My Shimano Collection...
1. Alde Mg - Zpi Offset CF Handle, Zpi Knobs & bearings, Hedgehog Air Bearings, Yumeya Cast Control, Reel Weight - 5.22oz
2. Core 51 - Zpi Offset CF Handle, Zpi Knobs & bearings, Hedgehog Air Bearings, Reel Weight - 5.22oz
3. Bfs XG - Zpi Offset CF Handle, Zpi Knobs & bearings, Hedgehog Bfs Air Bearings, Avail Drag, Hedgehog mech brake, Hedgehog side cover i repainted to match reel, and Ktf shallow spool. Have a purple Avail spool & Mag brake on the way... - Reel Weight - 4.72oz
4. Conquest 51s - Zpi Offset CF Handle, Zpi Knobs & bearings, Hedgehog Bfs Air Bearings, Avail Drag, Avail Shallow Spool & Mag Brake. Reel Weight - 6.34oz
Next thing will either be a shallow spool for the core/alde mg or try out a megabass/daiwa...