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Everything posted by aharris

  1. If I see bass crusing, reguardless of the season, I've always had pretty good luck on a drop shot. Like Crestliner said, back way off and cast to them. A weightless senko or a fluke may work also.
  2. Yeah, that's pretty jacked up what he said.
  3. so it's not a beaver? Sweet beaver?
  4. nice...
  5. nice one dude
  6. Did you watch the classic? They talked about fast warming trends affect bass the same way a cold front affects them. Fish up there are use to the cold water temp, then all of a sudden the water temp changes 4 or 5 degrees and the fish act the same as if they were your florida bass when a cold front comes in. Im no pro, so dont take this to heart. It's just my opinion.
  7. Yeah, I probably had no business in fishing that thick of cover with that light of tackle, but we had fished it earlier and it wasnt really a problem. I got a 3+ out, but this one was just too big. I know I'm probably being greedy b/c like I said, we had just caught two 6+ pounders almost back to back but man...it was heart breaking loosing that big of a fish.
  8. nah man, it wasnt the knot. 10lb braid with a 10+ pound bass in thick cover isnt gonna fair too well. And I never try to adjust my drag while fighting a fish, but I had no choice here. It was either tighten the drag up a little and try to slow her down or leave it like it was and...well....anyway, she got to where she was wanting to go...i jus slowed her down a little. It was fun though...I just wish I couldve gotten my hands on her.
  9. well she ended up in the brush pile anyway, so tightening the drag obviously didnt work. That little 10lb braid just couldnt hold her any longer around that log jam. Ahh well...maybe next time.
  10. Me and a buddy of mine went out to a private lake (80+ acres) and fished a while yesterday. We fished most of the day with a spinnerbait and caught some decent fish. On the way back to the dock, we stopped to fish a brush pile in 15 or so feet of water. Me being the genius that I am figured, hey, I'll throw this shaky head...on 10lb braid down there and see if I can get bit. Well...I did, I caught a 3+ right off the bat. Two casts later, I proceeded to hook into a freaking GIANT. When I stuck it, it literally almost spooled me instantly. I tightened my drag down b/c I really had no other choice. It got me stuck in the brush pile for a minute but eventually came out. She came up to the top of the water and made another run like a freakin tarpon! I mean it was all I could do to hold my rod! She took off back to deep water and made it to the brush pile again. I felt her running thru the brush and then...snap. She was gone. I literally almost threw up in the boat. I mean, my pb is a 9.2 and this one was bigger than that was one. I tried to be a versatile angler and start using finesse stuff and this is what it gets me. As a consilation prize, I did catch this one. We actually caught this one and one more over 6 almost back to back. Probably caught 15 in all.
  11. So I walked in the store this morning and started talking to this old fellow and the topic of fishing came up. He said, "man yeah, I have this private lake right down the road but I usually dont let people fish it." I thought, well why heck did you have to tell me that. Then he proceeds to give me his number and said, "give me a call if you ever want to go, but it's got these little lilly pads all along the banks, so you might want to bring you a boat and I think the biggest one that's been caught out of there was a little over ten pounds so make sure you've got some good line". So it looks like me and ole kermit the frog are gonna have some fun in the near future.
  12. Trespassing? Doesnt that mean, "sure, go ahead"?
  13. I think I'm gonna wait til Sunday and pray it isnt quite that bad.
  14. How you like that H20 lipless you got there? I bought one the other day, but havent used it.
  15. I always use chrome and black on cloudy days and chrome and blue on sunny days. Not saying that's the correct thing to do, but it seems to work. Also if the water is a little dingy, I'll use black and chrome.
  16. yeah, but just think...down here in July, when it's 105 degrees with the humidity at 100% and you literally taste the air bc it's so thick, you'll be in in Chicago soaking up those 80 degree days.
  17. You better be throwing a soft plastic one or your fingers will be green from picking off the grass. Just dont set the bar too high for yourself...2nd place isnt that bad.
  18. I found out that if you hug them a little bit...and whisper in their ear...they'll tell you where the others are hiding.
  19. I wish I had confidence in swim baits. I really never use them...I plan on changing that this year. Nice looking stash by the way
  20. jigs and/or spinnerbaits. I've plano's full of jigs and I've got spinnerbaits galore.
  21. KVD 1.5 But I didnt just get a few river2sea square bills. They look pretty good.
  22. you can straight up crush them if they're shallow on a pink fluke or a pink zoom trick worm. #RealMenFishWithPink
  23. Robo!! And zoom of course. 99% of the time, I never throw a shakey head heavier than 1/8 oz. Dont bash me!! Thats just how I do it.
  24. shakey fish with a fluke is an awesome way to catch them.
  25. it's just a small March of Dimes benefit tournament at camp croft in spartanburg. Just doing it to raise a little money for my buddy's daughter. Mainly just for fun. They're selling hotdogs and stuff afterwards and raffling off some fishing stuff. It's probably only 25 boats or so.
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