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Everything posted by 0119

  1. Pre 1995 In-Fisherman
  2. Get the biggest for your bang! Go to pure fishing's close out web store and get a $150 Fenwick Aetos or Smallmouth rod for 50%. Better rod than paying full retail for a lesser rod.
  3. Yeah that's my point. You do the work..... warranty is void, core protect that you paid for is gone, it's just a coating. With mag oil, open it, seal is over.
  4. Me too. Especially when it's now proven that after a solid pull from a fight or snag the line looses its invisibility and clouds up.
  5. Shimano advises that the consumer not open the new Stradic's or maintain them themselves. They feel they are too complicated for a non authorized service center to handle. The "Core Protect" special feature is damaged by non shimano certified repairmen. To keep your warranty from going void you have to send it in to a authorized regional service center. Not a feature that makes me want to go out and buy one. Same goes for Daiwa's mag oil feature. The consumer cannot open it up for even a simple lube. What good are expensive reels made so that you have to spend more money with the manufacturer to maintain it during its entire product life.
  6. I didn't realize he had passed on. I thought he simply was no longer involved in sponsorship here. Very sad to read this. Quantums have been a love hate thing for me. I find them to work well yet I don't seem to keep them long, they just don't convince me that lp's are better than old Ambassadeurs. My fishin' buddy uses and abuses Pfeluger spinners and they just keep on ticking. Their casters being simply rebadged Revos or Orra's you should have no problem with them before your interest in casting develops into wanting better.
  7. White Ice is always my first choice. If there is a lot of weed growth in clear water I'll use Tennessee Shad. Don't overlook plain old clear, it can flat out catch fish.
  8. Yeah but your reels spool is full of drag washers carbon dartanium or stainless steel. Worse it could be shimano cork! All hopefully coated with drag grease. Some reels have sealed drags to prevent what you are doing......
  9. You need to marry her! It took 29 years for my wife to remember Abu.....
  10. Some floro lines are better than others in terms of suppleness. Some spinning reel brands seem better at coping than others too. With your experience as a rigger I bet you have more knowledge about this problem than most of us. Shimano says to load your spool like it was a casting reel. I didnt have luck the way they suggested. I load as I do mono and use the old telephone book straightener/tensioner trick. I think you just cant expect much. They arent going to put too much more technology into it since 99.9% of the consumers use braid. That always gets me..... Soaking a spool in water, hot water even. All the drag internals and the special drag grease used to prolong its life just dont mix with soaking in water.
  11. The park must be completely under water then?
  12. Funny, when water levels are crazy high here, fishing is great. If the alley is out of the question I wonder about Markham park that runs along the north edge of the highway before you get to the toll booths for the alley. It looks like it has a lot of different bodies of water, all landlocked and not connected to the water retention system?
  13. I'm not sure about cannibalizing their stores but they do seem endanger of over extending themselves by there ever expanding number of stores. He also usually owns the malls that he is connected with through his development company. Now you see his stores being more 'stand alone'. Its frustrating to have to walk through an acre of hot sauce and ladies clothes to find the fishing section which keeps getting smaller and smaller. But I still cannot complain about the prices I find. Never being anywhere near a Cabela's to see a store I only experience them through their catalogs. They seem to offer more in the range of tackle to me. Cabela's did suffer something as Morris did recently try to buy them.
  14. The by catch in my waters are too strong to let a wire snap work. I tie a loop knot and get rid of all the split rings too. For me a knot has to be simple before anything else. If it be being tied in the dark or in a hurry as a frenzied school appears right at the bow. A simple mirrolure loop knot has worked for me for decades and can handle tarpon, reds, jacks and snook so for bass its fine. Its very fast can be tied in the dark by memory and can be used with even thick heavy leader.
  15. The alley has I think 2 recreational access points going in each direction. I've tried them on casual trips from the shore without much success. When I was a kid before the age of liability the entire alley was open to shore fishing. It was incredible. A lot of bucket sitting folks hit the floating docks on weekends. Best bet would be very low light times of day I'd say. Google southern drawl kayak fishing and Steve Gibson. His blogs have a lot of reports with useful info about fishing that canal system.
  16. Yes it is my favorite way to fish. But very hard to impossible to do in most of the bass waters I fish because of a lack of backcast space.
  17. Looks aint nothing. 99% of the country would expect the USA made reels to outshine the Chinese mainland reels. They may, from what folks are saying. The point I meant to convey was durability was iffy when the first owner developed the product. Now that its a doyo/banax/fox clone, who knows.
  18. A buddy got one of the made in US models before Ardent was sold off. It broke 4 different times. Each time Ardent quickly replaced it but each replacement broke. Every time it was a different issue. Of course now under a new owner the quick customer service might also be a thing of the past.
  19. Yeah we don't retire and stay here unless maybe your a golfer. 99% off the bass water in my county is now posted no trespassing. Don't even get me started about gun rights and how they have prohibited that here.
  20. Do you remove the paddle grips or do you use the entire handle from the Morris reels?
  21. Rod length was my worst enemy on the yak. With length came too long a butt which is always in the way when sitting. Tip length was bad when landing the fish. To get the bass close enough to lip at your side meant you were high sticking the rod begging for trouble. If the fish lunges under the yak you risk snapping the rod. Only enough length to pass the line around the ends of the yak is needed. Remember you spend tons more time working the lure than fighting fish. Comfort working the lure well should come before what works in fighting the fish. Especially compared to a rod designed to work for a guy standing on the deck of a glittery bass boat. Yak anglers are ignored by the industry.
  22. Absolutely. Side effects of an entitlement minded generation developed out of a society fixated on political correctness and special lobbyist reactionary type governing.
  23. I found the Orlando BPS well stocked but lacking in higher end rods. Pete T. In attendance. Today I hit the Ft.Myers BPS to return the 2 reels I had bought in Orlando. They had a Pure Fishing trailer and tents running. Reps from Penn Berkely and Abu. We talked for almost 2 hours. Enjoyed them a lot. This store is salty in stock but had much more upper end rods. Freshwater stock is improving and I still find them more friendly to deal with than my counties mom and pop stores.
  24. Or its just enough to burst and aged dike that's breached the dike a few times recently and suffers from decades of government disinterest in maintaining let alone repairing.
  25. This week was a complete turnaround. I saw 3 bass beds and about 5 thousand tilapia beds in all the prime areas. No true cold snap to kill them off this year so we will experience dwindling numbers of bass for 3 years. Only plus is hopefully the mayan cichlids will flourish to take up the slack. I caught only 3 bass and the big females went back to their mysterious hiding grounds.
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