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Everything posted by je1946

  1. Lots of good lakes and ponds in your area, the state has a sight you can go to that has maps, access address and species info. As far as your boat goes, you can use it in MA with the NH registration but if you live in MA your at some point going to have to swap the registration to where you store the boat.
  2. Blackn'd tuna steaks on the grill are yummy cook em creoled only had it that way once and it was delish. that's a whole lot of sushi. lol
  3. I don't think the recreational fisherman can sell, believe you need a commercial license to sell tuna, and the price of tuna is WAY down.
  4. I don't tournament fish but I strongly support anything that helps the health and well being of caught and injured bass.
  5. Pretty sure Quabbin doesn't allow canoes of kayaks, I think they allow them on Pottapaug but I don't think there's any smallies in there.
  6. "MA fishing laws pertaining to lead". I typed it in and it came right up.
  7. Traveled south to meet up with Fishing Rhino to fish a sm pond in his area. Met Tom @8am and we were fishing by 8:45. We were into fish within 10 minutes and for the next 5hrs we caught and released 15-20 quality LMs with 5-6 over 4lbs and lost another 4-5 that were at least that size. I don't think we caught a fish under1.5 lbs and all these fish were fat and very healthy looking. The swim senko accounted for the majority of the fish along with a 4"senko and a few on the Zoom speed craw. Saying it was hot and humid is an understatement. It wasn't long before I regretted wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt and not having a buff for my neck. Around 1:30 the heat had gotten to me and that along with TM issue got us off the water. With all that said and done it was a very gd fishing day, the heat not so much. Thanks Tom for a great day.
  8. Traveled south to meet up with Fishing Rino to fish a small pond in his area. Met Tom at 8am and we were fishing by 8:45. We were into fish within 10 minutes and for the next 5hrs we caught 15-20 gd quality LM with 5-6 of them topping 4lbs and lost 4or 5 more that were equally that big. I don't think we caught anything under 1.5lbs, all these fish were fat and very healthy looking. The swim senko accounted for most of the fish, with some coming on the 4" senko and a Zoom speed craw getting a few as well. Saying it was hot and humid is an understatement. It wasn't long before I regretted wearing shorts and a short sleeved shirt, and not having buff to cover my neck. Around 1:30 the heat had gotten to me and that along with a trolling motor issue got us off the water. All said and done it was a very gd day fishing, the heat not so much. Thanks Tom.
  9. Never connect your depthfinder to your TM batteries.
  10. Sent you a PM
  11. Your post is a little confusing. Why would you drift if you have an anchor, or are you referring to the boat swinging on the the anchor? In which case you could anchor off of the side or bring a second anchor. You could fill a plastic coffee can with quick set and attach an eye while the quick set takes effect. Then attach a line to it and you have a second anchor.
  12. I tried to add dollars to upgrade after being offered a zodias. They said no way. Thanks for nothing Shimano, you gave me an apple for an apple orchid. Zodias is not even close in quality of Cumara.
  13. Glad to hear your Moms doing well. I live 50 miles from Winni and even more from Squam, but if I'm in the Merideth (Winni) area I like Harts turkey farm, always a gd spread and they have other things beside turkey. NH Bull lives in the Squam area so I'm sure he can recommend some gd restaurants to you.
  14. I'd include some ned & neko rigs, Hula grubs, & nose hooked soft jerk baits. Tubes are always a gd choice. If it's breezy a chartreuse/white spinner bait.
  15. Gates open at 6am, you'll have no problem renting a boat and motor on a wkday. If I were you I'd try to use some kind of anchor, if it's windy you'll be blowing all over. Or you could use the wind to your advantage if it's not too windy. A map with contours would be to your advantage.
  16. You do know it's illegal to keep cod in Ma. unless your below Cape Cod. You can keep all the strippers you want (lol) but stripers are one per person over 28"??
  17. I fish them a long the bottom, either slowly swim them or small hops on the bottom with an occasional pause. Bass hammered them.
  18. Traveled south this morning to Westport to meet up with Fishing Rhino. Launched about 7:30 to bright skies and a steady 10MPH breeze. We were on fish within the first 1/2hr and for about an hr we caught 12 fish with Toms 3.5 LM taking honors. The wind increased to 15 and the fishing slowed considerably. We headed down the lake and the wind let up a little and the fishing improved. I decided to try a new bait and tied on the Dark Sleeper, within a few cast I had 2 fish on it, stuck with it for the next couple hrs landing at least 5 fish and losing a few more along with a few Dark Sleepers. Tom did well with his Menace and wacky rigged Senko. The wind again started to freshen to at least 20 and we called it a day at 2PM. Our total for the day was probably around 25 fish with Tom's earlier 3.5LM being the biggest. Water temp was 68. Bulk of our fish came on the Zoom Ol Monster worm, Dark Sleeper, & Wacky rigs. Hoping to get out with the new rig on Fri for a few hrs, with Quabbin in the pic for nex wk.
  19. If your considering the Ranger RT then I can suggest the Lund Renegade 1875 pretty much the same price point as the RT and less than the Lund Pro V. If you go to page 16 on the bass boat forum you can get some input from some of the owners. I just purchased one and while I haven't had it out on any real windy days reading the others input puts me at some ease. Of course reading weather reports ahead of time and letting discretion be the better part of valor is always a wise decision. No fish or tournament is worth risking yours or any others life. Know your boat, it's capabilities and prepare with your safety equipment. Gd luck in whatever your decision is.
  20. closed to residents only after Memorial Day
  21. Congrats on a beauty, and thanks for releasing her to spawn and continue gd genetics.
  22. If your talking about the place down on the cape that has very big smallies, they have seen and been caught on everything but the kitchen sink, by some very gd anglers, tournament there every other wk. Perhaps if you try the kitchen sink lol. I like to call them educated smallies.
  23. Nice looking smallies.
  24. I use a Mustad Titan X wacky/neko hook 1/0 and have had zero issues.
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