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Everything posted by je1946

  1. This is utterly tucking it to the non-resident, the fees are already ridiculously high to begin with. Tell the residents to stop fertilizing their lawns which is a major contributor to the weed problem.
  2. Still to early and water is too cold for bass to be spawning.
  3. Do you own a boat or are you fishing from shore?
  4. Always a pleasure Mike. Absolutely, looking forward to this spring and the Q opener although I just do wkdays there. As soon as the weather breaks I'm going to haul the Q boat out. Bought a new Lund Renegade 19ft with a 115 Merc. and I see you have the Ranger aluminum, nice boat. Yes it would be good to see if we could get a group to the Q
  5. WTT right handed like new Shimano Core 100mg7, for Pre Rapala Wiggle Warts. Please no beat to death Warts. PM me if you need pics of the Core.
  6. Quabbin opens the 3rd Sat in April every yr. The only thing that would delay the opener is if it's still iced in.
  7. Look on tackle warehouse there's comments on that rod.
  8. I live just down the street from Mascuppic. It still is locked up solid.
  9. I'm in. Usually have Fishing Rhino with me. Didn't make it one day last yr. Just renewed my Q boat trailer and boat registrations, and as soon as weather turns I'll take the shrink wrap off and have her ready to go. Will be interesting to see what the guidelines will be and if they will open usual date (3rd Sat in April) Stay tuned.
  10. je1946

    Wacky rig

    You can also use shrink tube. Usually saves a few baits. Losing baits and rigs is all part of it.
  11. Lake Mascuppic on the Tyngsboro, Dracut line isn't too far from you and has a good ramp but no dock.
  12. That part of the lake is loaded with stumps, I've done well top waters early and late. jigs, wacky rigged worms, hula grubs. Everything you fish with the exception of topwaters should be rigged weedless due to the stumps. There's good sized largies and sm there.
  13. Congrats on your new rig Mike. Enjoy.
  14. I've owned Lund boats all my life and I highly recommend them, zero issues. I've owned Mercury and Evinrudes, I'd go with a merc very few issues other than routine maintenance.
  15. depending on water temp Blade baits. Ned, Jerkbaits, tubes, underspins. S l o w presentation, frequent pauses, I would look for the first deep drop and if nothing go deeper
  16. I've been checked more times in Maine by wardens than in any other state
  17. I own an 1875 Renegade, 115hp proXS does 45mph with 2 guys and gear, and so far I'm happy with it. I fish a lot of lakes up to 44,000 acres and it takes the rough water surprisingly well, especially once you get it up on plane she skips over the waves nicely and it's a dry ride as well. My color is the gray/charcoal with the red Lund insert, It's a sharp looking rig. It isn't a Ranger, but then again it isn't in that price range either.
  18. I hear ya. But if you/she doesn't want non residents up there fishing why sell non-resident fishing licences? Are they returning the money of those who bought them? Buy a license, but don't you dare step foot in our state, to use it.
  19. Have a friend who has a cottage in northern Maine and he said he traveled all the way up and back with Ma plates on his vehicle and no one said boo, said he traveled by many troopers and even had one pass him on his way home and no one pulled him over. The Governor is taking a lot of heat over this shut down and Maine depends on vacation and tourist dollars as a big part of their economy. Think about it, if your stopped in Maine and they make you quarantine for 14 days where are they sending you, who pays for your lodging, food and drink if you have no money? Truth be told I don't think they are enforcing it. Talked to KTP and they said they have people who work there from MA and NH and no one is stopping them. I bought a non resident Maine fishing license, so are they going to give me my money back? Why would you sell someone a non resident license then tell them you can't come here to fish, well then shouldn't you return my money? Would you go into a restaurant order and pay for a meal and have them say sorry we're closed, but thanks for the money? HELLO
  20. I fish Maine and they won't let me in there. Is RI allowing Ma residents into their state?
  21. Blade baits, hair jigs, jerkbaits, jigs, ned and neko rigs, senkos
  22. Whole thing is over kill, especially in Maine. Not trying to say every life is isn't important, but47 deaths with average age over 80 and 3/4 of them in nursing homes. Bring back LePage. There's a lot to be said for common sense.
  23. Hoping I'm wrong, but with our Governor extending the shutdown for another 2wks I'll be surprised if the Q will open on the 9th.
  24. I've been checking all day as well as to a report. lol
  25. The words of Al Linder. You can never have enough trolling motor.
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