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Everything posted by Traveler2586

  1. Interesting,,,, If it affects the molecular structure of line to cause it to go limp, does it also affect stretch?
  2. I'm from the wrong side of the river but thought you may find this interesting. http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-forums/topic/135364-potomac-river-flathead-blue-catfish/
  3. So just exactly what does it do, and is it good on all line types?
  4. I would contact Megaware KeelGuard, Inc. at (800) 292-9835 with your questions, they are very supportive folks.
  5. I have several Plano boxes of crank baits sorted by body size. I can look at the bill and get a feel for the dive depth. But when I take the bait out of the package I loose the product info, so I try to engrave what I can on the bill. But I've had baits that I've just plane worn out and needed to replace; problem is I could not recall who made what, so I get the first lookalike that I come across. I wish all manufactures would put their product info (model/depth) on their baits; it might promote more product loyalty. Here is something I did to get better control and use of my small bait box. I can't tell you who made most of the baits in this box.....
  6. Face it both hard and soft lure making is a great winter time hobby; it's not about the money, it's about the enjoyment, relaxation, and the fun of giving them away to friends and co-anglers. I say jump in the hobby is great. BTW, the components make a good cheep birthday or Xmas list for friends and family. At one point I made worms out of candle wax and then made a two part plaster mold around the model. I then heated the mold to the point where the wax ran out, the process is called "Lost Wax Molding". Some wax soaked into the plaster which helped bait removal later on. It was a fun project at the time, but the molds didn't last for long.
  7. Saw this article in the local news paper and thought you may find it interesting. "The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is asking that anglers not release [live] flathead or blue catfish back into local waters after they catch them." You can read the article here: http://www.somdnews.com/article/20140416/NEWS/140419512/1043/dnr-hoping-to-control-invasive-catfish-species&template=southernMaryland I had a conversation with a Maryland DNR Police officer about Catch and [live] 0Release of invasive fish. I was told two things you should know. 1. if you bring a fish inside the gunnels of your boat, you are now in possession of that fish. you own it. If you are seen releasing a live invasive into the water you can be fined, unless you are seen catching and unhooking the fish. If you keep the fish outside the gunnels, unhook and release it, no problem, you were not in possession of the fish. 2. If you are found transporting a live invasive from where it was caught you could be fined. There is no way of knowing your true intentions for the fish, you could be transporting it to a new body of water. Best advice I can offer is check with your natural resource police on this subject for yourself. Question: Do you know the four jurisdictions on the tidal Potomac? And where the boundaries are?
  8. As Ice says, this is all so tragic. It's hard to understand sometimes how people can get so short sighted and raciest over the pure and natural species in their waters. Now I understand why you fly across the country to fish.
  9. That is rough,,, that's the best way I can put it here. It would appear the WDOFW just does not understand the economics of the Bass Fishing industry on local recreational areas. How does the local press feel about all of this? It could be worth mounting an email campaign by anglers and clubs to everyone from your Senators, Governor, and on down, as well as the press; think about getting B.A.S.S. and other industry leaders involved. But be careful what you wish for, as I would not wish the pressure we have on anyone else.
  10. Wow, where I can agree with limiting the number of tournaments on any given weekend, I can't agree with the process and the cost. I fish the tidal Potomac which is the boundary between Maryland and Virginia, and neither state to my knowledge has any limitation on the number of tournaments or boats in a tournament. Maryland does ask you to register your club, but they don't put limits on boats or events. (maybe someone else here can add more detail to this) Therefore, I see tournaments most every weekend at a local state park; in fact I've seen as many as three on the same day and tournaments being held from other ramps, and the Va side of the river, all at the same time. The pressure is so bad at times it's hard to find a place to fish without being pressured to move on by other boaters. I've even had other anglers cast over my line; so, for years now I have given up on fishing on weekends unless I have a non-boater that can only fish on the weekend. The result of this pressure is seen in small bags at the weigh-in's, and the average keeper is just legal size. So I think I would love to see MD & VA place realistic limits on tournaments in an effort to improve the fishery. Just my two cents.
  11. This is the best way to go on the setup you described.
  12. LOL, I just moved two cubic yards of top soil, the next few days should be fun
  13. No, I have a Dogwood in my backyard and it's bare. Update: One day after posting this my Dogwood started popping out.
  14. How do you avoid Dock Rash on your glass boat? I fish alone and have used a combination of dock types where I have to tie up at the dock while launching and loading my boat. I try to take the wind direction into account so the wind will keep the boat away from the dock when I tie up, but I can't always defend against wave action. So,,, how do you protect your glass boat? And, how do you repair the Dock Rash when you get it?
  15. Yes, I've seen days were the Creek offered up nothing. But even at that, I still will have a good day on the water.
  16. As a recreational fisherman I don't feel the need to change my line yearly, so I opt for every two years. But when I buy, I buy from a on-line source like TW or BP where I know they have a quick turnover in stock, that way I feel I'm getting the freshest line I can get. Otherwise, I have no idea how long the line has been on the shelf at local shops; where I have seen line with dust on the boxes. I also never buy the large spools because I just can't use the line up fast enough.
  17. Went out on the Mattawoman Creek on April 10, 2014. Had gusting winds to 25 mph and 75 deg, water temp was 60 deg. Caught this Bass on my second cast..... And caught this Bass on my forth cast....... At this point I thought I was going to have an epic day.... Not........ That was all the river was going to give me.........
  18. You've got my curiosity up, what do you mean when you say are "sharing a permit"?
  19. Two items no one has touched on is: When adding water to a battery, only use distilled water and don't over fill the cells. second, make sure all electrical connections are shiny clean and use dielectric tune-up grease on all connections to help prevent oxidation. Just my two cents... TIP: Here is a very good link for learning about batteries. http://jgdarden.com/batteryfaq/index.htm
  20. Yes the creek will warm first, grass might start to sprout, mudbugs may be actively feeding on smaller insects, and that will attract the smaller fish, then that will attract the larger fish. Like the others above said, even though the water is cold to us the food chain still needs to feed. Look for the deeper holes on the bends, fish deep and slow.
  21. Bill, I live with depilating back pain and have done the water therapy; it's nice and relaxing, but check what your insurance covers. Over the past several years I've tried various physical therapies, shots, pills, patches, etc. and nothing last for long; they've even talked of cutting nerves. These days I've learned to weigh my options when doing thing... I ask myself "is it worth it?" one day in the Bass Boat = three days of recovery... Is it worth it? Hell yes!!! Tip: Stay away from the drugs as much as possible; they cover up the pain and trick you into doing things you should not, so when the drugs wear off your hurting more. Also, they have other side effects that disrupt your other body functions. Hang in there, and don't park yourself in a chair, keep moving.
  22. After my last post I know some of you may be crying, so here's a little something to cheer you up. Rubbed the Wrong Way A married Irishman went into the confessional and said to his priest, 'I almost had an affair with another woman.' The priest said, 'What do you mean, almost?' The Irishman said, 'Well, we got undressed and rubbed together, but then I stopped.' The priest said, 'Rubbing together is the same as putting it in. You're not to see that woman again. For your penance, say five Hail Mary's and put $50 in the poor box.' The Irishman left the confessional, said his prayers, and then walked over to the poor box. He paused for a moment and then started to leave. The priest, who was watching, quickly ran over to him saying, 'I saw that. You didn't put any money in the poor box!' The Irishman replied, 'Yeah, but I rubbed the $50 on the box, and according to you, that's the same as putting it in!'
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