Oh." She went to sleep 10 minutes later.
  4. I have had deer swim by. I followed 3 of them once, they were crossing a big part of the lake and swam about a 1/2 mile. That's a swim I would expect from a coastal or marsh deer, but not piney woods deer.
  5. I love frog fishing. It is easily my favorite way to catch bass. It isn't a great way to catch them here right now, but when it is on, there isn't a better way to spend a day.
  6. There is no wrong way to fish a wacky rig, just different ways.
  7. "Golf is a good walk spoiled." - Mark Twain I tend to agree.
  8. Anybody down in CENLA know if the stripers are schooling down on the lower Cane River down by the dam? My brother usually tips me off, but he hasn't been out there in a while.
  9. A bullfrog has a very dark color when they are in the water. The black may be working better where there are more bullfrogs. I got plenty of both, with the majority being leopard frogs, but since both are so plentiful, it could explain why the color has made little difference where I fish. Maybe "match the hatch" is the way to go.
  10. The SOT kayak's low profile helps reduce the impact of the wind. It's still an issue, but not as bad as the canoe. I keep the anchor in a ready position so I can drop it when I need. It's a minor hassle, but when the wind is up, it takes less effort than using the paddle. I have fished out of the larger bass tenders, and they were OK if you are a smaller person, but put 250 in there, and it just doesn't feel right. Folks under 200 probably wouldn't notice. Just something to consider.
  11. I pronounced this one delicious as well. He was right at 2# and had thick, flaky filets that were perfect breaded with rice flour, bread crumbs, and special seasoning. A little Big O's tartar, mmmmmm! Got him on a Speed Craw while bass fishing.
  12. I use a bright yellow leopard frog color with a white belly. I have used a darker bullfrog color, but the leopard frogs are more numerous here, so I use it almost exclusively now. Both of them catch fish. I think the action matters more than color. For that I like the Pad Crasher. The Live Target frog looks very similar, and works just as well for $5 more. I'll stick with the Crasher.
  13. I fish out of a SOT kayak most of the time, and switch to a canoe sometimes. I will fish like this as long as I am able, it is good exercise, very quiet, and it has made me a better angler. It is less tempting to run a mile up the lake to try a different spot when you are the motor. I switch tactics first. It has worked more often than I would like to admit. I burned a lot of unnecessary fuel in my youth.
  14. Sorry, Glenn. None of those was intended to be aimed at LEOs in general, a leather-squeaker is a specific term for a particular type of police. I guess from the outside that might look different. Been in it too long, I guess.
  15. I made the mistake of putting one of my matrix shad minnows in a bag with my magic shad. Three of my magics turned to mush and the matrix shrunk and became stiff, like a shrinky-dink. Some plastics just don't get along.
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