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Everything posted by Traveler2586

  1. Welcome shakerag, enjoy the forum
  2. Welcome Roush, enjoy the forum
  3. Never used his guide services, but his books are well worth the money.
  4. Tri, IMHO, This is not a question you should be asking here, you really need to see a Doctor on the matter just as a precaution; he may want to check your blood counts for other problems. I had Hypothermia while working on a rooftop in Moscow Russia one winter, co workers noticed I was not responding correctly to questions; I was taken to a ER and placed in a warm bath until my core temp stabilized. I was wearing cotton that got wet from perspiration. But I did not have what you are describing. You really need to talk with a doctor who has experience with Hypothermia and can look you over. Just MHO
  5. You can also try Ken Penrods site for his Potomac River guide books & fishing reports http://www.penrodsguides.com/default.htm Or the Maryland DNR Tidal Bass Program at http://dnr.maryland.gov/fisheries/bass/index.asp Potomac River Bass Fishing site at http://www.potomacbass.com/ There are other forums that I will not post here, but they're not as good as BR.
  6. Welcome to the site
  7. Welcome Daddy
  8. Hello Hugh, it's good to meet you, enjoy the forum....
  9. Welcome to the forum Basscook...
  10. Hello Jesse, welcome to the forum
  11. Welcome 901, enjoy the site.......
  12. Welcome Doc, I think you'll fit in just fine here; enjoy !
  13. Welcome to the forum, stay awhile and enjoy.......
  14. That wont be hard to do Welcome to the forum tiff, and happy birthday too
  15. X2, enjoy the site
  16. HELLO Jonathan ! Welcome to the best Bass forum on the web
  17. X2, enjoy the forum
  18. Welcome TJ, I think you'll like it here. We wont hold that yak think against you......
  19. I have (in my youth) been known to leave red spots on young girls necks
  20. They're going to make them cheaper to acquire in an attempt to gain additional revenues and gain an increase in market operating system percentile.
  21. While looking for another subject I ran accross this: Commission Orders and Policies April 1, 2012 FISHING O R D E R #2010 – 06 POSSESSION OF SNAKEHEADS THE POTOMAC RIVER FISHERIES COMMISSION, having considered the protection, promotion, growth and conservation of the indigenous seafood resources, and pursuant to its authority under Regulation I, Section 7(a) (1) and Section 8 (a), HEREBY DECLARES AND ORDERS: a. It shall be unlawful to release, to return, or otherwise discard any living snakehead or member of the Channidae family to the Potomac River. b. It shall be lawful to possess a live snakehead fish (of the family Channidae) only so long as necessary to kill the fish as specified in paragraph ©. c. A person may possess a dead snakehead fish only with (i) the head removed, or (ii) the fish is gutted, or (iii) both gill arches of the fish removed and the person notifies, as soon as practicable, one of the following agencies: i)Maryland Department of Natural Resources 410-260-8287, ii) Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries 800-770-4951, iii) DC Fisheries and Wildlife Division 202-535-2260, or iv) US Fish and Wildlife Service 703-358-1932. AND IT IS FURTHER DECLARED AND ORDERED: this Order 2010-06 shall become effective June 20, 2010 and remain in effect until further notice. http://www.prfc.state.va.us/sports/snakehead.html http://www.prfc.state.va.us/commission/the_commission.html
  22. At the level of my understanding, IMHO, you have that backward; it's a long lived fish of size that feeds on other fish so it takes in their PCB's into it's fatty tissue. I don't have the ref link for that just off hand but if I find it again I'll post it. EDIT: I cane accross a entry in a report at : http://www.mde.maryland.gov/programs/water/tmdl/integrated303dreports/documents/integrated_report_section_pdfs/ir_2012/md_final_2012_ir_part_f3.pdf MD-POTTF-02140201 Potomac River Upper tidal PG, CH Fishing Tidal subsegment Mercury in Fish Tissue Data collected on snakehead show potential for high mercury levels. More data are needed to determine if an impairment exists. Direct Measurement
  23. How would that support a site specific issue? With my cache in place I have text edit problems here, but not at Facebook or other forums. Maybe I don't understand how to clear a cache, I do "cont-shift-delete" to delete my browsing history; do I need to rebuild my Windows index? My problem is cursor function, it's either locked on, locked off; or will not go right to left; or it will jump from the text entry field to the quote field; I can click a mouse location and not see a cursor bar appear, but if I start typing letters appear.
  24. Maryland has the same provisions, the SSN is required by MD law, and they can restrict permits of individuals falling into a given category; i.e. deadbeat mom's or dad's.
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