I know you will see many great types of lure presentations here and structure ideas. A good pair of polarized glasses do wonders, what is working for me is looking for bright green grass at the 6-8 ft range then I cast to the deeper side of it and bring it to the shallow side. texas rigged worms or wacky rigged is getting all my fish over the 2 pound range. I like to look at what color the dragon flies are, and my go to color are watermelon green with red specks, pumkingseed green or any of the junebug colors on sunny days, black with either blue or red specks on cloudy days. I like to punch through the healthy lily pads with a lizard baits or a short fast retrieve on top with a floating frog. I only use my depth finder when I have the big motor on and turn it off once i hit the area I like, hence the glasses. I bring lots of gatorade because I will fish alot in one spot because theres no such thing as just one big fish at good structures. But this is what is working for me on my boat.