Have a friend who has a cottage in northern Maine and he said he traveled all the way up and back with Ma plates on his vehicle and no one said boo, said he traveled by many troopers and even had one pass him on his way home and no one pulled him over. The Governor is taking a lot of heat over this shut down and Maine depends on vacation and tourist dollars as a big part of their economy. Think about it, if your stopped in Maine and they make you quarantine for 14 days where are they sending you, who pays for your lodging, food and drink if you have no money? Truth be told I don't think they are enforcing it. Talked to KTP and they said they have people who work there from MA and NH and no one is stopping them. I bought a non resident Maine fishing license, so are they going to give me my money back? Why would you sell someone a non resident license then tell them you can't come here to fish, well then shouldn't you return my money? Would you go into a restaurant order and pay for a meal and have them say sorry we're closed, but thanks for the money? HELLO