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Everything posted by 0119

  1. If you find the more common soft jerkbaits hard to throw, here's two that might work. Mann's hard nose jerkbait and the Castaic soft jerkbait. A slightly thicker body style, they are no problem for casting gear with 14-20lb. mono.
  2. Your right it is an ideal platform to fish from. Long Mike.... you would have to reallt try to capsize a currently made sit on top fishing kayak. Remember what islanderfisherman said, dont get a whiz bang set up model, get a model you can set up yourself, as you like it. Browse the yak fishing forums for awhile to get ideas before you make a move.
  3. I have an Ocean Kayak Drifter. It is a simple design, but the price was right. If I had to do it over again I would purchase the new Liquid Logic S.O.T. I found the Hobies sitting position too much like laying down. I think it is better to purchase a yak that does not have any factory installed rod holders. It is better to set the holders up where you want them after a couple of fishing trips. I use a Scotty holder mounted on the console between the legs. Far enough forward to avoid paddle drips on the reel but close enough to reach easily. In front of that I have a PVC tube that is removable via an aluminum plate it screws into. It is made by www.kayak4fish.com and has a cushioned lip to protect the reel and a rod leash attached to it. I use the tube for spinning tackle and when saltwater fishing to help avoid salt spray on the reel. The Scotty is also removable and I keep for casting gear while bass fishing. Unlike most others I havent found the need to use more than one outfit at a time and have avoided putting more holders behind me. I tried it on my first yak and I always ended up catching the rods on the back cast or getting them hung up in brush while fishing very close to shore. I think a yak ultimately set up for bass fishing will be completely different to one set up for saltwater/open water fishing.
  4. Any kayak seriously meant for fishing is almost certainly going to be a S.O.T., clastrophobia doesnt even play a part. I can carry a cooler(s) and a tackle box of reasonable size along with it. While I dont see a point to it, many do stand in their kayak to fish, paddle or pole.
  5. Positioning and control are definitely things you learn to deal with. It is a chore for awhile but I think you get used to compromise. Your casts arent coming off the deck of a bass boat and are often a bit uncomfortable and clumsy. It pays to use a drift sock and outfit your yak with an anchor trolley to help position it better. The waters I fish are usually so shallow that I found a stake out pole the most conveinent. Check out the drag chains guys use on the georgia river fishing site. Though meant to be used in flowing water I have found it works to slow me down to a nice slow drift in the wind.
  6. Ive been yak fishing for a couple years now, both fresh and saltwater. Ive not found it limiting in carrying stuff though. You can carry several rods if you want and the tankwell holds tons of stuff. Then theres the inside the hull storage via hatches. I use TALS tubes to hold my most frequently used hardbaits and stick them in the cup holder and around the rod holder posts. I think rods behind the seat do hinder casting though. Its great to sneak up on fish spots bass boats cant get into. A word of caution about the Hobies, you sit in a more reclined postion, not upright at all compared to a regular S.O.T. It looks very uncomfortable for long periods of time.
  7. 0119 was my badge number. Homer is my avatar because I look and often act just like him especially when it comes to donuts. The Mr. Sparkles episode was my favorite. My quote, from another episode, was the price I had to pay for getting my daughter to finally install an avatar to my name.
  8. About 3 years ago I hung up a lucky craft crankbait while fishing a made made canal. I really wanted the lure back but didnt have a retriever. The water was shallow only about 6ft. max. but very tannic stained. On shore I cut as straight a slim branch as I could find. I ran it down the line and fumbled around and the lure let go wrapped around the stick. Attached to both sets of trebles was a 3ft. piece of trim moulding. I called by Sgt. who said the dept. helo was flying and that they'ed get it to make a pass. They did and could see the outline of a car. The dive team and a wrecker came and pulled out a 93 Olds somebody drove off the side of the canal.
  9. What a rough situation to be in, California has so many fishing possibilities. Are you bored with standard trophy bass fishing? I live a couple of miles from Boca Grande Pass which is tauted as Tarpon capital of the world. Saltwater fishing got boring for me. Having to deal with extra care for the boat, gear reels and such was tedious. Calculating tides since saltwater fishing revolves around a good tide. Heavier gear than I like to use. Leaders which I hate. Redtide being unplesant. I gave it all up for the most part to stick with bass. Less of a crowd, prettier surroundings. Comfortable gear. Less worries of corrosion.
