Me and a buddy of mine went out to a private lake (80+ acres) and fished a while yesterday. We fished most of the day with a spinnerbait and caught some decent fish. On the way back to the dock, we stopped to fish a brush pile in 15 or so feet of water. Me being the genius that I am figured, hey, I'll throw this shaky head...on 10lb braid down there and see if I can get bit. Well...I did, I caught a 3+ right off the bat. Two casts later, I proceeded to hook into a freaking GIANT. When I stuck it, it literally almost spooled me instantly. I tightened my drag down b/c I really had no other choice. It got me stuck in the brush pile for a minute but eventually came out. She came up to the top of the water and made another run like a freakin tarpon! I mean it was all I could do to hold my rod! She took off back to deep water and made it to the brush pile again. I felt her running thru the brush and then...snap. She was gone. I literally almost threw up in the boat. I mean, my pb is a 9.2 and this one was bigger than that was one. I tried to be a versatile angler and start using finesse stuff and this is what it gets me. As a consilation prize, I did catch this one. We actually caught this one and one more over 6 almost back to back. Probably caught 15 in all.