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Everything posted by 0119

  1. Ditto on the gold Rogue with the orange belly
  2. 0119

    Top 5 picks

    1. Castaic Jerk Minnow in sliver w/grn back 2. Fl. bass pattern spook jr. 3. Spro white bucktail jig 4. Zoom trick worm, watermelon seed
  3. I never use more than one outfit on any fishing trip. Im either walking the bank or on my kayak where unused rods are waiting to get caught in my back cast. I feel everything except finese fishing can be accomplished on my MH baitcasting outfits. Your Med. action would serve well for soft jerkbaits, senko's, many topwaters and spinnerbaits. A M.H. would be the ticket for most other soft plastic's and pitchin'. I prefer it also for walkin the dog, but thats just me. Its good for buzzbaits and jigs too. Since I use St. Croixs' which are stiffer/heavier in action than other makers its also good for spro frogs too. As for which Curado, I cant get enough of the 7.1:1 ratio. Fast when you need it and slow is up to the person reeling in anyway. Dont let anybody tell you a 7.1:1 is a weak reel either. Proper fish fighting is done with the rod, never the reel. Besides with the HEG gears its a mute point anyway.
  4. Around here Nemire's are cursed at for not catching fish and being very fragile when they do. The Sebiles are Lucky Craft priced or more. They have been the rage here since the redfish tournaments started coming around. I havent tried them yet but have been thinking about it!
  5. Destruction of ours nations flag? I cant think of too many things that can top that. Destruction of property not his own, criminal mischief and a crime in the state he was in at the time! Careless boat operation is at most a civil infraction punishable by fine alone. Big difference from killing or nations flag.
  6. Never, I dont agree with the hype. From my experience when the red flakes off underneath it is a gold hook, very soft just like an aberdeen bream hook. I tried those cheap Eagle Claw laser sharp red offset hooks walmart sells. One fish and the point is either dulled or rolled over.
  7. I wanted to like Quantums PT series but everyone I got, got sloppy after about a year. I grew up on Daiwa and bought TD-S and TD-Z baitcasters when I got back into bass fishing. They all broke within 3 months from a variety of ailments. Abu will never get me again after the Eon debacle. Besides Pure Fishing sponsors Ike and I'll never buy there stuff again. I'm anal about my reels and on other boards sold lots of reels that were so clean every buyer thought they were unused. They get tender loving care. I'll never buy anything that doesnt say Shimano.
  8. Its been so warm this winter that the bass started spawning in mid Dec. and in my local waters the spawn is now done. Just this last week or so did we get the first true cold weather. Its really messed up mother nature around here. Snook and Manatees havent left for there normal winter grounds and arent expected to fair to well in the now cold water.
  9. BPS had a series of hooks called the conservationist series that were barbless worm,offset and trebles made for bass fishing. They no longer carry them, lack of demand! They were made for them by Eagle Claw. I checked with them when I was looking for them for inshore fishing. They said they no longer make them but would make a small lot of ten thousand if I was interested. Ive never seen any other bass oriented barbless hooks.
  10. Probably talking about the newer improved version that recently came out. The one you dont need a special allen wrench to open as the first model had. Check another site, on the rods/reels forum and use the search feature. Tritonmike who I see is a prostaff member was writing about it a couple years back.
  11. I dont think you can say the Ardent is a new reel. Its been out for at least 3 years now. Oddly Bass Pro doesnt list it in their catalog anymore but I did see it on their website. I looked at them when they first came to Bass Pro, the "staff" had nothing good to say about them(as if they know anything anyway!). The display model was missing the cast control cap and was bound up tight. They had no other reel to examine. To bad he still doesnt make it in a non magnesium model and open himself up to the inshore market as well.
  12. I live in Englewood. Fish all of Charlotte and Sarasota counties. Whereabouts are you?
  13. Snook fish everytime I bass fish. Plenty of snook in the lakes ponds canals and rivers I fish. Ive never found a website, solely dedicated to snook fishing.
  14. Yak fisherman from Florida here!
  15. Which flouro line do you guys find supple enough for casting?
  16. I have never felt at a disadvantage using my 2 piece St. Croix Premier casting rod while bass fishing. I felt no sensitivity difference's either. Its been plenty strong enough to catch not only bass but Snook, Reds and Tarpon too.
  17. I got 4 Spro Bronze eye frogs, 2 Curados in 7.1:1, 2 St Croix Premiers to match them, The Hunt for Big Fish DVD set, In fisherman Bassology DVD, Bass Pro Gift Card, $50 cash. Momma was good to me, I dont deserve her!
  18. I was surprised the Advent casting reel wasnt in the catalog, especially being a fellow Miss. company. Also that U.S. Reel Supercaster spinnning reel wasnt there either. Great advances in the in house brand spinning reels though.
  19. Ive been killing them with it lately in the Jr. size. I tried shortening the legs as recommended but found I got less hits. Slow is the key. Of course their working well here right now in south Fl. its 80 plus degrees! Wheres winter?
  20. sad................... though if he did go by the fisherman formally known as Tim Horton, it would one up rapper Ike.
  21. Ha Ha Shimano recoups...... The better half got me 2 new Curado's on the Lord's birthday.
  22. Wow no spoons! Zara Spooks! No Lucky Crafts! I vote for a Sammy. No soft plastics cause they are short lived quasi disposable. The best lure would have to have a sense of long term durability, like George Perry catching the record on his one and only lure.
  23. Yeah the walk the dog bait in the posessed series was real interesting I thought. Apparently they're all the rage on the Redfish tours. I'm gonna have to try one.
  24. They are all the rage locally with all the redfish tournaments going on. www.sebileusa.com is their address. Their about the same $ as Lucky Craft. They looked the same in quality at the local shop too. The stickbait and all the lures packaging looked suspiciously like Team Daiwa lures. ANyone tried them, hows the quality and durability?
  25. Guido Hibdon. I dont know what amazes me more, all the votes for Roland Martin or that anyone would list Ike !!
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