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Everything posted by Traveler2586

  1. X2...... A must see video on spinnerbaits.
  2. Now that's where talent shows. Scorcher & I launched there and worked the area without a bite. But on the down stream side of the bridge (100 yards. away) we hit on a feeding frenzy and landed 25 - 30 White Bass I'd trade that for a seven pounder any day
  3. 2012 Road Trip IMHO, I think the Bass caught wind that Bass Resources members had blown into town and they ran for cover. LOL I think we had two cold fronts move through the area with one bringing some rain and sleet that I was caught in; and wind and wind and wind… We had so much wind (how much was it?) we couldn’t tell which way it was coming from, in fact I got a wind advisory on my cell phone that reported “wind gust up to 40 mph possible”. I had a great time meeting everyone; it was a bit overwhelming putting both screen names and real names with so many new faces. Thanks for making a new guy feel so welcome. I think they made me a member of the “Old Farts Club”; I was fishing with four rod/reel combo’s older than some members. I didn't know what to expect but Ghoti's wine and cheese soirée turned out to be a home run; the spread was amazing, and other members added refreshments to the table as well, even a couple of Mason Jars of homemade liquid. Zip Pow brought in the freshest, sweetest, fruit platter I've had in a long time. When Keri and Glenn dropped in they were loaded down with boxes of freebees, cameras, and luggage just in from the west coast. They gave everyone an embroidered Bass Resource 7th Annual Road Trip fishing towel with attached and laminated big bass rules; they then laid out a table load of gifts from our sponsors, i.e. Rage Tail baits, Snag Proof Frogs, Water Gremlin sinker assortments. I’m probably forgetting someone cause I haven’t fully unpacked yet. When all was said and done at the end of the evening, Ghoti still had enough food to offer us a takeaway lunch for the next day! Sunday, we all piled into cars and headed to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner. Even though it was Sunday in a dry town we still had a good time chatting and enjoying a good meal. Now if the Bass were this friendly and easy to meet we’d all have a great week. Then on Monday Roadwarrier stepped up to the plate to hit the second home run with his burgers and all the fixings. RW can really fire up a grill full of good eat’n, the burgers were out of this world! And while he was slaving over a hot grill, the rest of us had a good chance to chat and become better acquainted; the weather may have been cool but everyone was warm hearted, friendly and had a good time. Wednesday saw another dinner (you starting to see a theme here?) together at the Top O’ The River restaurant. I played it safe and went with their signature Catfish dinner. 2012 Bassmaster Classic winner Chris Lane & his son joined us and Chris presented a nice talk on his past carrier and what his Classic win means to him; he then opened the floor to Q&A from the members. Then it was Glenn’s turn. He told us of the “Tackle the Storm Foundation” and how it’s trying to help give kids some relief and normalcy from the reality of having their life arbitrarily torn to shreds by a storm. Some of these kids have lost everything dear to them, such as family members, their home, friends, pets, community. If the Foundation can give these kids a peaceful & enjoyable day on the water it could help in some small way to help relieve some of their stress in coping with their tragedy. We then took a break while Roadwarrier worked his butt off selling raffle tickets as fast as he could count off the tickets. Riskkid2 chipped in to help RW by breaking up the stubs. You’ll have to see my photo of the table holding the prizes, there were just too many to describe like jackets, rods, sets of items, and so on. Thursday saw Alpster drive in a winning run with his Cajun Jambalaya. Let me tell you, the aroma he whipped up in that pot was simply heavenly. It made my stomach growl in anticipation, I must have been Cajun in a past life and this was a taste of home cook’n. RW helped out by grilling up a mess of smoked sausage that topped off the Jambalaya. I tell ya it don’t get any better than this! I’d like to quote 00Mod here with a BIG thank you to everyone who made this Road Trip possible, and the success it was “00Mod - A BIG THANK YOU GOES OUT TO: BIG O FOR ALL OF THE RAGE TAIL BAITS AND HATS TO EVERYONE ATTENDING SNAGPROOF FOR ALL OF THE FROGS FOR EVERYONE AS WELL WATER GREMLINFOR ALL OF THE WEIGHTS FOR EVERYONE AS WELL SIEBERT OUTDOORS AND BITE IT BAITS FOR DONATING RAFFLE PRIZES TO BE WON GLENN AND KERI FOR PUTTING SUCH A GREAT COMMUNITY TOGETHER AND HAVING SUCH A FUN TRIP!!!" NOTE: If you haven’t made it to a Road Trip, you’ve got to plan for next year’s event. You will not regret it - and you will have a great time!!
  4. I have arrived I'm in room 200
  5. I like my women breathing.
  6. Pulling out of the driveway See you guy's soon!!
  7. X2, I see it mainly as just a marketing ploy, with some leftover childhood tantrums; without it, he would quickly fade into the background.
