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Everything posted by Traveler2586

  1. Sorry, CP is up north of me above the falls; I don't get up that way much any more, my boat is wrong for that water. But I would think small and slow; vegetation will die off and bass will move back to deeper water especially around wood cover. Slow spinnerbaits, small but deep diving crankbaits, jig and craw combinations, tubes, jig & grubs combos work well. CP, look in the Northeast Forum for MD Who's Who, the guys there know a lot about that stretch of the river. Here's a link - http://www.bassresou...lands-whos-who/ Also, Ken Penrod is a long time guide on the Potomac and has a good web site with some info; he also has written some good books on fishing the Potomac ( Fishing The Upper Potomac River & Pursuing River Smallmouth Bass ), you can order them from his web site at: http://www.penrodsguides.com/ or find them on-line at ebay or search Bing. Also see this: http://www.penrodsgu...OUmagazine.html for some good articles. Cheers,
  2. Don't know about the Res. but when it's cold and I'm fishing slow & deep, I'll tie on a Shad or other style lip-less, or shallow diving crank, that matches the hatch on a Carolina rig; I'll start with a 24" leader and adjust down to a 18" and then 12". You'll need a weight that will take the lure down to depth; it doesn't take much to put some life into the lure and it will stay in the strike zone as long as you want. ( I think it looks like a bait fish looking at forage crawling in the bottom ) As far as the body of water, I'll find a good topo map, use Google Earth, and search the web for any postings; then when I get there I'll consider the other factors, i.e. sky, air temp, water temp, light, water color, etc. Then,,, I'll start out on the water and see a spot that looks "fishy",,, and all my plans go out the window....... Some will tell you I have A.D.D. but I call it F.S.D. ( Fishing Spot Disorder )... ( Santa knows where all the naughty girls live )
  3. Don't you know it's not how much you have, it's all about how you use what you have......
  4. Try to attend the 2013 VA Meet & Greet, it will be a good way to meet fellow members.
  5. Just wait for the news flash the the Curiosity Rover found gold, diamonds, or other precious metals on Mars, then it'll be like the 49'ers gold rush all over again and they won't need to build a death star to expatriate.
  6. Welcome to the area, and the Forum..
  7. Here is something I posted on another forum in response to an inquiry on winterizing batteries, I thought members here may be interested as well... "As you probably are award, clean your battery terminals, use dielectric grease on all connectors, and check your water levels. Use a good charging system and keep it plugged in; a cheep charger can kill your batteries through improper charge levels and cause "sulfation". IMHO, battery sulfation is a subject all boaters should be aware of; search the Internet on "battery sulfation", there is plenty of good sites on battery maintenance to review, i.e. Car and Deep Cycle Battery FAQ 2012, Battery Manufacturers and Brand Names List, and Battery References and Information Links List ; and Car and Deep Cycle Battery Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Section 13 I'm in Maryland and keep my Ranger ready for those warm days during the winter." Have a happy holiday.
  8. INHO, They'll probably down load a virus to your computer for your efforts. There's something that just doesn't look right about that site.
  9. A young executive is working late one evening. As he comes out of his office about 8 PM he sees the Big Boss standing by the shredder in the hallway, a piece of paper in his hand. "Do you know how to work this thing?" the older man asks. "My secretary’s gone home and I don’t know how to run it." "Yes, sir," says the young executive, who turns on the machine, takes the paper from the other man, and feeds it in. "Now," says his boss, "I just need the one copy."
  10. If you share your ride, room, and boat, you can reduce the cost of a Road Trip.
  11. Car pooling is a viable option that we can work on
  12. Thanks for the flowers NF, I am also looking forward to the up-coming year fishing with everyone, on whatever water is chosen. I'd like to see us get together more than just once a year though.
