A long, long, time ago, an old Scotsman was out fishing the Mississippi with his hook and worm Cain pole when his hook became stuck on something under the water.
Unable to shake it free, he thought about going in after it, but the old river’s current was just too strong. Perplexed by this, he returned to his Ox cart nearby for a shot of whisky while he thought out what to do. While grumbling about his misfortune to his Ox, he hit on the solution!
He dug a diversion channel, blocking off the river bend he was fishing. Now, with no current to contend with, he dove in to retrieve his hook, and then continued fishing.
They say, along the river to this day, you can still see everywhere the old Scotsman got his hook stuck, and the places are called Oxbows….
EMM, 03/26/12