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Everything posted by Traveler2586

  1. Heck we weren't even try'n. If'n you like this, try the jokes thread.
  2. Around here, I don't think anyone would give a flying........ And the trash service wouldn't touch it because it's not in a proper can.
  3. Anyone want to place bets on when we reach 1000?
  4. So it must of been really B A D........ I blame the Mods......, it's always the Mods......., they did it.......
  5. When I sharpen, I only have to buff the very tip of the hook. I've seen guy's on my boat that put way too much effort into it, and still don't get a good bite on the nail; one or two strokes on each of the three sides is usually enough.
  6. Sorry to hear you've been down this road many times; all I can suggest at this point is to keep at it, and with the support of as many anglers as you can muster. There is strength in numbers. This past December/January I worked with a few neighbors to muster our community to defeat a rezoning attempt for the second time; we could not have been successful without the support of so many people. Hang in there, and tight lines.
  7. I check the hooks on every bait when I select it for use; I drag the hook across my thumbnail. If a hook does not "bite" into (catch) my nail I'll pull out my Eze-Lap hook sharpener and give it few stroke's until I'm satisfied it's sharp. I use the EZE Lap Diamond Products, Inc. Model "S" sharpener because; 1. it easily fits into you pockets 2. it has a shirt pocket clip like a ball-point pen, pull the cover off and turn it around and it becomes a handle 3. it's made in the USA. 4. It's also good for sharpening knives. I keep several of them on the boat, and at home, so there's always one nearby when I need it. FYI, I don't sell these, I'm just a user.
  8. IMHO, don't do, or say, anything to a rower or the coach; they could turn you into the bad guy very quickly. Just make sure you keep a video camera of some type with you at all times, keep it hand and make sure the date & time are correct. If anyone comes close to you pull out the camera and start recording. I think you'll find that when they see you recording their actions they'll change what they're doing. If they still harass you, you'll have something to show the officials. I would then write a letter with your complaints and evidence to the Director of the Park Service and Director of the school board. This way your complaint will filter it's way down through each system and be seen by more than one person. Keep your letter professional, never get emotional, and stay on point; if you don't your letter will not receive the respect it deserves. Again, never do anything to disrupt the rowers; just collect your evidence, and above all stay calm, one word can dig a big hole.
  9. From my personal experience........ Poison Ivy ! Watch where you squat Years ago we would use a rope for support and squat off the stern of the boat, but the Gov. put a stop to that. Then we started using the woods, and it happened , while using a tree for support I didn't watch where I squatted and............. Plus, where I fish there are just too many eye's around. I now have a complete BassRoom It also works great if you have a friend along and you just need to get a room.
  10. When the turtles are on the logs sunning the bass are on the beds. Or something like that! No, that doesn't work, they do that all summer long. When the dogwood trees bloom the bass are on the next. Yes, this works "If you catch and release the fish will go back and tell the others not to bite!" No, this doesn't work either. Recently on my second cast of the day I pulled in a nice sized female LMB, took a pic and released her; on my forth cast of the day to the same area I pulled in the male. It's been my experience (and shown on the Hook n' Look TV show) that when you release a fish they will go deep and slowly work their way back to where they were; and that's a good thing.
  11. Not true, I can see just fine.....
  12. LOL,,,,, Have you considered all the money you could save by not saying "I Do"????
  13. Two years ago I was skipping a dock when an older woman came out to tell me to get away from her pier. I very politely told her I could fish the water without touching her dock. Well, she went off on me and started toughing stones. When her aim improved I moved off to a safe distance to call the DNR. When I explained the incident to them they asked if I wanted to file a complaint and I said all I wanted was to have her properly educated as to the laws. The woman at the DNR said she understood and asked for my info and GPS location; she said they would have an officer in the area stop by to talk with the woman. Well, I never heard anymore about it and have cautiously fished that dock several time since without incident; but have no idea what if anything was done. I've also had a man at another location come out to video me while I was fishing his dock, which made me feel very self conscious. Later a friend remarked that "the guy was probably waiting for me to make a hit on anything so he could take action against me for damages to his sky boat". I'm at the point that if I see someone come out to watch me, or complain, I just give them a military salute and move away. I've got too much other water to fish, and it's not worth getting into a ticking contest with someone over a few casts. IMHO
  14. Marriage Humor Wife: 'What are you doing?' Husband: Nothing. Wife: 'Nothing . .. . ? You've been reading our marriage certificate for an hour.' Husband: 'I was looking for the expiration date.' ------------------------------- Wife : 'Do you want dinner?' Husband: 'Sure! What are my choices?' Wife: 'Yes or no.' -------------------------------------------------------- Girl: 'When we get married, I want to share all your worries, troubles and lighten your burden.' Boy: 'It's very kind of you, darling, but I don't have any worries or troubles.' Girl: 'Well that's because we aren't married yet.' ------------------------------ Son: 'Mum, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning, he told me to give up my seat to a lady.' Mom: 'Well, you have done the right thing.' Son: 'But mum, I was sitting on daddy's lap.' ________________________________ A newly married man asked his wife, 'Would you have married me if my father hadn't left me a fortune?' 'Honey,' the woman replied sweetly, 'I'd have married you, NO MATTER WHO LEFT YOU A FORTUNE!' ------------------------------------------------------------ A wife asked her husband: 'What do you like most in me, my pretty face or my sexy body?' He looked at her from head to toe and replied: 'I like your sense of humor!'
  15. Here's some links you may find interesting on snakehead nesting. http://fishwild.vt.edu/snakeheads/nesting_habits.html http://fishwild.vt.edu/snakeheads/reproduction.html
  16. I'll say 8.75 lbs.
  17. Boss to employee, "I'm sorry, a raise is out of the question; But we can give you a thumbs up on Facebook"
  18. Yes, it is..... It's also fun to see the look on someone's face when you give them a bait. I've made all forms of baits and always end up with more than I could possibly use. So I pass them around and only ask for honest feedback on how they worked for the user.
  19. You may be right, I think the Synthetic is more than the Premium Plus that I buy. It's still a lot cheaper than other places I've dealt with.
  20. Yes, they carry it, look in the fishing section on a lower shelf where they have the boat hardware. They also have it in the auto section with the other 1 gal. oil containers. As I stated above the Quick Silver Premium Plus 2-Cycle Outboard oil at Walmart for $29.00 is the exact same product that I find elsewhere for $40.00+, part number and all.
  21. Yes, they and the folks at Beaching Bumpers are great people. Give them a call and they'll talk with you and provide you with whatever help you need.
  22. I'm running a 2003 Mercury 150 EFI. When I got my boat I was given two gal. of [Mercury] Quick Silver Premium Plus 2-Cycle Outboard oil. I was told to only run this oil and that's what I've done; each marine mechanic I've been to agrees. My local marine mechanic showed me a piston from an engine that ran cheep oil for just one season, it was not pretty. I'm sure there are other brands just as good out there, but I'm not going to experiment with my engine. Problem is where to buy it; at marine parts dealers and large outdoor stores I can pay $40.00 a gal. easy. At Walmart I found the same thing for $29.00 in their fishing department, but they can't keep it in stock; I wonder why? So shop around, you may find your oil cheaper, even on line.
  23. With the KVD conditioner running at $2.50 an ounce that can get expensive.
  24. OMG, how did that happen, did you hit something or did it just snap on a hole shot???????
  25. I've known about the catfish problem for a while, its been in the news before. I too have caught catfish on Tx worms, spinnerbaits, jig & pig, crankbaits, and spoons. I think they'll go after anything that comes near.
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