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Everything posted by Traveler2586

  1. With Green Top (GT) moving so close to BPS, what can GT offer that you can't find at BPS, regularly scheduled classes on hunting/fishing subjects, store sponsored clubs for each sport, guide services, events, gun/fishing craft supplies??? They'll need something to get the traffic through the store. A truly knowledgeable staff would be a big draw.
  2. I'm retired in So. MD now so my social circle has diminished dramatically, none of my neighbors fish and when I talk about it I get a lot of head nodding but no takers; hello, I can't even get my wife on the boat much less take her fishing - what a disappointment that discovery was after marriage. My favorite ramp on the Potomac sees a lot of tournament action, but meeting someone is difficult, arriving anglers are focused toward getting on the water, coming off the water their focused on getting home. On the water meetings are difficult as anglers are mostly from out of the area. I could use some tips in this department, I'm thinking on advertising "Fishing Partner Wanted Call 555-222-1234" on the side of my truck. Now I'm depressed. I have a lot of friends, but no one to spend my time with. Retirement SUCKS! I'm starting to *** Glenn, has a wife that's a good angler, lives in a beautiful area, and no fishing pressure. What more can a guy want.
  3. She can't see so she is probably reacting to smell and is just confused. Try a good carpet or floor cleaner and work the areas real good 1/3 larger than the original spots, then put down a carpet deodorizer. Also, if she is so skittish she is running into walls, talk to the vet about something to calm her down just a bit; ask about a Rx dispensing pen that you rub inside her ear flap, it's easer on both you and her. Remember, if she can't see she's probably scared at times and could use some comfort time with you. Our Lucy now enjoys sleeping in my arms while I watch TV in the evenings; and I find she is relaxing me in the process.
  4. I saw the Z-Man ad on Fishing University and read some reviews elsewhere, sounds interesting. How do they react with different skirt materials?
  5. 32 fish +/- 3 lbs, but no big fish?!? What were you looking for? That would be a GREAT day on the water for me. Congratulations Kent, keep up the good work
  6. Enjoyed the clip, interesting story here. Sorry I never heard of him.
  7. Thanks IBN, I've used this chart for a long time to order parts, but it doesn't give a relationship of hook size to bill & body combo's of cranks.
  8. Oh your bad I'll fish with RW any day
  9. X2 Our cat Lucy is also having issues. We took her to the vet thinking she would be put down. The vet examined her and said it wasn't time and recommended a Rx that helped a lot in her case. Lucy has problems with sight and getting around, and has her secure place, but she still wants to be around us. The vet also suggested a cat box centrally located on each floor, but Lucy will also get confused where she is, so we have a "Little Green" carpet cleaner. We feel Lucy is one of our family and want the best for her, so we care for her like we would ourselves, i.e. good food, doctor visits, meds. When she is in pain, or can no longer care for herself the vet will tell us it time. Until then all we can do is give her the love and care she needs.
  10. I have played with my Crankbaits changing out hook sizes enough that I'm at the point I no longer remember what the original size was. I would like to return to the recommended hook size for the bait but can't locate any reference's on the subject. Does anyone know of a ref chart that would list bill size, body size, hook size???
  11. The pool exercise is a good way the learn the action of a bait if you have a pool; I got after hour access to our community pool once to work on spinners - learned a lot, but got a lot of jokes from the staff - which was OK considering what I got out of it. Tip: make sure to use a concrete pool, you don't want to snag your pool liner.
  12. Try to save a Road Trip day to fish with me, I would appreciate some free pointers on where and how to catch small jaws.
  13. X2 I like KVD and for some reason trust him even though I've never met him. But we've all heard him and other pros talk about "learning to work" their baits, and tweaking them to run this way or that, or changing out hook sizes. There are tricks to everything.
  14. CONGRATULATIONS JEFF!!! A great choice for a Mod. (OK Jeff, can you get me any freebies?)
  15. I haven't had to cut a line since learning the tip from this video. Don't give up, just look to see where what I call the "loop-lock" is (that's where the line is hitting the spool, and there is usually a loop crossed over the line and under other winds) put your thumb there and press down and wind. Like he says in the vid "it may take several try's" but you'll get it. Just ask anyone that has fished with me, I'm like Bill Dance stripping line off his reel in that BPS commercial.
