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Everything posted by 0119

  1. We can cry pollution we can cry we like a different color, we can over think the whole matter but no one is giving even one moment's thought for their fellow man. This isn't about pretty water. This isn't about Yankee dollars or sugar. Taken down to the simplest denominator it's ALL about protecting tens of thousands of homes from flooding. MORE IMPORTANT than my fishing, some yankees vacation or all the soapboxing the overthinking academics can spew for political and financial gain.
  2. Im lucky enough now to fish 7 days a week, sometimes a couple times a day! Same kinds of south Fl. man made lakes and canals too. You are absolutely right on all counts. The angel hair algae that is always present on any submerged structure makes anything but waking a crank a pointless battle. Having to work in the opposite direction as the bass are oriented leads to having to invent your own patterns. Going from deep to shallow sucks! Man made structure has always been my best pattern be it docks, sign posts, sunken fences, shopping carts, culvert pipes or just simple run offs and ditch mouths. I also have found finesse fishing to be more productive but not neccessarily the big fish getter. Years ago on a trade with a guy in Australia led to a little extra swag in the package, a over the shoulder rod sling. It carries an extra rod just like a rifle on a soldiers back. I have since seen them advertised in In-Fishermans Catfish Guide magazine so they are available stateside too. Wading isn't much of an option in my waters not so much because of the gators but because the bottom is so soft it negates walking. All I do is sink to my knees. Worse yet, abandoned tilapia beds are down right leg breakers. Night fishing has been a real productive way to fish but has led to more than a couple a people calling the police on me even though I stay well away from private property.
  3. I don't think either one will balance on the heavy-ish 7ft. Mojo. Mojo's are not especially light rods. Especially not the MGX which is a very light reel. You'd need to add a Dahlberg balancer in to the butt cap otherwise it would drive you nutz.....
  4. I stand corrected. Off course Lew's would since they are nothing but a rebadged Revo.....
  5. Maybe where you live, not here. Not by a long shot
  6. Not universal. Daiwa and Abu share the same dimensions. Easily done. This site has/had a sponsor I think that made and sold some good ones. Hawgtech, they have a website.
  7. 2 years ago up Josephine Creek off of Istokpoga, we came upon a short stretch where it gets very shallow. Timing was perfect the big females were right there with the males at the beds. Using a Gambler EZ Swimmer I hook into a beast and enjoy a great fight right to the gunnel. Then she's just gone! The hook point didn't even break the skin, she was just holding on the entire fight with closed lips, even though I thought I ripped her lips off. The very next cast one thats even bigger and would have been my personal best. Over ten, 12 by my buddies calculation and he's very good at judging by sight. At the boat she spits it out and the hook point again isn't even out of the skin. About a half hour later we are further up the creek, past the only house on the creek. At a bend along a fallen oak I'm working a super spook jr. and the biggest bass I've imagined strikes it. Bigger than the other two. So fat she can only wallow with the her nose barely out of water and she takes several deep lunges under the boat along with a run that made me think she was a snook. At the boat just before we try to use the grippers to avoid the trebles she wallows again hits the side of the boat hard and the spook flies into the air past my face, she's gone. I drank that night.....
  8. Estuaries by definition are the area where fresh and salt meet and intermingle. The entire Charlotte harbor is this Brown, tanning and fresh, 365 days a year.
  9. That clear brown tannic stained water is cleaner than the inshore waters of both the Atlantic and the stagnant gulf. Sadly none of the folks/groups bellowing out in protest cares even one dingleberry about the environment. This is simply more northern money controlling our lives. Developers cannot sell if the news is telling heavy pocketed snowbirds that the water they are looking at is ugly. That is the only thing fueling this. 10 billion gallons is not clogging the rivers, its flushing them. Tests have proved pollutants are nill at most places and "within fed. guidelines" in the others. Coastline nature is well within its ability to cope with the outflow, since its from one way or another, a natural occurring thing and esturine wildlife isnt showing up in mass at any local wildlife rehab centers. Pictures of suffering wildlife has been determined to be deaths related to redtide which we have been suffering from in our area before the ouflow started. Johnny Yankee has been swimming in that brown water for decades here in Charlotte harbor where brown is the 365 day a year color. Johnny Rich Yankee in Ft. Myers beach can do the same thing......
  10. Ive had better luck with Revo's out of the Korean factory than I had from their Chinese factory. The Sargus and Pursuit have a loyal following on the Penn users group on facebook.