  8. Just a thought, but, I have a Potato Cannon we might be able to modify to launch one of them there A-Rigs out aways to get some additional yardage Does the A-Rig rotate when retrieved? When I was a teen we would troll with a three bait rig that we would adjust until the two outer baits rotated around the center bait, the Blue's seemed to love it if I recall. IMHO, I like the One person, One rod, One reel, One line, One bait, One fish mentality. I'm not trying to feed a family, or build my biceps, I just want a little fun.
  9. I have a seat open on Wednesday if you want it?
  10. Saw this on another forum and thought it was funny enough to share here. A lawyer married a woman who had previously divorced ten husbands. On their wedding night, she told her new husband, "Please be gentle, I'm still a virgin." "What?" said the puzzled groom. "How can that be if you've been married ten times?" "Well, Husband #1 was a sales representative: he kept telling me how great it was going to be. Husband #2 was in software services: he was never really sure how it was supposed to function, but he said he'd look into it and get back to me. Husband #3 was from field services: he said everything checked out diagnostically but he just couldn't get the system up. Husband #4 was in telemarketing: even though he knew he had the order, he didn't know when he would be able to deliver. Husband #5 was an engineer: he understood the basic process but wanted three years to research, implement, and design a new state-of-the-art method. Husband #6 was from finance and administration: he thought he knew how, but he wasn't sure whether it was his job or not. Husband #7 was in marketing: although he had a nice product, he was never sure how to position it. Husband #8 was a psychologist: all he ever did was talk about it. Husband #9 was a gynecologist: all he did was look at it. Husband #10 was a stamp collector: all he ever did was... God! I miss him! But now that I've married you, I'm really excited!" "Good," said the new husband, "but, why?" "You're a lawyer. This time I know I'm gonna get screwed!"
  11. Here's my status: Sat 21 Arriving Afternoon/evening Sun 22 Roadwarrior Mon 23 00 mod (Jeff) Tue 24 riskkid 2 Wed 25 OPEN SEAT Thu 26 Simp Fri 27 Simp Sat 28 Departing AM I have an open seat on Wed the 25th if anyone can put up with me.
  12. GOOD NEWS Just got a call from Goose Bay Marina saying my boat is repaired and ready for pickup. Harolly Coombs and his technicians started on the boat within minutes of me parking it. I was shocked when I got the call We (me, I) can relax, all the schedules are good.
  13. You can try USGS @ http://www.usgs.gov/ and search on Guntersville Lake, AL, or just Guntersville, AL. I'd be more than happy to email you the historical maps I have. I have searched for Topo Maps and Free Topo Maps using Bing; USGS is the best so far; beware of some of the sites - they're not what they advertise.
  14. I have a set of Navionics for Lake G-ville, North, Central, & South. What part of the lake are you interested in? I also have quite a few USGS e-maps of the south end, they're from 1936 showing the proposed lake; there are no contour lines, but they do show old roadbeds, rail lines, bridges, feeder streams, & original river channel. Then there are maps of the same areas showing more recent updates. The e-maps were free to download so I can pass them on for free too. I have 34 total of the e-maps, but I can boil that down to 14 useful sets, two each for seven sectors covering the south end; it would be faster to sneaker-net them at the hotel rather than emailing 14 maps if you can wait. With what I see on the USGS and Navionics maps, unless my co-anglers feel otherwise, I see no reason to leave the south end; so I could sell off the Navionics Central and North maps.
  15. Looks like my itenirery is as follows, I think: Sunday - Roadwarrier or Glenn? Monday - 00 Mod Tuesday - riskkid 2 Wednesday - Simp Thursday - open Friday - open Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  16. Rhino, Good catch!! Have a safe trip, and i'll meet you Saturday afternoon/evening.
  17. I agree, I believe you get what you pay for, and buying with service in mind. When I got my wife her new car I also got the full extended warranty; this car is full of electronics and electro mechanical systems, it's a hard top convertible; so far we've gone through three radio/navigation units with $0.00 cost to me. Unfortunately or not, I decided to buy my Ranger used (as a learner) rather than paying the big bucks for a new boat. The down side is I don't have a dealer to return to for buyer service. I'll see you guy's and gal's next weekend ! As some fisherman says "NEVER GIVE UP" it's G-ville or bust
  18. I'm glad it did happen now rather than at G-ville. However, finding a Mercury service shop willing to stop what they're doing and take me could prove problematic.
  19. Went fishing on Friday the 13th and got skunked, it was a bad day anyway with clear blue skies and not a cloud in sight. This is what I found on Saturday morning. I'm not panicking yet, I have four shops in my area, and we all know they're just setting around this time of year looking for work. Can anyone give me an estimate of cost for a gear housing seal job. If I can get this job done fast I know I'm going to get clipped. But, come hell or high water, I'm going to G-ville Friday !
  20. These web sites may help someone find Ethanol free gas.. http://buyrealgas.com/ http://pure-gas.org/
  21. O.M.G., Your correct, how embarrassing I apologies. I'm running out of jokes I think are safe to post here, this appears to be a very Conservative crowd. Here's one: Why did the Blondie tip-toe past the medicine cabinet? So she wouldn't wake up the sleeping pills.
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