  13. A nice, calm and respectable lady went into the pharmacy, walked up to the pharmacist, looked straight into his eyes, and said, "I'd like to buy some cyanide. The pharmacist asked, "Why in the world do you need cyanide?" The lady replied, "I need it to poison my husband." The pharmacist's eyes got big and he explained, "Lord have mercy! I can't give you cyanide to kill your husband, that's against the law! I'll lose my license! They'll throw both of us in jail! All kinds of bad things will happen. Absolutely not! You CANNOT have any cyanide!" The lady reached into her purse and pulled out a picture of her husband in bed with the pharmacist's wife. The pharmacist looked at the picture and said, "You didn't tell me you had a prescription."
  14. I have to agree with that. IMHO, commission and knowledge of the subject don't necessarily go hand-in-hand. I don't care for commission sales simply because it is a conflict of interest.
  15. An old friend use to make crab cakes out of Rock or Blue Fish, d**n they were good, I had a hard time telling the crab from the fish cakes.
  16. Congratulations on the bites guy's.
  17. Congratulations on your find, I'm glad it wasn't anything more. If your going to re-run the wires think about using #6 flex wire ( something like wielding cable, soft and supple ) and don't forget a marine circuit breaker close to the battery. Again, congratulations, and good fishin'
  18. "Okay, lady! You can have your d**n deer! Just let me get my saddle off it!"
  19. It's difficult to say the best way to test with just an "assembly" schematic as opposed to a "circuit" schematic, and I have not seen this TM myself. Some times the head will have a light/LED so you can see the pointer at night, and there may be connections between the flex cable coming from the foot control and the shaft wiring going down to the motor. However, I don't see any parts listing for a "Head" connecting block (or they could just use in-line quick connectors) and I don't see any listing for a motor shaft cable. Probably at this point the most prudent step would be to call a local service center and discuss the problem with a tech rather than the front counter staff. A tech can tell you the most seen problem areas for your TM and give you an estimate cost to repair it.
  20. Do you still have the manual? If not here is the PDF http://www.minnkota....All Terrain.pdf Sounds like you have a short somewhere between the switch/ 5 speed control and the motor, or the motor is not starting it's rotation and the voltage drop you see is the "locked armature current" draw. Does the prop spin smoothly & easily?? Have you checked using different speed control settings? Carefully inspect the wiring in the foot control up to the TM's head for possible problems. Look for signs of corrosion. Try using the Ohm meter function to check for a possible short. There is a Black, White, Yellow, and Red wire going to the TM's head. Meter between the Black wire to each of the other wires to check their function. The wiring diagram is not complete as far as how the Red, Yellow, & White wires connect in the motor housing so I can't say more on that. Try working the speed control through all of it's setting repeatedly in an attempt to clean the wipers in the control, they may have corroded while setting idle. Also, try rotating the prop in an attempt to clean the armature and it's wipers of any possible corrosion.
  21. You could write up your findings and email it to the MD DNR for study by The Maryland Biological Stream Survey (MBSS). They are good about answering emails and may already know about this, if they do they will tell you more. Check out this web page: http://www.dnr.maryland.gov/streams/pdfs/Hurricanes.pdf
  22. X2 here.... Go to your Department of Natural Resource (or what ever your state calls it ) and mine it for any info on LMB forage in your area. As an example, I found this on MD's DNR site, and found it quite enlightening; not for the articles title, but for the information on the Potomac River's LMB diet. http://dnr.maryland....BandNSH2010.pdf ; That got me looking around more and I found this http://www.dnr.maryl.../StreamLife.asp NC, IMHO, isn't that much different from MD in many respects, whether it's the rivers or lakes,,, so your LMB may have a similar diet - not the same diet - but similar. Find out what they eat anyway you can, and that will give you a starting point on what to research on the web. Pick a forage item - say Crayfish - then search the web to learn where and how the Crayfish lives and moves about, key info is usually found under "Habitat" , i.e. http://www.dnr.maryl...fMD_8_18_10.pdf, then try to apply that info to your fishing area, the bait you use and how you use it. Finding the forage is a big part of the puzzle, but not the only piece; other pieces like weather, structure, water temp, water clarity, currents, submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), presentation, etc. all fit together to form a pattern; find that, and you can jump from location to location with similar results frequently. EDIT: 12/06/12 20:06L
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