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  1. Dude straight made my day. I'll fish with you anytime bro!
  2. Yes it works. 99.99999% of the time. It puts pressure on their air bladder and it’s very uncomfortable for them. It’s the easiest way to handle them.
  3. Had no idea so many of you guys had read my book. I can’t tell you how humbling it is to stumble on threads like this where people say so many kind things about you and your work. I love smallmouth more than any other fish on this planet. I hope that’s conveyed in my writing and the photos I post. Again, thank you all, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. ????
  4. Now you're just being stubborn. The thread is older than the moon. 897,000 people didn't read what said. Youre using total views is only showing you're losing any logical attempt to discredit what I said. I believe even though you've been overly critical, you know there's truth in what I said. If you truly know that lake as well as you claim, you know it's in trouble. But like I said over and over, I didn't write it for you. And it's not YOUR lake. It belongs to everyone. Remember this day. When you and a few others refused to listen. You can always fish Rayburn when TB is the worlds largest dink pond. What I said won't go away. And neither will yours. It'll be here for everyone to read when the lake is a disaster. And the people who ridiculed me will be just as much to blame as the people who took knives to the fish. Cheers.
  5. I didn't join this forum to defend myself. I don't have to defend what I wrote, I'm simply responding to comments and opinions people are posting. Nor did I post random information, as you incorrectly tried to say at ***. I don't care if you unfollow me. I didn't write this for you or anyone else. I wrote it for the lake. To bring awareness for the lake. To help protect the fish. Everyone said that the Elites would show that there's nothing wrong with the lake. But nobody is admitting that the weights are way down. People want to say I'm wrong, that's their opinion and I respect their opinions. Time will tell. If I'm wrong, the lake wins. If I'm right, and nothing is done, then you can thank yourselves for what you're left with. I knew this would be a hot topic, and that I would get some blowback for it. But for every 1 that's been angry, there are 10 that write and thank me for bringing awareness to what has been going on. 22,000 people read that article. So if I have one less reader because you didn't like what I had to say I think I'm ok with that.
  6. Here is the exact place where I got my info from: https://www.facebook.com/Toledo-Bend-Lunker-Bass-Program-164436250355762/ And here is the exact post (I took a screenshot of it for you) You're not citing your facts, you're just posting them like I did. I took mine from a reputable organization, from your own conservation officers, and from anglers on Toledo Bend like Lance Duff, Rusty Grantham, and Chip Genaro. I cited every claim, you have not. So show me where you got your info from.
  7. How are my numbers false, lol? I posted real facts. Twice as many sharelunkers last year as there are this year. You posted numbers from the "linker" program (I assume that was a typo) but you didn't post where you got that info, or what the current numbers are to date for this year. You think I'm wrong, that's fine. I hope I am, too. If I'm not, and your lake ends up destroyed, you'll have only yourselves to blame. Not the people who tried to warn you. The fact is there are a lot of locals who agree with you, that I'm totally wacked out of my head. But there are just as many who think I'm right, that the lake is nowhere near as good as it was. So maybe the answer is not that I'm completely right or wrong, but somewhere in between. Thanks for the response. Good luck this year.
  8. So, I gotta admit, I got a few laughs out of some of the responses here. I'm definitely not a biologist. In fact, I'm not very good at science. I'm not a plug, lol. That's pretty funny tho. Guys, I'm no different than the rest of you really. But here are some facts that I didn't include in that article. 1. On March 27 2016 there were over 120 Sharelunkers reported. On that same day in 2017 there were just over 60. This came from The Toledo Bend Lunker Bass Program. 2. Let's say that there are 1,000 boat ramps at Toledo Bend. If every ramp has 20 bass harvested from it every day that weigh between 5-10lbs, that's 20,000 a day. 140,000 a week. Over 51,000,000 per year. No lake can sustain that. For two years in a row this lake has been rated #1 in the US. Just because you catch 5 with a total weight over 20 doesn't mean the lake is fine. There are probably 200,000 lakes in the US where you can catch a 20lb bag. I counted over 100 boats in Housen on a Wednesday. People were there from all over the country. Your lake, whether you want to admit it or not, is getting absolutely pounded. I didn't write that to start a fight, or offend anyone, or to try to portray myself as a fish biologist. But that lake, to me, did not fish like the lake that is ranked #1 in the world. Not even close. Especially with the new moon. It should have been lights out all over the lake. Either way, I had a great time. People were awesome, and the lake is beautiful. Tight lines.
  9. There are a lot of reasons why the Fusion suit is better. I was one of the first in the US to get the Black Fusion suit (April 2014) and I have the Fusion Blue that came out last summer (2015). The material is totally different from any other foul weather gear on the market, and it's the first suit that's actually designed to provide optimum performance for fishing based on the movements we make while casting, driving, etc. My original Fusion suit is still perfect, will never require any sort of crappy spray-on rain-away garbage, and I've even worn them over suit and tie when I have business meetings to attend and they don't look like I just walked off the boat when I walk into a meeting. The cuffs on the arms cinch down and are watertight, so I can plunge my hand underwater to get a fish and no water will run up my arm. The bibs to me though are the most technologically advanced in the world, and the biggest selling point. I'm a tall guy, and my Simms bibs would always ride up whenever I sat down. Because of the design and flex points of the Fusion, that never happens and the cuffs remain in place on the ankle regardless if I'm sitting or standing. So I don't have to worry about my feet getting wet when I sit down.
  10. You should check out Weather Underground. Not only were they the original, but world wide they are the largest and most reliable. There app is rated number 1, and they're known for being the best. They provide info no other site does: predicting barometric pressure rise and fall, wave forecasts. I have used their data for ten years in my fishing journal. It's free. You'll be so glad you used it.
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