  10. I fish out of a 12ft O.K. Drifter Kayak. One morning I'm fishing an overgrown canal system that's very productive with lots a fallen trees and such. There are a few homes along part of the bank. I was fishing when I heard someone laughing at me. I looked around but did'nt see anybody. Moments later I hear the laughing again. Still can't see anyone. I go back to fishing and a few minutes later the laughing starts again. I see movement at the tip of my bow and look to see an otter. Hes got his two front hands on the tip, resting his head on his hands wingling his nose and whiskers. He makes this noise and it sounds just like someone laughing. He stays there watching me for about 3 more minutes then slips away. I never go out without a camera now. Fishing that same canal a few months later, a water mocassin fell into my boat from a branch overhead. He lands about 8 inches from my feet. You never saw a 300lb man move so fast, as I dove off that yak. Amazingly it did'nt flip and I had to wait about 10 minutes before he gave up his new thrown.
  11. Very true about ph. My local waters have taken a huge hit this summer. The local government contracted wholesale weed eradication spraying. The ph and the fishing took a nose dive. Local golfers dont like the look of weed growth from the greens and their back windows! It distracts them and disturbs their serenity.
  12. Me, Englewood Charlotte County. Fish mainly man made waters and the Myakka and Peace Rivers.
  13. Daverph, Ive yet to find a site or forum dedicated to ultralight fishing. I prefer it to any other type of fishing. Fish Chris, Ive seen your familiar face in an issue of Cat-Fish Insider havent I ? I thoroughly enjoyed your imput. I will also enjoy your web site.
  14. Here in Florida, many saltwater species occupy freshwater bass waters. There are also bass in many roadside ditches. Fl. Fish & Wildlife biologist told me that birds do transfer fish eggs on there legs and feet.
  15. Excellent, way to go! Fl. may just produce the all time biggest yet.
  16. I got to shake his hand at the classic expo and he is definately cheerful. I dont think he touts the west coast on the air, any more than KVD used to talk about michigan michigan michigan on his dvds, or tattoo boy mentioned jersey and his childhood.
  17. I have caught alot of bass on Shad color Kinami Flash in the 4" size, in ultra clear water. I tried the Tiki Worm in the shad color, that is lamenated with a white belly. No bass but plenty of landlocked saltwater fish like Snook and Reds.
  18. I think the 26lb dead bass is just as interesting. Just how big can a bass get. Better yet, how big can a bass get in a "normal" environment. Can you call the california lakes that produce those huge bass, a "normal" environment. A sub species, transplanted across the country. Able to benefit from a artificially or at least man provided food source. I'd very much like to know what a "normal" bass living and feeding as it does everywhere else in its range can get.
  19. A few years ago didnt Orlando Wilson basically get drummed off TV by public opinion about the way he handled a fish?
  20. Im pulling my hair out. Went out yesterday with a friend on his lil' bass buddy. Hit a residential canal system with ultra clear water. Its 8ft deep with steep banks, leaving very little room for the bass to bed. The canal is about 25 yards wide. Its got a perfect mix of ribbon grass and sand bottom, pretty rare around my parts. We were under a high pressure system with bright blue cloudless skies. All in all conditions I would say call for finesse. I have been really getting into finesse fishing and used a spinning outfit with 10lb. braid and a 6ft. floro leader. My pal is 100% power fishing, 12-14lb line and big baits. I dropped trick worms, senkos, fries, lizards in and about the beds, nothing! One fish in 5 hours. The bass were both still beddings and in post spawn, easily visible all about. My buddy using a 10" ribbon tail worm caught 2 blind casting. Using a bass pattern Super Spook he caught a dozen bass. Bright skies, high pressure and using a walkin' bait caught between 11 and 1pm. He had tons of bass swirl at his spook and I would trow right at them with a trick worm, nothing. He'd let the spook splash down hard and loud in that clear water and it never spooked a one! Its tough being the co angler and mostly fishing used water but man, this was a day of total contradictions.
  21. Hi and welcome, this is a great site. The posters are very pleasant here, not something that can be said at every forum.
  22. I'd use waders in a heartbeat if I didnt live in Florida. I used to wade doing inshore saltwater fishing till a guy got killed by a saltwater croc when he jumped in the canal to cool off after mowing the lawn!
  23. Remember Doug Hannon? He always said his biggest bass catches were between 10am and 4pm. Most of the waters here in SW Fl. are lined with those pesky reeds. Ive watched some old timers pick out huge 12lb Bass from deep inside holes back in those reeds. They rake a path to it in the morning and come back to it 3 hours later. Using 10" black worms. I bet those big 7' Senkos would do the trick also.
  24. Shimano reels, the basic Calcuttas. Im just as likely to catch a small Tarpon or huge Snook while Im Bass fishing so I started using them, now nothing else feels right in my hands. Senkos, Leverage Buzzbaits/Spinnerbaits and St. Croix Rods, mostly Premier since I sense very little difference between them and the higher priced models.
  25. Guido Hibdon....he took the shame out of spinning gear!
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