  16. Try this site, got the tip from a pro angler... http://www.academy.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_10051_56026_-1?color=Khaki&N=871288296 Their good, cheep, but only SPF 20, I wish they were stronger.
  17. I would go to every Expo between Richmond Va. to the south and just north of Baltimore, but that was back in the late 80' to late 90'. Then the Expo started going down hill and not worth the time for me. Tips for the Expo: 1. Most Expos will advertise on the web, or in locate news papers; look for discount coupons and a list of vendors that will have booths. You can get a feel of the expo by looking over the list of vendors, are they big name manufactures of boats and tackle, or mostly local guide services. 2. When you get there, get a booth layout from an organizer; it will have the final vendor list and their assigned booth number and a map showing the booth layout. 3. Pick up a plastic shopping bag that they'll be handing out, you'll need it to carry the hand-outs and free-bees if there are any. 4. Don't waist you time telling vendors your fishing stories, their not interested anyway; but if you have a question about their product ask in a friendly and cheerful way - you'll get a better response. They're not there to solve your personal problems, but they may be able to give you a good contact name & number of someone that can help you. 5. Plan your attack! Look at the booth layout and plan your route, are you going to look at everything, or just things your interested in? Mark the booth layout map placing a 1 in the booths your most interested in, then a 2 in the second choice booths, and so on. After marking up your map, plan you route. 6. After you've checked out the things your most interested in, and depending on the size of the expo, then it's time to take a break, get off your feet and get a hot dog and some water. 7. then plan your secondary attack! Now it's time to check out everything else, and/or go back and ask some more questions where necessary. 8. Wear comfortable shoes. At the weigh-in: 1. Get a seat, you going to be there a while. 2. Take some water, you'll most likely be in the sun. 3. Check out the weather forecast and dress appropriately. 4. When they point a camera at you look really happy and excited to be there, you can dress or wear something attention getting and act like an ares - they like that. 5. Be a good sportsman and cheer & clap for everyone.
  18. X2, 3, 4,, Try this site for Buck's books. http://www.buckperry.com/product_info.php?cPath=0&products_id=1238 Their now saying "While Supply's Last" I got the set and I think it is some of the best money I've spent on fishing to date. Buck has a complete and thorough Home Study Program to improve your fishing knowledge and skills. 9 Volumes (8 ½ x 11) of over 650 pages punched for a three ring binder ; Volume 1- Introduction to Basic Movements ; Volume 2- Controls & Tools ; Volume 3- Structures, Breaks, Breaklines ; Volume 4- Weather & Water ; Volume 5- Presentation of Lures ; Volume 6 - Lake Types ; Volume 7- Part 1 - Mapping & Interpretation ; Volume 7- Part 2 - Mapping & Interpretation ; Volume 8 - Buck Talks - Summation, Mental Aspects, Examination Spoonplug 5-Pak Includes 1 each of sizes 500, 400,250,200,and 100. Also includes a 30 page instruction booklet.
  19. Very Cool indeed. The home owner is probably ex-serviceman, or has a child in the service. You ever talk to them?; if you do, please thank them for me for displaying our flag.
  20. We had a similar problem with a friends boat on the upper Potomac in an area where the channel runs tight up against the bank, get out of the channel and BAM ! hit a solid rock on the bottom. He now has a River Runner attached to the lower unit to protect it from further damage; so far he reports it saved him on two other occasions in the same area. http://www.basspro.c...ct/20945/139176 Let's hope the rest of your summer is better
  21. What did you hit, river rocks?? Boy, that's going to cost a few bills to repair, or is it totaled?
  22. It appears I'm not the only one going, or gone, through this Visible Structure Magnetism Syndrome. It's good to know I'm not the only one, misery loves company......
  23. Well, here is what I've come up with so far. I don't like a decal as much as a flag, their not alive in so far as they don't stand in the wind. I've had three of these decals on my truck since I purchased it in 01; this subject line made me noticed those old decals were showing their age so I just replaced the three with new ones also.
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