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Mike Clemons

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Everything posted by Mike Clemons

  1. trueblue, the two in avatar was from a tx. on rodman in 2011.mine was 10.26 partner john was 8.75 and I lost one at the boat which was bigger than the one I caught...we won tx.
  2. tO ANSWER THE FIRST ? There is very little area to fish from shore. If you go to the dam and go across dam there is about 1/2 mi. of shore lined w/ rocks.If the cabbage isnt blowed up on shore or the drilla isnt topped out very far there are some good spots to catch bass. to adress the 2nd. ? ,yes there are plenty of stumps and with the water as hi as it is now you cant see many of them. the barge canal seperates the stump fields and for the most part it is ok to run. you just have to watch out for floaters. right now some of the best fishing is strait across from kenwood landing.when you come out the canal to barge canal go across into stump field work your way back to where old river channel meanders and work off that.
  3. if your asking about drilla ,no it hasnt, the peppergrass is gone also. there is a green stringy grass that has took over some areas and in a very few spots there is some new drilla growth about 6'' long,but its very small patches..rowell on the other hand is covered in drilla..
  4. not sure where your not catching anything but fishing is fine around the gville area.loosa put in at twin lakes fish camp fish lil loosa in the pads and visible cover .small enough area for your boat hampton lake fish docks to the n. or pads and grass to the s..of ramp.little lake santa fe fish either way outta launch canal. or melrose bay in big lake . alto to the left as you go into lake down to canal that leads to s.f. ,crosby in starke would be a good bet, and if you want numbers and dont care about size you have lowry and magnolia in keystone.(only open on sun. from daylite till noon and mon. from noon till 6 pm. there are many small lakes in the forest that are only accessible with your type boat and are mostly unmollested and hold giant bass.i would even think you could get your boat in holden park in hawthorne that has monster bass in it.fishing is tough in rodman and not easy to access with your boat. you would have to travel to far to get to where to get on some fish.salt run would be the last place I would go right now, especially with your boat.
  5. yes, i have fished it since the 70's,had a tx. there sat. took 18+ to win bf was 5.05. caught in rowell. sampson has been hot and cold, it was cold sat. those who fished there didnt fare too well.it was on though just a couple weeks back. rowell is mostly topped out in drilla and fish are bunched up but hard to get to. they keep the water real low this time of yr. and it affects fish and navigation.if you go its one of those hit or miss propositions.
  6. mag ultravibe speedworm,5/0 mag ewg, 1/8 bullet weight...swam just under the surface.
  7. Loosa has been giving up fair numbers of bass.nothing to bragg about but ok. most fish are in the grass and you have to fish slow. wauburg I havent heard anything about since early spring.
  8. there are many variables,and a big difference when you consider north fla. to central or south fla. but in n. fla. we have more of a temp change than the rest of the state.length of daylite coupled w/ water temp triggers bass movement.the length of daylite is approaching the right time and then when the water temp gets and settles in the mid 70's you'll see the bass start to move more predictably.even now a couple cool nights will cause some bass to move prematurally and spark a short bite.the window of opportunity is brief but can be sweet.there are some fish in transition already, starting to move to intermediate points ,weed edges ,a little shallower depths. all depends on the body of water.
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