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Everything posted by je1946

  1. Winni can fish tough in the summer. Would recommend the main part of the lake, fish early or late in the day. If you don't know the lake make sure you use caution and use a map or chart from your electronics, rocks are everywhere. Stay out of the broads unless you have the boat to handle it and keep an eye out for darkening clouds. Sudden storms can be quick and violent. With all that said it's a gd SM fishery and don't overlook the LM.
  2. I can only recommend to you that you read some literature from the Mich. and Wisconsin fish and game dept about the in depth study they did on the detremental effect that bed fishing has on the largemouth & SM fishery. I know this is a big controversy in bass fising and I'm not going to preach to you or anyone else about it. Just go on line and read or contact Al Linder regarding this. and then do what you must.
  3. Sent you a Message.
  4. Will be picking up the new boat on Wed. Ultrex finally came in. I'll be using the older boat until I get the new engine broken in and arrange for a washing of the new one. Gd luck on Sun. you should have temps in the low 50s, it was over 90 inland today. Buddy of mine was out today on the Q haven't heard how he did, but i'd wager he did well. i think we would have done better if we had some wind, was flat calm all day out there and usually that doesn't bode to well until the top water starts, didn't even bring any with us or I would have given it a try. Most of the guys we talked to were having the same catching wise, seeing fish but not getting them to commit.
  5. Was there yesterday out of 43 by the ramp 48, 51 on the return at 6P Out on the main lake eastern shore 46 to 49 out tru the pass we had temps from 44 to 49. Fish were starting to move up can only imagine how it was today. We managed only 4 with the biggest a little over 4 two on deep diving jerks one on a lipless crank and another on a fluke, threw the hell out of the blades and only had one hit. We had a lot of followers, but couldn't get them to commit.
  6. Blades, blades, blades, Hair Jig. Anytime the water is below 57 degrees I have one on. Gd luck.
  7. Take no prisoners. I'll be there after the mad rush. Still waiting on some things for the new boat so it'll be old Q boat for a little while.
  8. I owned a Shimano Cumara fist gen with a lifetime warranty, I broke the tip of the rod and called Shimano for a replacement Paid $100 and they replaced it with the Zodias(button your shirt Shimano your heart is falling out) I can flat out tell you any semblance of the Zodias to the Cumara is purely coincidental. With that being said there is, in my opinion better rods in the $200 price point. I would put the St Croix Avid in that category, and can tell you if something happens to a St Croix rod they will work with you to make you happy, Dobyns ChampionXP is another line of rods and if your a vet they'll give you 10% off. Don't know what's happened with Shimano over the last yr but I find them difficult to deal with.
  9. My plans have changed as well and I also plan on being there. Looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting new people.
  10. LOL, wouldn't we all love to get a boat in that place. Has to be some huge smallies in there that have never seen a lure. Did you get the results of the tourney on Webster last week? I heard there were 2 LM over 7 caught. Yes, confirmed a 7.4 and a 7.7 26lbs to win it.
  11. Siebert outdoors one of the sponsors on the site made some for me. Love em.
  12. The Ultrex i need is the 80 with a 60" shaft, the 52 is too short on the V hull. I hear you on the opening day thing when I was younger I'd wait, but those days are long gone for me. I won't be there until the first Wed. The first Mon is also Patriots day so it'll probably be packed the first 3 days. Hoping the weather stays as cool as it has so those water temps stay nice and cool. I'll be in touch as we get closer.
  13. Ditto that with Webster. Fishing Rhino and I were there last Thur. and I managed 5 fish, only 1 LM of about 2 lbs. All the rest were non bass, all on blades and we beat the place to a pulp, we too could not locate a smallie, same water temps of 41 degrees. New boat just came in & now I can't get an Ultrex TM, everywhere is sold out. Shame on me for not getting one when they were available. I'll be in touch when the Q opens, I still have my other Q boat that serves me well.
  14. To do a proper and accurate measure you really need calipers and a scale. I agree that to me its a 45 ACP
  15. Only way to find out is to take it for a test ride. If I'm not fimiliar or sure of a boat I'm buying I wouldn't buy it without taking it for a test run. Tons of boats around used and new, take your time and be sure because your going to own it.
  16. Just adding my 2 cents to the post in regard to the TM. I would definitely go with a 24V TM. You can never have too much TM, and for a few hundred more it's well worth the investment. I have a 12V 55 on my older deep V and by the end of the day with steady 15-20 mph breeze i'm going no where. I'm replacing it this spring to a 24V 80 and never looking back. Lesson learned.
  17. Another option is a used Shimano baitcaster. Some fabulous deals to be had no good quality reels. I actually prefer the used Curado's and Chronarchs with the older brakes on them. You can go on youtube and learn how to clean or replace the bearings, very easy to do. If you can locate an older Curado 100D that reel will last you a lifetime and it's bullet proof takes a lick'n and keeps on tick'n Yes the new reels are lighter but you can find a Curado D for around $100 or less and trust me you'll have a great reel.
  18. Be careful out there.
  19. I was all set for the 14th but can't do the 15th. Enjoy, I'll be there in spirit.
  20. Fished that place plenty. There some gd ones in there, but they're few and far between, try it at night some time. You'll like it. Fished that place a quite a few times, used to live right up the street. Some gd ones in there but few and far between. Try it at night some time with a canoe, used to be decent after midnight.
  21. je1946

    NRA member?

    Not a member, but I'm about to be. Feel they're one of the very few voices the responsible firearm owner has.
  22. Can't speak for everyone, but I usually use my legs and feet.
  23. North plus wood= bass.
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