I would go to every Expo between Richmond Va. to the south and just north of Baltimore, but that was back in the late 80' to late 90'. Then the Expo started going down hill and not worth the time for me.
Tips for the Expo:
1. Most Expos will advertise on the web, or in locate news papers; look for discount coupons and a list of vendors that will have booths. You can get a feel of the expo by looking over the list of vendors, are they big name manufactures of boats and tackle, or mostly local guide services.
2. When you get there, get a booth layout from an organizer; it will have the final vendor list and their assigned booth number and a map showing the booth layout.
3. Pick up a plastic shopping bag that they'll be handing out, you'll need it to carry the hand-outs and free-bees if there are any.
4. Don't waist you time telling vendors your fishing stories, their not interested anyway; but if you have a question about their product ask in a friendly and cheerful way - you'll get a better response. They're not there to solve your personal problems, but they may be able to give you a good contact name & number of someone that can help you.
5. Plan your attack! Look at the booth layout and plan your route, are you going to look at everything, or just things your interested in? Mark the booth layout map placing a 1 in the booths your most interested in, then a 2 in the second choice booths, and so on. After marking up your map, plan you route.
6. After you've checked out the things your most interested in, and depending on the size of the expo, then it's time to take a break, get off your feet and get a hot dog and some water.
7. then plan your secondary attack! Now it's time to check out everything else, and/or go back and ask some more questions where necessary.
8. Wear comfortable shoes.
At the weigh-in:
1. Get a seat, you going to be there a while.
2. Take some water, you'll most likely be in the sun.
3. Check out the weather forecast and dress appropriately.
4. When they point a camera at you look really happy and excited to be there, you can dress or wear something attention getting and act like an ares - they like that.
5. Be a good sportsman and cheer & clap for everyone.