Im lucky enough now to fish 7 days a week, sometimes a couple times a day! Same kinds of south Fl. man made lakes and canals too. You are absolutely right on all counts. The angel hair algae that is always present on any submerged structure makes anything but waking a crank a pointless battle. Having to work in the opposite direction as the bass are oriented leads to having to invent your own patterns. Going from deep to shallow sucks! Man made structure has always been my best pattern be it docks, sign posts, sunken fences, shopping carts, culvert pipes or just simple run offs and ditch mouths. I also have found finesse fishing to be more productive but not neccessarily the big fish getter. Years ago on a trade with a guy in Australia led to a little extra swag in the package, a over the shoulder rod sling. It carries an extra rod just like a rifle on a soldiers back. I have since seen them advertised in In-Fishermans Catfish Guide magazine so they are available stateside too. Wading isn't much of an option in my waters not so much because of the gators but because the bottom is so soft it negates walking. All I do is sink to my knees. Worse yet, abandoned tilapia beds are down right leg breakers. Night fishing has been a real productive way to fish but has led to more than a couple a people calling the police on me even though I stay well away from private property.