  11. Well I wouldn't call Peter Thliveros a none top level pro, at least not to his face, he looked pretty tough. Actually while I stood in line for nearly 15 minutes, not a soul spoke to him. Local putz's here wouldn't know a bass pro from a bass. Just a bunch of ignorant shrimp dunkers. That's why the local BPS isnt stocked with good crap. Nobody is willing to pay and all they want is surf casting monster gear and minnow buckets to catch 1/2lb. trout. BPS heck any shop, only is what the customer makes it be. If they're cheap 3 time a year pier fishermen then that's who they're going to cater to.
  12. Maybe that is why Berkeley has put the price on their new hardbaits at around $6.50. They have a Sebile-ish look about them. Pure Fishing is good at introducing things cheap then raising them steadiIy sold all my Bandits because they were not tough enough to stand up to my saltwater by-catch that comes with my bass fishing.
  13. I go to BPS at least 4 times a month. Most of my fishing money goes to Morris. Not because I love BPS but because its the only place to get bass tackle in s.w.Fl.. Locals are only about saltwater and bait. I now have 3 BPS within minor driving time of my home. Tackle warehouse is great but 99.9% of my buying, I want to see it, maybe handle it before I buy. Their choices are getting VERY poor. I don't buy in house brands so big sales on mainland asia reels doesnt draw me. Ive always avoided the big classic kind of sales until this one. It just made sense to me to use the trade in deal and let the gear go to kids instead of trying to sell it to someone who dickers you down and deal with shipping. Honestly I think I got the only 2 rods in stock that werent Abu or BPS brand. The only recognizable pro was Pete Thliveros standing at the lew's reels. Slowly BPS looses me as I increase my use of regionally made baits but its always my place to get shoes and t shirts. I don't expect BPS's college kid employees to give me advise Im not looking to get. But they are always friendly and willingly to help. I can NEVER say that about local mom and pop tackle shops who have ignored me at the register for decades while they gossip with guides. I really can't bad mouth BPS for selling me Chronarch CI4's for $50 off or Loomis rods for $40 off on top of the $ I had in points discount.
  14. Local news is pumping this issue for their extreme agendas. All those tests they touted for a week came back negative. Johnny redsox is mad he has to look at brown water while is snowbirds toes sit in the sand. No one is explaining the fact a hundred thousand folks might lose their homes if it's not pumped out. Ft. Myers beach water is always a dirty soapy gray mess normally, now that it's tannic, it's allegedly uglier? Too many northerners are having all the say in what we do to our own state. The snook trout and reds were not even in this area to be affected. I bet you are enjoying some good snook times up the river now. The upper Myakka is on fire for me.
  15. Anything other than nippers is fancy to me. I can't get a clean close cut on braid with even a new pair of scissors. Always had to resort to Sirsnookalot's hint of using a lighter.
  16. Why stop using mono if you are happy with it? I hate superline/braid. I see nothing useful in it and a hundred drawbacks. If your happy with your red mono, keep using it. Screw what others use or think or what some alleged expert/writer/pro thinks or says. Enjoy your mono that cuts easy without fancy tools, takes any simple knot and is more abrasion resistant than a line made of fuzzy strands of stronger than iron sewing cloth.
  17. Me too. So much I bought 2 of them today. And 2 Chronarchs to put on them. Very impressive for a sub $200 rod and I very much appreciate the subtle styling.
  18. Are you guys finding that the stores have much in stock? The 2 closest to me don't have jack, especially reels. They hardly have any Loomis except bluewater and even less St. Croix. I'm hitting Orlando tomorrow on a Valentines trip and hope they at least have a few Curado's. Gasp, I'm actually wanting to by Shimano!
  19. Small original rapala's are killer at times they will not hit anything else. A real day saver that is perfect on that set up.
  20. Super Spook Jr. Yo-zuri 3DB Square Bill Castaic Jerky J or Zoom Super Fluke Gambler Swim Jig with a baby EZ Swimmer trailer Hildebrandt Snagless Sally
  21. I'd go cheap on the soft plastic and spend the money on the best hooks or better yet Warbait jig heads. But then again I don't think I'd be buying much more of a bait type I don't have a developed sense of confidence in "yet". I think I'd spend it on some of Yo-zuri's 3DB Pencils and Square Bills.
  22. Just wrap it around the spool 5 or 6 times and then uni knot it, it'll never slip. No need for backing, tape, nothing. The line will grip on to the wraps under the knot. Utube Spanish Fly, he has a video explaining it.
  23. Super Spook Jr.
  24. Excellent reel! Many a snook and bass fell to me with a Sigma in my hands. Before that I used D.A.M. The Sigma's felt like feathers after the D.A.M.'s.
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