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Everything posted by Traveler2586

  1. And who's the other owner ('s), should we know them also?
  2. Usually, when I'm kickin' back watchin' young Lady's have fun with a pole, it's not a fishin' pole. I would enjoy a relaxing day on a slow moving river, I'll see if I can get a friends canoe.
  3. You mean there's still hope for me to make it big on-line?? For all that don't know him yet, make an effort to meet him, you won't regret it. He may be a little hardheaded on some subjects though
  4. I'm with you on the fishin', and watchin' with a cold SA would be great. Zoff, did you say Smith Mtn. is a 45 min drive away? Have a good weekend guy's
  5. As a cancer surviver myself please tell Laura for me; Don't give into her fears Stay positive Believe in herself Stay active Be happy with life She can come through this.
  6. Just put them all on my xmass list Is John's book still in print?
  7. Thoughts and prayers for your sister, you, and your family sent. I'll tie a pink ribbon on my boat with her name on it for her, what's her name?, i.e. Pam H. Please keep us informed on how she is doing.
  8. X2, and Done... Thanks Sam
  9. Why do you want to switch? You said "I'm right handed and have cast with my right and reeled with my left all my life (over 50 years!)" So why change for pitching??? Keep the rod in you right hand and keep your left free for the bait and reeling. Why aggravate your self? X2
  10. Smallwood State Park, it has the Sweden Point Marina which is the best Middle Potomac launch site in MD, it's all just off the Potomac on the Mattawoman Creek. http://www.dnr.state.md.us http://www.dnr.state...n/smallwood.asp I'm going to drive over there to check out the camp sites and cabins first hand and will let you know what I find.
  11. Can we do a poll of water bodies and number of days some how? Also, the 2013 Road Trip brought up an interesting point, State Parks may have cabins, they rent for a flat fee, and the more members to share a cabin the cheaper it is on each member. So if we picked locations with State Parks with cabins, we could do a weekend (Sat/Sun). Some members could come for the whole weekend, some that could only come for one day (Sat. or Sun.) And campers can camp. So the questions for a poll could be: Would you be interested in the following waters, check all that apply: Smith Mountain Lake Leesville Lake, Virginia Lake Anna Chickahominy River @ Riverside Camp 2 Claytor Lake State Park Little Creek Reservoir Park,Va Staunton River State Park Lake Chesdin, Va Briery Creek Lake Lake of the Woods Deep Creek Lake, MD Lake Moomaw Belle Isle State Park, Rappahannock River Hunting Run Reservoir (electric only) Philpott Lake Diascund Reservoir (electric only) (etc) How many days can you attend? 1 or 2 Would you like to share a cabin? Y/N Would you like to camp Y/N Would you be a boater Y/N Would you be a co-angler Y/N Would you bank fish only Y/N (note - some people may not like boating) I just ran out of questions :] But you get the idea How do you do a poll anyways? Little Creek Reservoir Park,US
  12. Maybe we should start another discussion on just this topic so we can see just what resources we have available to work with. If we put our minds to it anything is possible. But I have to wounder,,, why hasn't anyone done this by now? Many States have State Fish symbols, and some are LMB. But with as many anglers, clubs, and organizations that have come down the Pike over the last 100 years, why hasn't someone picked a National Fish? But we need to focus on the state of Washington, and why are they singling out the fish they are on the Columbia? Given the diversity of fish in the river system, and the life cycle of the Threatened fish, things don't make since to me. There is predation among all fish in the river system. There has to be another reason the Salmon and Steelhead are not doing as well, and we need to fully understand this reason before taking actions. What can we do as a group (other than filling out an on-line form) to let Washington State know we care about the fishery.
  13. There's always room for family
  14. A good book is never dated unless it's full of fluff, smoke, or personal opinion rather than facts.
  15. Gooood Morning guy! Had a cold front roll through Sat afternoon as I was launching my boat, rain yesterday, and overcast today; looks like a good day to go fishing. Cheers, E
  16. http://www.buckperry.com/index.php The best buy on the market, and a resource you'll refer back to often. Buck was the farther of structure fishing and learned it all without electronics.
  17. X2, I do a hard pull test often, especially on my Spinnerbaits where the line can wrap around the eye twist on the spinner's wire; I'll also feel my line out to about three feet with my fingertips looking for abrasions.
  18. And this is from a guy that landed (with help) the big fish of the 2012 Road Trip, a 7+ lb LMB on 4 lb test from the bank !
  19. And it keeps you young. Enjoy my friend, see you at Pickwick.
  20. LOL, it can make for a fun day. Have you ever compressed the barb on your hooks (fishing barbless)? That's also fun !
  21. I've been researching this subject for the past few nights and my read indicates predation of Salmon and steelhead eggs may be more prevalent from "other pan fish", i.e. yellow perch, black crappie, etc. However, there may be another agenda here as well. One thing of interest I noted was the 2011 report on Endangered wild life in Washington, The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife only designated the salmon and steelhead of the Columbia as candidates for listing as Threatened in Washington.
  22. X2, especially if I get a chance to meet some good people.
  23. My bet is the film canister was empty
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